Boromir at the Council of Elrond

Boromir at Council of Elrond

Spake Boromir: “Why can’t we use the ring
Against its maker, Sauron? Everything
We know about The Ring urges its use
For good! My lords, you cannot be obtuse
To this advantage? Rings are but a tool:
Used as the wielder wishes.”
“You’re a fool,”
Gandalf here interrupted. “The One Ring
Is bent to evil only. By using
The Ring, you but play into Sauron’s hands:
To be en-slaved, en-wraithed. The matter stands
Like this: remove The Ring from Middle Earth.
Or else return the ring to where its birth
Was forged: into Mount Doom to be made naught,
Destroyed for ever!” All those present caught
Their breaths a moment. Boromir could see
It was no time to press his claim. But he
Would argue at another time and place:
Thus later – he could better make his case.

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Boromir in Rivendell



Boromir at Council of Elrond

In Rivendell that day had been much talk.
Said Boromir: “One simply does not walk
Into such lands as Mordor. Perils vast
And dangerous about Mordor are cast
By Sauron: Minas Morgul, the Black Gate –
All those who go to Mordor tempt their fate:
They shall be taken, added to the slaves
In bondage. He’s a fool who such things braves.
Say he succeeds: and enters. Well, what then?
Mordor’s a home for orcs – hardly for men.
Inside are plains of ash and stone, they say.
Who knows for sure? There’s no going that way!”

The council hear his words. And they were true
Enough. But what else could their peoples do?
Entrust The Ring to Gondor? Boromir
Had urged this course: leading the wise to fear
The Ring’s corrupting influence would rear
Itself in Gondor. This ring was no toy:
The Ring was evil: they must it destroy.

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