Spake Boromir: “Why can’t we use the ring
Against its maker, Sauron? Everything
We know about The Ring urges its use
For good! My lords, you cannot be obtuse
To this advantage? Rings are but a tool:
Used as the wielder wishes.”
“You’re a fool,”
Gandalf here interrupted. “The One Ring
Is bent to evil only. By using
The Ring, you but play into Sauron’s hands:
To be en-slaved, en-wraithed. The matter stands
Like this: remove The Ring from Middle Earth.
Or else return the ring to where its birth
Was forged: into Mount Doom to be made naught,
Destroyed for ever!” All those present caught
Their breaths a moment. Boromir could see
It was no time to press his claim. But he
Would argue at another time and place:
Thus later – he could better make his case.
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