A day after announcing the surprise move to Standing Stones Games
Executive Producer Severlin was busy on the forums answering some questions and let this bomb shell drop
What if I let it slip that we are looking at substantial avatar revamps for the Mordor expansion?
I think we can all agree that prospect can be both exciting and scary. Avatar preference is super subjective, and even some of the best received game revamps have a percentage of players who prefer the old look. We are looking at providing an option to use the old avatars so we are not forcing players to use newly updated models and animations if they don’t want to.
Having two avatar paths then becomes a design challenge if we add new hairs or facial options; the old avatars wouldn’t have an equivalent option.
These are the types of design and art challenges we are wrestling with as we work on the expansion.
Well then, we all know how well that worked last time with the hobbit changes they had to roll back after outcry, so what do you think?