Helm’s Deep Patch Notes

The offical patch notes have been posted For Helm’s Deep!


A few highlights include :


  • Vault-keepers now sell bags of copper, silver, and gold coins. These bags of currency can be sent to other characters on the same world through Shared Storage, allowing you to share money without using the mail system.
  • Housing Chests have undergone a transformation. They now function more like vaults and other storage and can be upgraded to 75 storage spaces via in-game gold and to 225 via Mithril. Personal housing chests will accept bound items from the account that purchased the house. Kinship housing chests will not allow bound items.
  • Skirmish Marks and LIXP Runes have been added to Hobbit Presents.
  • Bounders Bounty Tokens have been converted to Marks.
  • Seals have been reset and converted to Marks and Medallions.
  • Seals have been removed from all non-raid challenges.
  • Travel rations are no longer required.

Full patch notes, can be found in this post on the forums

I for one am pretty excited about the removal of the Travel Rations! being a hunter, I used to have a TON of those things!

What are you looking forward to the most? Leave a comment below!


Scheduled Downtime Wednesday November 20



Sapience took the official forums with a post detailing some upcoming downtime.


On Wednesday November 20th, all LOTRO Game worlds will be brought down at 6:00 AM Eastern time (-5 GMT) to prepare for the release of Helm’s Deep. The LOTRO Store will be taken down at 5:00AM Eastern (-5GMT).

Release Notes will be made available during the downtime.

This downtime is of course for the release of the Helm’s Deep, which was delayed due to the datacenter outages…



There was no uptime stated in the post, so I’m not sure how long it will last.. it would be a good idea to keep an eye on the twitter feed Or Facebook Page to see when worlds will be back up!

So, what are going to do with your time, as we wait for the Helm’s Deep?

1. Go back and watch/listen to Episode 20 Of LOTRO Player News. Where we talk about things Helm’s Deep and our experiences in the beta


2. Review all the class changes Helm’s Deep Class Changes: A First Look Index

3. Watch Peter Jackson’s Vision of the Battle Of Helms Deep


4. Review the few changes coming up for skirmishes – What changes are in store for skirmishes in the Helm’s Deep expansion?

5. Lego Helms Deep!


How will you pass the downtime? Comment below!



Helm’s Deep Launch On Delay Temporarily

Looks as if the data center outage has affected plans for Helm’s Deep Launch.. According to the official Facebook page

We are temporarily delaying the launch of Helm’s Deep while we work to address remaining issues, and will provide more information later this morning. We thank you for your continued patience, and will keep you updated.


No time frame or more information is giving at the time of this writing, we will keep you updated as this breaking news story develops





Scheduled Downtime Monday November 18

Sapience took the official forums with a post detailing some upcoming downtime.


On Monday November 18th, all LOTRO Game worlds will be brought down at 6:00 AM Eastern time (-5 GMT) as we prepare for the release of the Helm’s Deep expansion. In addition, the LOTRO Store will be taken down at 5:00AM Eastern (-5GMT).

Release notes will be made available during the downtime.


There was no uptime stated in the post, so I’m not sure how long it will last.. it would be a good idea to keep an eye on the twitter feed to see when worlds will be back up!

So, what are going to do with your time, as we wait for the Helm’s Deep?

1. Go back and watch/listen to Episode 20 Of LOTRO Player News. Where we talk about things Helm’s Deep and our experiences in the beta

2. Review all the class changes Helm’s Deep Class Changes: A First Look Index

3. Watch Peter Jackson’s Vision of the Battle Of Helms Deep


4. Review the few changes coming up for skirmishes – What changes are in store for skirmishes in the Helm’s Deep expansion?

5. Lego Helms Deep!


How will you pass the downtime? Comment below!


Helm’s Deep Hunter Trapper of Foes: A Deeper Look

This week I started playing around with arguably (with the exception of perhaps the Lore Master pet tree) the trait line that has endured the most changes for the Helm’s Deep expansion: the hunter’s Trapper of Foes line. I’ve never given Trapper of Foes much of a chance, mostly because it was widely seen as boring and ineffective. Boy, was I surprised when I started messing around with the beta version of Trapper of Foes. This trait line has gotten a front-to-back overhaul and now focuses not only on crowd control, but also stuns and damage-over-time. It actually reminds me a bit of how the current Lore Master functions on live servers. Some of the highlights:

Trap and Triple-trap are now skills – no need for consumables

Decoy and Deadly Decoy – throw down a threat-generating scarecrow, and watch it blow up in your enemies’ faces!

Explosive Arrow – damages multiple targets in a selected area with fire

Ranged trapping – don’t feel like luring that dangerous predator over your way? Toss a trap in his direction!

So potent are the slows, stuns, DoT’s and roots that I was able to kill a couple of single mobs easily without even firing an arrow! I’m guessing that the true value of this class will be revealed in situations where most hunters currently struggle: dealing with 3 or more mobs at a time. Check out the video below and let me know what you think of the new, improved trapper line.


