Critters Journey [35] Fellowship of food reserves

Daisy 4Talking with his old 4 legged friend Daisy decided that Elrond must have been speaking about his part in this partys plans. Every word must be about him for sure. With the departure coming up quickly Daisy did feel a little doubt creep in the back of his mind. Bill seemed to need his help so he tried to talk him out of joining this fellowships travels. But offcourse Bill had little choice after they saved him in Bree from his old owner Ferny.

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Critters Journey [34] A bad h(o/a)bbit

Daisy 3The days grew ever longer and more tedious. The elves were no fun, the food was too healthy if even it was there. Daisy grew a bit tired of Rivendell. Bilbo seemed to sense this in Daisy and he began to give him some sips of his wine. Being the small little mammal he was Daisy didn’t need much to get a little more free-spirited. In this mood he became good allies of some other hobbits that were usually up to no good themselves.

The hobbits were surely of no good influence on Daisy habits.

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Critters Journey [33] It is secret. It is safe. But where is it?

Daisy 2After trying to swindle some food from the gullible dwarf Daisy set his sights on some rumours he overheard in the Ettenmoors. Hobbits are a great source of food. Though his fellow rabbit is quite sure he misheard that.

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Critters Journey [32] Feast with a Daisy

DaisyDaisy is a sneaky, lazy rabbit. Daisy is a brown rabbit that lived it’s whole live in and under the fields of Coldfell. But lately the hobbits havn’t been his only source of food hinderance. All of his spots from his childhood has slowly been covered with red flags. He can’t read them, but if even the mighty aurochs stay away from them. So should he.

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