Scheduled Downtime Monday November 18

Sapience took the official forums with a post detailing some upcoming downtime.


On Monday November 18th, all LOTRO Game worlds will be brought down at 6:00 AM Eastern time (-5 GMT) as we prepare for the release of the Helm’s Deep expansion. In addition, the LOTRO Store will be taken down at 5:00AM Eastern (-5GMT).

Release notes will be made available during the downtime.


There was no uptime stated in the post, so I’m not sure how long it will last.. it would be a good idea to keep an eye on the twitter feed to see when worlds will be back up!

So, what are going to do with your time, as we wait for the Helm’s Deep?

1. Go back and watch/listen to Episode 20 Of LOTRO Player News. Where we talk about things Helm’s Deep and our experiences in the beta

2. Review all the class changes Helm’s Deep Class Changes: A First Look Index

3. Watch Peter Jackson’s Vision of the Battle Of Helms Deep

4. Review the few changes coming up for skirmishes – What changes are in store for skirmishes in the Helm’s Deep expansion?

5. Lego Helms Deep!

How will you pass the downtime? Comment below!


Turbine Account Maintenance Monday, November 4th

Turbine has sent along word via the forums and log in message of some upcoming downtime!


The Turbine Account Maintenance site at will be brought down for maintenance on Monday, November 4th from 9:00 to 11:00 Eastern (-5 GMT). During this time, players will be unable to log into the game or make changes to their accounts. Players already in the game when the site is brought down will be unaffected unless they log out or are disconnected.




Looks like this just regular maintenance and not an update..

Turbine Scheduled Maintenance Monday Oct. 7, 5AM – 12PM Eastern

Sapience took to the forums to announce some downtime on Monday Oct 7th

All Turbine Game servers, forums, and will be unavailable on Monday October 7, 2013 from 5:00AM Eastern Time (-4 GMT) until 12:00PM Eastern Time (-4 GMT) for scheduled maintenance.


Sounds like this is back-end standard server type maintenance. So no updates or patch notes.


So, what to do during this downtime, here are few things you can consider

  1. Get caught up on the LOTRO player news podcast!
  2. Bid on some auctions for our fellowship walk and help support Child’s Play!
  3. Watch The Battle Of Helm’s Deep with a twist.. (Spoiler Alert – It’s Legos!)


How will you spend your downtime??