Helm’s Deep Hunter Skills Video: A First Look

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then is a video worth a million? Regardless of the exchange rate, sometimes there’s just no substitute to seeing something for yourself. I made this video to show the new skill trees in action, and to specifically show how they will influence the hunter class in battle. Enjoy, and let me know your thoughts!



Braxwolf Stormchaser

Helm’s Deep Beta Test NDA Lifted

Today, Lord of the Rings Online developer Turbine announced the lifting of the Non-Disclosure agreement (NDA) associated with the beta testing for their Helm’s Deep expansion. Players who have been participating in the closed beta can now freely discuss their experiences.




Be prepared for a flood of opinions and information (including on LOTRO Players!) related to Helm’s Deep. To start things off, Turbine has included a list of links to user-created class guides that go into great detail on the class changes players can expect to see in the upcoming update.

Braxwolf Stormchaser

Why I’m looking forward to Helm’s Deep

With the next LOTRO expansion a mere weeks away, it’s time to start getting excited about the new additions to the game we hold so near and dear. I’ve jotted down a list of things that I’m looking forward to in the Helm’s Deep expansion:

  • Getting closer to the Lord of the Rings story in the epic story-line once again. One of the game’s major strengths over the years has been its ability to seamlessly weave in and out of the original Tolkien texts. This expansion is set to be about as close to the book action as we’ve ever been.
  • King Theoden!
  • More mounted combat. It started in the Eastemnet as a re-imagined combat system and was tweaked in Wildermore to accommodate the intense performance demands. Although no major changes are planned for mounted combat, I’m looking forward to riding down on foes in the open plains of the Westfold.
  • Smacking that smirk off of Grima Wormtongue’s face
  • Seeing if the new battle system is truly ‘epic’. Although the class revamp has gotten most of the press, possibly the biggest wildcard in the Helm’s Deep expansion is the new epic battle system. It’s the reason Turbine feels that they must charge for epic story content for the first time in a very long time. It also bears the heavy burden of having to re-create one of the most beloved sequences in both the books and films and not only make it believable, but also memorable.
  • Coming out of these depressing story-lines with a victory. If you’ve played the last few major updates, you’ve noticed that things keep getting worse….and worse…and worse for our heroes. George Lucas once described the parts of a three-act play as 1) Introduce your characters 2) Put them in the worst inescapable situation ever and 3) Get them out of that situation. We’re smack-dab in the middle of the Empire Strikes Back right now in LOTRO, and it’s about time we blew up a Death Star.
  • New animations. Braxwolf, just…faster.
  • Exploring new landscapes. The Riders of Rohan landscape is, in a word, breathtaking. Turbine really nailed the aura of the whispy plains and big-sky sunsets. It’s exactly how I want Rohan to feel as I’m riding through it. I’m looking forward to seeing if and how the west side is similar to (or different from) what we’ve already seen.
  • Re-learning my classes. Yeah, I said it. I’m actually looking forward to finding new rotations: what works, what doesn’t, inducting on the move…I’m far from an expert on skill trees, but if this is truly a “new baseline” for many years to come, it makes me feel good that Turbine is planning for the long haul. They’ve obviously re-newed the Tolkien license and are planning on using it to its fullest.

Braxwolf Stormchaser

Turbine Releases Dev Diary on Helm’s Deep Trait Trees

Earlier today, Turbine released their latest developer diary focused on the upcoming class changes for the Helm’s Deep expansion. This diary was written by HoarseDev and attempts to answer only one question: Why are the classes changing?

HoarseDev gives several reasons for the upcoming changes. Here is a bullet list of the reasons, each followed by my commentary:

  • Variety at the Cost of Potency

In essence, too many skills being acquired over the years has resulted in: a) Inability to grant newer, more powerful skills for fear that all classes would eventually be able to do all things, b) skill bars that were too full of stuff, c) redundant, boring and unused skills.

  • Homogeneity of Roles

If I’m reading between the lines correctly, HoarseDev is explaining why they couldn’t simply keep adding class traits to the current trait system. Once again, continuing to grant more and more traits & slots would eventually result in all classes being able to fulfill every role, no matter which build was chosen. It’s kind of like “a)” above, except with traits instead of skills.

  • Moment to Moment Play (& Additionally…)

These points are addressing the flow of combat, and seem to be openly admitting that the current combat is not fluid enough by today’s standards. Turbine intends to address this issue in a couple of ways: a) By removing less useful skills and making the skills that remain more potent b) By introducing new mechanics such as ground-targeting for crowd control and healing, and c) by incorporating “a bunch of brand-spankin’ new animations and effects”.

  • The Cost of Doing Business

Again, this section deals with the problems that come with having too many skills or traits and the effects that bloat has on the future of the game, and why the devs feel that these changes are needed.

And now we’ve come to the summation. This is what we’ve been waiting to hear Turbine say since the first hints of skill trees were dropped. Here’s the deal: The devs are re-booting the game. This isn’t just another sequel. This is Turbine wiping the slate clean and giving themselves room to work on continuing to develop the game for many years to come. The amount of character ability bloat that has been perpetuated over the last 85 levels was hampering the developers’ ability to develop. This is a long-term play, and it’s going to happen. Long-term strategies sometimes come with immediate-term sacrifices.

The diary was probably more concise than I:

These are big changes. They take some getting used to. We know this. We also know that for the good of the game and its longevity, we sometimes need to make big changes.


The new trait system that comes in u12 is really just the start of a conversation about how our classes work and how we can continue to make them better.

The comments above include my interpretation of the points contained within the post. I would highly suggest reading the diary for yourself and forming your own conclusion.

Developer Diary: Trait Trees in Helm’s Deep

Braxwolf Stormchaser

LOTRO Gives Helm’s Deep Beta Keys to Facebook Users

Want one of those oft-sought Helm’s Deep beta keys? Turbine has a Facebook promotion going on now that makes the process easier than ever. Clicking on the not-so-secret public link on their Facebook page sends you to an app that will grant you a beta code. @Lotro tweeted about the promotion today:


HD Tweet


This is an interesting move, but not unprecedented. I’ve had some conversations with folks who have seen stress tests during LOTRO betas before, and perhaps that’s what Turbine is shooting for with this ramp-up.

Reminder: the NDA for Helm’s Deep is still in effect, so if you decide to take advantage of this offer do not talk about the beta, even to say that you are in the beta.

Link to the Facebook app that grants you the beta key

Braxwolf Stormchaser