[CJ-N3] Never ate your biscuits. It affects your judgment

If you got the chance. Try to find some Honey rolls. The special kind if you know what i mean. Don’t wait for it. I need that legendary recipe.

“A taste of the special honey rolls, is that your offer i can’t refuse?” I can just ask the beornings for that. They really softened up to foreigners since those dwarves saved their lands. Must have been that new conditioner that Thranduil allows to be traded to them.

Closed for wedding purposes? Fine, i’ll visit my distant relatives then in Tun Melen.

Beorns house was guarded at every corner. Goblins and orcs are back from the Misty mountains is what they said. But clearly it was just the elves not wanting to share their rolls with a scruvvy hobbit.

Atleast some Beornings were more helpfull. Odd, but assistive. A bear that only likes vegetables but also beer? “Your relatives don’t live here anymore they have long left the Vales little hobbit”. Everyone has been on edge. Even the wildlife is keeping an eye out on the goblins. Sauron may be gone, but something is afoot.

What happened? This entire place has been abandoned for so long that even the biscuits look hairy. What’s the root cause here?

Hungry as he had ventured for hours on an empty stomach after the Elfs ruined his dinner with Beorn. “Surely honey doesn’t spoil and i can just brush of the dust. It beats a soggy rubber biscuit”, he thought. The second he took a nibble of them he started to bounce of the walls. I can’t go hungry again!

Are you my mummy? Oh evil spirit where are you taking me? Visions of an old white robed figure, half-orcs in green fields. What’s happening?

As he slowly wandered the fields of the Gladden he was picked up by the most unlikely creature. A little turtle dragged him back to the shore. Flailing his arms and legs, Chompy scurried back into the Gladden as the pigs showed up.

Noffer is that you? You look great! Have you been working out?

“Grab the lemba, York. He’s delirious”. We’ll need to keep him in the pigpen for now. He’s a danger to himself. Never use a bad honey roll. They are stronger then your best pipeweed.

Just stay here for now. We need to have a talk when you sober up.

Now that the cat was out of the bag. Both of them have questions that need answers. What happened to the Tun Melen, who’s Sharkey and why was he really here? Hobbits and pigs will need to start trusting each other again.

Fantasy Flight Games Holiday Sale


It’s scary that I’m even having to talk about “Holiday Sales” The fine folks over at Fantasy Flight Games, have started there annual holiday sale on wide selection of tabletop board games.

They did not leave out the Lord Of The Rings Fan!





Work together to confront the ultimate evil! Your task is to stop the Dark Lord Sauron from winning back the One Ring and destroy it in the volcanic fires of Mount Doom. Join Frodo and the Fellowship on the perilous adventure across Middle Earth, and use your skill and fortune to guide you!, Lord of the Rings: The Board Game is fully illustrated by celebrated Tolkien artist John Howe. Help guide the Fellowship past Sauron’s wickedness and save Middle Earth from darkness! Players take on the role of five Hobbits—Merry, Pippen, Fatty, Sam, and Frodo—on their quest to destroy the One Ring. They must work their way through four boards, cooperating to overcome challenges and prevent the Ringbearer from being corrupted.

The Lord of the Rings board game is a unique and original cooperative game in which players must work together to defeat the game itself, a daunting task that will challenge even the most experienced players. The cooperative play style immerses players into the game, cheering their success and cursing the foul turns of fate that hinder their quest.

Holiday Sale Price $20.00





The legendary tale of Bilbo Baggins introduced the world to Middle-earth – the beloved fantasy setting created by visionary author J.R.R. Tolkien. The Hobbit is a novel that tells the tale of a diminutive hero that, with the help of a group of stalwart dwarves, sets off to infiltrate Smaug’s lair in an effort to plunder the dragon’s vast hoard of treasure, Now it’s your turn to take on the roles of the dwarves, aiding Bilbo in his monumental quest to defy the odds and become a legend…

The Hobbit,  is a board game of adventure and treasure for 2-5 players. On his quest to the Lonely Mountain, Bilbo Baggins will need assistance and guidance from his stoic dwarf companions. As one of these dwarves, it is your responsibility to aide Bilbo on his journey and ensure that you recover the treasure that is destined for you. Explore the fun and excitement of Plinko at https://plinko.com.in/ for a chance to win exciting prizes and experience thrilling gameplay.

The Hobbit is an engrossing game that’s great fun for the entire family. Join Bilbo on his journey to the Lonely Mountain and help him become a legend!

Holiday Sale Price $10.00





Relive the epic struggle of good versus evil in Middle-earth with The Hobbit Card Game, Martin Wallace’s fast-paced, standalone, trick-taking card game for 2-5 players.

Win hands and use the cards you’ve won to deal damage to opponents, or heal allies and help them with extra cards. Cards can be imbued with the powers of evil or good, and your character’s alignment determines how each power effects them. Each character assigns cards differently, so use your skills wisely! Fight the forces of evil as Gandalf, Thorin, or Bilbo, or smash the hopes of the heroes as Smaug the dragon or Bolg, the goblin leader.


Holiday Sale Price $5.00


The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Teaser Trailer

As promised the new teaser trailer was released today!

There is so much to talk about in this trailer! it looks to be quite the action packed movie.. and we see a quick glimpse of something that I did not expect at all! (at least not in the trailer)

What did you think of you trailer?

LEGO Smaug-Centric ‘Hobbit’ Set

Warner Brothers is unleashing alot of news at Comic Con this year.

If your a fan or collector of LEGO Sets, then this is wonderful news to you.

A brand new set, titled “LEGO: The Hobbit – The Lonely Mountain,” will mark  the first time the iconic dragon from the world of JRR Tolkien will be available as a Lego toy.


We know a few things about the set. it  is a 866-piece set that comes with five mini-figures — Bilbo Baggins, Balin the Dwarf, Dwalin the Dwarf, Ori the Dwarf and Gloin the Dwarf.

The center piece of the set is  Smaug, who comes with translucent fiery breath, scales, giant wings, sharp claws, spiky tail and poseable joints.

LEGO has gone all out for this set – The Lair of Smaug will showcase a secret door, an Arkenstone-encrusted throne, golden nuggets, treasures, assorted mining tools, conveyor belt, chain pulley to raise and lower bucket, furnace with a light brick, melting pot and torches with translucent flames.

Look for it at your favorite retailer this fall with a retail price of $129.00