Fushaum Bal: A short guide to your quest deed


This is one region I didn’t like one bit while testing it on Bullroarer and I don’t like it now when playing through the content on live. Maybe you won’t mind as much, but I like to have all my reputations maxed and this region doesn’t let you get away with it easily. What is the problem? The problem is that there are two factions – Fushaum Bal North and Fushaum Bal South. When finishing a quest for one you gain reputation for them, but lose for the other camp. So, how do you go around with this?

If you never used reputation accelerators before, now is the time. While questing here you will be gaining double the reputation, while only losing the normal un-accelerated amount.

First of all, how do you start this? You start as an enemy, I believe. As an enemy you will have only landscape quests available – killing a certain amount of enemies on each side, burning towers, burning tents, etc. Once you do these, you will get to the reputation of an outsider. Outsider has more quests unlocked you can get from the bosses of each camp. The maximum standing is neutral and once you reach it more quests will become available from these bosses.

I also like to pick up and do all the quest and turn them all in, but I do not suggest that.  If you are at maximum standing with one faction (neutral) then don’t keep turning in quests with it, lowering down their opposing side. Go turn in quests for the other side as well, then go back, etc. There is no need to lower the reputation of the other side if you are not gaining anything on the side you’re on.

Once you have finished all the quests at least once, find the quest that only gives you positive reputation – like Feeding the Nurnhoth – and do that one to max the reputation with one side. Then go to the other side and find out what their positive reputation quest without the negative one is and then max that side. It may require some repetition of the quest, but c’est la vie.

Only after you are done with this process you can continue to finishing the Fushaum Bal Resolution and advancing the quest chain. Good luck.