Poems of the Pine: The Golden Hall

Pinesong on Stage

We decide to cross the river despite the king’s orders.

Book 11 – The Golden Hall

Despite the ban
We braved the ford
And galloped to the king
At the Golden Hall.
There Gandalf healed
The Grey-haired king
And expelled the worm
That poisoned the land.
The king decided
To create a force
To march to Isengard
Where the menace dwelt.
And named his niece
To the nasty task
Of bringing the citizens
To a safer place.
We searched for signs
Of the serpent’s deeds
And found the traitors
That took his gold.
Then we spread the word
That as soldiers muster
The people must pack
And prepare to leave.
The crowd watched
As the king assembled
The Riders to Rohan for battle.
While we were charged
To challenge the foes
That lurk in the lands near home.

Can we uproot the traitors within Rohan?

Pineleaf Needles

Poems of the Pine: Snows of Wildermore

Pinesong on Stage

Barred from heading west, we head into the mountains instead.

Book 10 – Snows of Wildermore

Banished from the West
And barred from crossing
The Silver Waters
Of Snowbourn River,
We continued our fight
Against foes of the Mark
Till we found the harp
Of Horn’s mentor.
Then word reached us
Of Wildermore’s plight
Where winter and cold
Kept a firm hold.
We searched the snows
Till we saw the might
Of Núrzum, a giant
Of unnatural strength.
To help us fight
The fell giant
We searched the Balewood
For a sleeping ent.
To wake Leaflock
We loudly fought
The orcs that defiled
The forest’s bounds.
Leaflock did wake
The woods that slept
To fight the foes of the forest.
And Nona we found
To renew our group
As we left the wilds of Wildermore.

Was our exile lifted while we were away?

Pineleaf Needles

Poems of the Pine: The Third Marshal

Pinesong on Stage

Our chase finally comes to a conclusion.

Book 9 – The Third Marshal

The Third Marshal
Thoroughly slew
The orcs who held
Our hobbit friends.
He saw no sign
To salve our fears
So we visited the site
Where he vanquished the orcs.
Our friends did flee
Into Fangorn deep
Where the hobbits were housed
By huorns and ents.
With them out of reach
To Éomer we returned.
To accompany him south
To Snowbourn town.
The people of Snowbourn
Despite the dangers
Refused to flee
From the foes outside.
So Éomer marched
To Meduseld Gold
To ask the aid
Of the aging king.
Yet the Worm controlled
The words of the king
Who placed Éomer in prison.
We were sent away
From Western Rohan
Till the king came to his senses.

What shall we do while we are exiled?

Pineleaf Needles

Poems of the Pine: Into the Riddermark

Pinesong on Stage

We head west to look for the remains of the fellowship.

Book 8 – Into the Riddermark

Lawless brigands
Burnt Langhold down
Forcing its citizens
To find a new home.
For helping the homeless
A horse we received
So we started our chase
On a steed of war.
We went to the west
Where wasters roamed
And camped outside
Of Cliving’s walls.
Yet further our friends
Had flown to the west
So we headed to the home
That Horn hoped to avoid.
The time was tense
As we talked with Horn’s sire
Who little liked
The last of his sons.
Nona disliked
The nasty mood
The came to the table
At the turbulent meal.
Nona did flee
But we felt she’d return
For her sword was set aside.
Until that time
We must tend to our quest
To find the fractured fellowship.

Will we find any sign of the fellowship?

Pineleaf Needles

Poems of the Pine: A Fellowship Endangered

Pinesong on Stage

We heard that the fellowship is in danger. Can we find them and give them aid?

Book 7 – A Fellowship Endangered

We peeked into a mirror
And peril we found –
We must follow the fellowship
And their fate discern.
On a boat we rode
Down the river’s course
Into lands where live
The Lords of Horses.
I was joined by three
On the journey south:
Nona the daring
Dunlending lass,
Horn who hailed
From the horse-lords realm,
And Corudan, our guide,
Of the Galadhrim elves.
We followed the fellowship
To the Falls of Rauros
Where signs did show
The shattering of the group.
Some walked to the west;
Others wandered east.
Which path can save
Our imperiled friends?
We chose the west
But chance did show
The fellowship was far ahead.
We needed steeds
Whose strides were quick
If we’re to hope to help our friends.

Will we be able to close the gap, or are we too far behind?

Pineleaf Needles