“A taste of the special honey rolls, is that your offer i can’t refuse?” I can just ask the beornings for that. They really softened up to foreigners since those dwarves saved their lands. Must have been that new conditioner that Thranduil allows to be traded to them.

Beorns house was guarded at every corner. Goblins and orcs are back from the Misty mountains is what they said. But clearly it was just the elves not wanting to share their rolls with a scruvvy hobbit.
Atleast some Beornings were more helpfull. Odd, but assistive. A bear that only likes vegetables but also beer? “Your relatives don’t live here anymore they have long left the Vales little hobbit”. Everyone has been on edge. Even the wildlife is keeping an eye out on the goblins. Sauron may be gone, but something is afoot.

Hungry as he had ventured for hours on an empty stomach after the Elfs ruined his dinner with Beorn. “Surely honey doesn’t spoil and i can just brush of the dust. It beats a soggy rubber biscuit”, he thought. The second he took a nibble of them he started to bounce of the walls. I can’t go hungry again!

As he slowly wandered the fields of the Gladden he was picked up by the most unlikely creature. A little turtle dragged him back to the shore. Flailing his arms and legs, Chompy scurried back into the Gladden as the pigs showed up.

“Grab the lemba, York. He’s delirious”. We’ll need to keep him in the pigpen for now. He’s a danger to himself. Never use a bad honey roll. They are stronger then your best pipeweed.

Now that the cat was out of the bag. Both of them have questions that need answers. What happened to the Tun Melen, who’s Sharkey and why was he really here? Hobbits and pigs will need to start trusting each other again.