Ah fall! leaves are changing colors. Hot apple cider to drink.
A Haunted Burrow to run through!
The LOTRO Fall festival is upon us again,Not much has really changed from last year (A few things have) or if your new to LOTRO or you need a refresher course on the Burrow or any of the quests involved in the festival, look no further then Causally Strolling Through MMO’s Guide.. Goldenstar once again, has done what she does best, and lays out the best guide covering this festival..
There are currently 17 warbands that roam Eastern Rohan. The maps below will help you hunt them down! The maps show approximate locations as warbands like to move around some. Each Warband has a daily quest associated with it that will earn you a box of spoils, which may content Marks, Medallions, Shards, a Spotted Hide, a Orc Head on a Pike, various housing banners and other goodies like crafting items and the Battered Ring of Rohan.
The Wold
The Wold contains four level 77 warbands:
Cinder: a large salamander and two smaller salamanders that roam the swamps west and south of Harwick. This is considered a solo warband and you are awarded a Blue Box of Spoils upon quest completion.
Hanrun: a big warg and two puppies, south of Feldburg. This is considered a solo warband and you are awarded a Blue Box of Spoils upon quest completion.
Urush: a band of mounted Easterlings west of Sarn Gebir, near Jóshkhin Orda. This is considered a solo warband and you are awarded a Blue Box of Spoils upon quest completion.
Bughrakh: a company of orcs on foot, south and east of Floodwend in the forest. This is for small fellowships and you are awarded a Red Box of Spoils upon quest completion.
The Wold Warband Locations
The Norcrofts
The Norcrofts contain four level 79 warbands:
Haglob: a single large troll in the Red Fields, southeast of Cliving. This is for small fellowships and you are awarded a Red Box of Spoils upon quest completion.
Swertriper: a Momma láthbear and two cubs, in the forest west of Faldham. This is considered a solo warband and you are awarded a Blue Box of Spoils upon quest completion.
Dahámab: a company of mounted orcs just south and a bit east of Cliving. This is considered a solo warband and you are awarded a Blue Box of Spoils upon quest completion.
Skútog: a band of Warg-riders usually found near the crossing on the river in the center of the Norcrofts, west and a bit south of Elthengels. This is considered a solo warband and you are awarded a Blue Box of Spoils upon quest completion.
The Norcrofts Warband Locations
The Entwash Vale
The Entwash Vale contains four level 80 warbands and two level 81 warbands. In this region, the warbands seem to occupy the same areas and hang out very close to each other.
Mâthum: a bunch of Warg-riders, running the hills north of Eaworth. This is considered a solo warband and you are awarded a Blue Box of Spoils upon quest completion.
Mirz(81): a half-orc leading a motley crew of Dunlendings and Goblins, north of Eaworth. This is for small fellowships and you are awarded a Red Box of Spoils upon quest completion.
Dâl: a mounted Uruk patrol running in the fields south and east of Eaworth. This is for small fellowships and you are awarded a Red Box of Spoils upon quest completion.
Fearhorn: a very large aurochs and a herd of smaller ones running around in the fields south of Eaworth. This is for small fellowships and you are awarded a Red Box of Spoils upon quest completion. (Don’t forget to activate Trample and play Aurochs bowling if you have a heavy steed!)
Urgai(81): A mounted Uruk of Mordor and his lackeys, southeast of Eaworth. This is a fellowship sized warband and you are awarded with a Green Box of Spoils upon quest completion.
Bensengan: A big wussy of a drake, flying around with all the big-boy warbands southeast of Eaworth. This is considered a solo warband and you are awarded a Blue Box of Spoils upon quest completion.
The Entwash Vale Warband Locations
The Sutcrofts
The Sutcrofts contain three level 85 warbands:
Bugud: an orc warmaster with a couple wargs and some other chronies, far east of Snowbourn. This is considered a raid level warband and will award you a Silver Box of Spoils upon quest completion.
Gundul: a half-0rc and a bunch of annoying craban, running around southeast of Garsfeld. This is for small fellowships and you are awarded a Red Box of Spoils upon quest completion.
Kramp: a bunch of Warg-riders and their leader, east of Snowbourn in the central fields. This is a fellowship sized warband and you are awarded with a Green Box of Spoils upon quest completion.
Riders of Rohan is quickly approaching and we’ve received numerous requests and letters asking “how do I go about quickly getting my new warsteed!?”
We’ve gone ahead and answered that question with a new guide that should be enough to answer your question with out providing too much (if any) spoiler content. This guide focuses on the quicker of the two quest arcs that ultimately end up with obtaining your steed and first bridle.