Mordor Delayed *Breaking News*


Executive Producer Severlin posted on the forums, about a delay with Mordor


Mordor Launch Date Shift

We are as excited as many of you to get into Mordor, but we have some unfortunate news: we have to adjust the release date. While preparing over the weekend to release the expansion on Monday, we discovered an issue in the build that impacted the ability of monsters and NPCs to move around correctly. This problem was specifically identified in older content.

While correcting this issue is not a problem, the process to correct it takes too long to be able to release Mordor on Monday. So, we have to adjust the release date. We will have more info on the release date soon. We will know a lot more in the next 24 hours or so, and will pass along the info as soon as we can.




Sounds like it won’t be long, but it’s a delay none the less.

Insert “One Does Not Simply Walk” joke here.

Music System Delayed Again

Executive Producer Vyvyanne posted today about the Music System and it might not be good news or is it?

“Based on the dropped notes and the need to get 15.2 out to correct other issues currently on Live, we have pulled the music changes from the build, so they will not be pushed to Live with 15.2. We will continue to look into the dropped notes problem and aim to have the music improvements out with U16.”
On one hand, it’s good they are trying to get “it right” and they are concentrating on other issues for the next update.
What do you think of the delay to the music system again?