Cubicle 7’s Adventures in Middle-earth Player’s Guide Coming to D&D 5E

Awhile back, we told you that Cubicle 7 Entertainment and Sophisticated Games were bringing J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth to Dungeons & Dragons 5E.



We now, have a bit more information on what we will be seeing.

Dominic McDowall, Cubicle 7 CEO says:

“When the OGL was announced for 5th Edition, we knew we had to embark on a new quest. We have so much incredible material for The One Ring, and have answered so many of the questions posed by how to make a superlative, highly playable game set in Middle-earth, that we want to share with an even wider audience.”

The first book will be the Adventures in Middle-earth Players Guide which offers new races, classes, backgrounds and virtues, allowing you to create Middle-earth themed characters. It supplies new rules for Journeys, so much at the heart of Middle-earth stories. We add a system for tracking Corruption in the face of The Shadow, and introduce The Fellowship Phase, which gives players a chance to proactively describe what their characters are doing between adventures and build their story. There are also rules for Audiences, facilitating encounters between the great and the good of Middle-earth and your characters.

• 11 Middle-earth specific playable Cultures
• 6 New and unique Classes
• 13 New Backgrounds custom-made for Middle-earth
• Middle-earth appropriate arms and armour
• Unique Journey rules
• New rules for Corruption
• New Audience rules
• The Fellowship Phase
• Middle-earth maps (as the end papers) for Players and Loremasters

Those that are going to Gen Con, will get the 1rst chance to take a look at this, with a release sometime this Autumn. We will keep your updated on anymore news on this.