Poems of the Pine: Ride of the Rohirrim

We search for the Riders of Rohan.

Book 5 – The Ride of the Rohirrim

Hirgon the herald
Lay hacked on the ground
For orcs held the road
The riders would take.
We must warn Rohan
That the route was blocked
So we plunged into the wood
Where the Woses beat their drums.
The Woses were wild
But willing to help
As the orcs were foes
Of the foulest kind.
We recovered the corpse
Of the clan’s eldest son
To pay the price
Of their precious aid.
The Woses knew a route
The riders could take
Where stones from a quarry
Were carried to Gondor.
We cleared a path
And prepared to ride
For the winds had changed
To challenge Mordor.
At the edge of the field
The fires were seen
That burned and blackened the city.
The horn was sounded
And the horses charged
To break the back of the siege.

Now it’s time for battle.

Pineleaf Needles

Poems of the Pine: Minas Tirith

We arrive in the White City to find that danger is creeping closer.

Book 4 – Minas Tirith

It was time to ride
To the Tower of Guard:
The massive city
Of Minas Tirith.
We found Faramir
On the field as we rode
But he was downed by a dart
Of a deadly Nazgûl.
As the soldiers in the city
For a siege prepared
The steward studied
A stone for news.
He saw shadows grow
And ships approach,
While our foes filched
Frodo of the Shire.
The sun was gone
And a siege was coming
As the enemy gathered
For Gondor’s doom.
The white tree withered
And worry prevailed
For no hope remained
In the halls of the West.
We shook the vision
That vanquished hope
And spoke to Gandalf the Grey.
We must head for Rohan
Where its riders gathered
Or the West will lose this war.

Will we find the Riders of Rohan in time?

Pineleaf Needles

Poems of the Pine: Voices of the Past

We search for Faramir to deliver some good news.

Book 3 – Voices of the Past

The rangers readied
The raiders’ ships
To sail the river
As a secret force.
While the fleet set sail
To the City of White
We threaded our way
Through Ithilien fair.
We searched for Faramir
In the forested land
To bring word of our win
Against the wicked corsairs.
Yet the captain wasn’t seen
In the camps of his men
So we gathered in Osgiliath,
Which was gutted by orcs.
We searched the city
But no sign was found
Of the captain who raided
The countless orcs.
But news we heard
Of a nasty surprise:
A great weapon
Named Grond the Hammer.
We found the ram
And ruined its wheels
To slow its merciless march.
But our mortal foe,
Mordirith the False,
Returned in the guise of Gothmog.

We must head for Minas Tirith to prepare for this new threat.

Pineleaf Needles

Poems of the Pine: The Dawnless Day

The corsairs threaten the southern lands of Gondor.

Book 2 – The Dawnless Day

The fleet of Gondor
Was frozen in port
By Balakhor the Scourge’s
Belligerent fleet.
With the City of Swans
Surrounded by foes
We headed for Pelargir,
The Port of Gondor.
From the east the clouds
Covered the sky
To make the night
Unnaturally long.
The people we met
Panicked from the dark
As corsairs raided
The coastal towns.
Yet hope was not lost
For in Linhir we found
A man who danced
The darkness away.
He saw the visage
Of the victor of old:
Thorongil who thrashed
The threats of Umbar.
This hero was Aragorn
Whose happy return
Cast the corsairs from Pelargir.
Balakhor’s plans
Were balked at last
As the faithless fulfilled their oaths.

With the corsairs defeated, it is time to head for Minas Tirith?

Pineleaf Needles

Poems of the Pine: The Road to Gondor

With Rohan saved, it is now time to head for Gondor as we start a new volume.

Book 1 – The Road to Gondor

A lad was lost
In the lonely path
Where the dead had dwelt
Since the dawn of the age.
When the boy was safe
We braved the depths
To reach the realm
Where the ruthless went.
We arrived in Gondor,
The glorious realm
That fought the masses
Of Mordor’s host.
We aided the people
Imperiled by the dead
And eased the road
For the roving folk.
Near the city of swans
We saw a haven
That was captured by Corsairs
And Castamir’s heirs.
In the caves near the waters
There watched some elves
Who made us a messenger
To the maiden Lothíriel.
With the threat now known
To the thousands in her care
Lothíriel was in need of her knights.
As we gathered the swans
We saved the realm
From the nasty grasp of a Nazgûl.

What does these Corsairs have in store for us?

Pineleaf Needles