Critters Journey [63] To vault into Mordor

Last time we left our friends at the festivities after the battle of Critter Tirith, but forces have begun to stir again. Months have passed since the defeat of Sauron, but not all evil has put their weapons and claws down. Groups of Elves, humans, dwarfs and hobbits have aligned themself to explore the unbeknownst lands of Gorgoroth. But after the uncovering of the Mordor vaults by the Norbog news crew. A new fellowship of the clucks has been assembled to find this new source of unrest that threatens these poor critters.

Elrond as acting captain of the Wold Wildlife foundation has asked Middle-earth resident expert on critters to assemble a well-prepared team to take on this arduous task.

Critters Journey XL – The assault on Agamaur

agamaurXL1The first Critters XL is taking us back to Ost guruth where the crew has said their good byes. But it’s not long until Radagast asks for their help. There are fouler things at work corrupting even nature itself in the Lone lands. Radagast feels evil slipping into his lands from the North.

agamaurXL2This critters XL brings you the story of Georges, Bearly’s and squirles assault on Agamaur. Every member has had their encounters with saurons plans, but during these adventures they all realised it was greater then themself. Soon they will find themself facing even greater odds. They would need more help then just this raggedy crew. But that is for another next episode.

agamaurXL3Critters XL is a place for larger episodes that are part of the Critters Journey story, but are featured as a stand-alone episode. Either cause they are too large, wouldnt be a good fit or just not work when seperated over multiple weeks

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