LOTRO Players News Episode 585: Willow Woes

This week we discussed the Extra Life fundraiser, store sales, and our week in gaming.

Game News

Standing Stone Games is once again participating in the annual Extra Life fundraiser.

There is expected to be one last Bullroarer round next week and they are still planning to release the expansion the following week.

Store Sales

This is your final weekend for Double Bonus Points!

  • Get twice the Bonus Points in the LOTRO Store through October 27th!

Stand Out from the Crowd! Get 25% off:

  • Select Shared Wardrobe
  • Select Cosmetic Outfit Slots
  • Mounted Combat Trait
  • Select Cosmetics
  • Now through October 31st!

Weekly Coupon

  • Free Dye: Purple
  • Coupon Code: ITSPURPLE
  • Now through October 31st!​

Week In Gaming


  • Got into LOTRO for my double bonus points! Storage bags, here I come!
  • Continued second Going Medieval world in standard mode. 
  • Started a new Going Medieval world in peaceful mode because my settlers kept dying in raids.


  • My captain joined Friday Night Fights, where we ran several skirmishes and Woe of the Willow. After the latter, I concluded that I really need to make a Blue Line for this captain, as those boss fights are tough without a healer. Also. I managed to finish up the rewards season and finished Wood troll deed.
  • My Angmar warden ran the Black Grave.
  • In Minecraft, I tested out running through a Trial Chamber with some bundles in my inventor.
  • I returned to Dinkum hoping to reach winter soon so that I can try out the new wintry content.


We currently have 11 supporters on Patreon. If you would like to join this illustrious raid of players and help support LOTRO Players, Simply go to the donation page where you can support The Players Alliance on Patreon. Your money is used for our podcast hosting, website hosting, and paying for our live shows.

If you wish to support us without joining Patreon, just send Drac an email drac@lotroplayers.com



This week we did not receive any reviews but would love your support! This helps out a lot so drop us a review on your favorite Podcast App of choice!  If you leave us a review, let us know! 

Featured Comments


Hello there, Lotro players! 

It’s been a while, so I wanted to send an email to let y’all know that I’m enjoying the podcast just as I have been. 

I don’t really have much in the way of questions or comments, but I do have a bit of a brag: I gained Skirmisher of Middle-earth for the first time on one of my characters, and did it responsibly, too. I think Pineleaf might be pleased to hear that!

Happy impending halloween!

ravi (the eater).

Contact Us

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Final Thoughts

The Players Alliance LIVE Shows

Record Day/Time Varies  – DDO Players News  – 

Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. Eastern – LOTRO Players News

Join us for our live shows at lotroplayers.com/live

LOTRO Player’s News Podcast can now be found on Amazon Music and Audible

LOTRO Players Extra Life Team Results

extra-life-ad_300x2501We wanted to update everyone on the results of the Extra Life fundraising that LOTRO Players has been participating in. First off, we wanted to send out a big THANK YOU to everyone who participated, donated, showed up for streams, re-tweeted and shared. Every contribution makes a difference! Next, we wanted to point out that our pages will remain open and accepting donations for the duration of the year, so if you wanted to participate but were unable, you can still do so!

Now, on to the results. We’re very proud to announce that team LOTRO Players was able to raise $1480 for children’s hospitals around the country!

Extra Life 2014 was an incredible experience and we were happy to have shared it with the best MMO community out there. Thanks all!


Join the LOTRO Players Extra Life Team!

As reported on this week’s LOTRO Players News, we have created an Extra Life team to raise funds for children’s hospitals across North America! Any Extra-Life participants are able to join to help us reach our $3000 goal. If you can’t participate, but still want to be involved, you can still donate to any of the LOTRO Players team members and that contribution will not only count towards that individual’s goal, but also the overall team goal.


To join the team, go here and click on the “Join Our Team” button.

To donate to a team member, go here, select your favorite LOTRO Player (ahem..), and click on the “Support Me” button.

For more information, please visit their Frequently Asked Questions.

Braxwolf's Twitter

Braxwolf is Participating in the Extra Life Fundraiser

Hello, LOTRO!

This is a pretty unusual post for me, as I try to restrict my posts on LOTRO Players to strictly LOTRO content. I have decided to participate in the Extra Life charity drive this year, and am humbly asking for members of the LOTRO community to consider a donation to this worthy cause. As you may remember, longtime LOTRO community manager Sapience recently left his position for a new opportunity at Extra Life. Extra Life is an organization that raises money for Children’s Miracle Network hospitals.

I have a somewhat personal experience with one of these hospitals, which I have shared on my blog. If you’re interested in the full story, feel free to click though.

Otherwise, it’s easy to donate. Just head over to extra-life.org/participant/Braxwolf and click on the “Support Me” button.

I’ve set a lofty goal of $500, and every little bit helps. At the moment, I’m not sure what I’ll be playing during the “marathon”, but you can bet that LOTRO will play a large part! Thank you all for the consideration!

Braxwolf Stormchaser