LOTRO Store Sales 08/08/14 – 08/14/14

Free Sample Of The Week

August 8th – 14th

+5 Hope Boost (90 minutes) x1

Use Coupon Code HNOW8 1/Account
We are all about crafting this week in the LOTRO store sales

Ingredient Packs

35% Off 25-175 16-114

Drac Says – DO NOT BUY THESE.. It’s a waste of TP! Take some time and go farm for the your mats.. or look on the AH. Or ask a Kinmate! Thumbs_Down (Custom)

Crafting Guild Access

35% Off 295 192 vip_button_small_en

Drac Says – If you want to get to the higher levels of the guild in your profession then I would buy these, the higher the level the better the recipes are. meh_red (Custom)

Craft Experience Boosts

35% Off 150-1300 98-845

Drac Says – I would not buy these at all, but if have a ton of mats and want to fly through them, then I guess these would be handy to use Thumbs_Down (Custom)

Rapid Crafting Boosts

35% Off 150-300 98-195

Drac Says – I would not buy these at all, but if you really want to cut down on some the grind of crafting tiers then by all means go for it Thumbs_Down (Custom)

Complete Crafting Tiers

35% Off 1450-4600 943-2990

Drac Says – I would say to skip this as well. Just save your TP and grind it out Thumbs_Down (Custom)

Recipe Books

35% Off 50-550 33-325

Drac Says – DO NOT BUY! it’s not that hard to get the recipes. AH, Kinmates, World, Trade, GLFF, World Drops Thumbs_Down (Custom)
25% Boost
On Mark Acquisition
August 8th – 10th