Planning on going to Gen Con in a few weeks? Cordovan posted over on the forums about an event on Friday of Gen Con.
If you are attending Gen Con in Indianapolis this year (August 2 – 5), or live in or close enough to the Indianapolis area to want to attend, we’re hosting an official player meetup on Friday, August 3rd from 7:00pm-10:00pm Eastern at Social on McCrea! Besides hanging out with fellow Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons & Dragons Online players, you’ll have an opportunity to chat with us, pick up swag, win prizes, and have serious fun!
Where: Social on McCrea
When: Friday, August 3rd 7:00pm-10:00pm Eastern (-4 GMT)
What: A meetup of LOTRO and DDO players, along with some SSG employees, and perhaps even a few special guests. Swag, fun, giveaways, and more! We might even have a few secrets to spill. There is a cash bar available. Must be over the age of 21 to enter the establishment.For those who were at Gen Con last year, this is the same place we crashed last year, but this time it’s official! We’ve rented Social out for the three hours for a private event.
There’s a good chance some of us will continue to hang out after 10:00pm, but that’ll be informal and dependent on schedules.
If you are planning on going to the meetup, or Gen Con, I’ll be at both! If you want to know more about Gen Con and all things related, I’m covering that for our sister site DDO Players