Scheduled Server Downtime: Monday, December 7th


LOTRO Community Manager Andy “Frelorn” Cataldo posted a notice on the forums about upcoming server downtime:

The LOTRO Game Servers will be brought down on Monday, December 7th from 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM Eastern (-4 GMT) for an update to the game. Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon! Patch notes will be available during the downtime.

This will be update 17.1.

Scheduled Maintenance: July 27th from 3:00AM to 12:00PM Eastern


LOTRO Community Manager, Andy “Frelorn” Cataldo, posted a notice on the forums about upcoming server downtime:

The LOTRO Game Servers and will be offline for maintenance on Monday, July 27th from 3:00AM to 12:00PM Eastern (-4 GMT). The forums will remain up, but players may not be able to log in. Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon!

This is maintenance only, so no updates are being made to the game.

Scheduled Server Downtime: Monday, July 20th


LOTRO Community Manager, Andy “Frelorn” Cataldo, posted a notice on the forums about upcoming server downtime:

The LOTRO Game Servers will be brought down on Monday, July 20th from 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM Eastern (-4 GMT) for an update to the game. Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon! Patch notes will be available during the downtime.

This will be update 16.2.

Server Downtime: Monday, May 18th


LOTRO Community Manager, Andy “Frelorn” Cataldo, posted a notice on the forums and other social media about upcoming server maintenance:

The LOTRO Game Servers and will be offline for maintenance on Monday, May 18th from 3:00AM to 2:00PM Eastern (-4 GMT). The forums will remain up, but players may not be able to log in. Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon!

When asked via twitter about the unusual length of the maintenance, @LOTRO clarified:

This is a global Turbine maintenance. It is work being done to all franchises related to our planned upcoming datacenter move.


Scheduled Server Downtime: Monday, May 4th


LOTRO Community Manager, Andy “Frelorn” Cataldo, posted a notice on the forums for upcoming server downtime:

The LOTRO Game Servers will be brought down on Monday, May 4th from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) for an update to the game. Patch notes will be available during the downtime. Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon!

This will be Update 16: Ashes of Osgiliath.