LOTRO Fall Festival 2014 Is Live

It’s time once again to run through the haunted Burrow! and open the chest to see if that elusive white painted skeleton steed is in it!


The 2014 version of the festival is now active on all servers. This years festival is running this year from October 21 – November 2, 2014.


Not a lot has changed from last year. Here is a run down of what’s new and or different..


  • Essence Reclamation Scroll added as a reward.
  • In Troves and Trickery, the map will now highlight the location of the NPC you are looking for, similar to other quest tracker area finders.
  • One robe and two new cloaks have been added.
  • Autumn Sun steed has been added
  • Warsteed Autumn Sun Caparison has been added


Once again, Goldenstar over at CSTM has put together her amazing guide. Head over to to CSTM to view all the info you need to know!


Official: Fall/Winter Time Events (Tentative)

Frelorn posted over on the official forums the tentative schedule for all upcoming events for the rest of the year

Here is what we have to look forward to in LOTRO :


  • 3 – 5: Hobnanigans
    21 – November 2nd: Fall Festival


  • 7 – 9: Hobnanigans
    14-16: 25% Mark Acq. Boost
    21-23: Lootbox Weekend
    26 – December 4th: 25% Bonus XP


  • 5 – 7 : Hobnanigans
    12 – 14 : Buried Treasure
    16- January 15th : Winter Festival


What are you looking foward to the most?


CSTM Fall Festival Guide 2013

Ah fall!  leaves are changing colors. Hot apple cider to drink.

A Haunted Burrow to run through!


The LOTRO Fall festival is upon us again,Not much has really changed from last year (A few things have)  or if  your new to LOTRO or you need a refresher course on the Burrow or any of the quests involved in the festival, look no further then Causally Strolling Through MMO’s Guide.. Goldenstar once again, has done what she does best, and lays out the best guide covering this festival..

Head on over to CSTM to see another world class guide by Goldenstar http://cstm.mymiddleearth.com/2013/10/lotro-fall-festival-guide-2013/
