Just like many other moments when one is off doing their part in protecting the lands from the encroaching darkness, all fight and no play makes a completely unforgettably and irresistible Bard, par boiled and with out joy.
Today I found myself returning to the lands of my birth, the green hills of the Shire. Nestled comfortably outside the Bird and Baby Inn in the north quarter of Michel Delving, the talented Green Hill Music Society gathered for their weekly concert.
With the sun setting beyond in the western sky, the sky was awash with a cascading orange sunset as the vibrant color beamed down upon the gathered dancers and onlookers as they enjoyed soft soothing music that would calm any rabid Warg. To bad they couldn’t follow me into Evendim! Imagine that, a pocket band on demand! Oh well. Guess I’ll have to settle with giving myself an excuse to return to the civilized cobble streets of the Delving and enjoy some drink as I listen to music finding some beautiful miss to cast a wink! With the sun disappearing beneath the horizon, the moon drifted as softly as the music in the air as it rose and danced with the stars beyond it. And rising slowly over head as the ballads of the bardic whom caressed the ears of the audience, the Scorpion appeared.
My night was not all enjoying the beautiful music of others, and taking Quill and Ink to paper as a bard of old. I took the opportunity to step forward and, just like my love affair with my harp I played my favorite piece, “Set Fire to the Rain.” As a grand treat, the harmonious voice of Melinor Melui of the Elven folk granted us the honor of singing the lyrics.
Every Tuesday at 9pm Servertime/EST, the Green Hill Music Society gathers outside the Bird and Baby Inn to perform their unique series of music for the public.
Want a story written about your music concert, rp tavern, or other happenings in the LOTRO music community on your specific server?
Send an email to fortemaestro@gmail.com