CMP Article: Level 50 Character Start Pack

Another great find by Contains Moderate Peril: an image on the unofficial LOTRO forums referencing items that would automatically level characters all the way to level 50, effectively skipping all original Shadows of Angmar leveling areas. There is some speculation in the post about whether these items are to be used on test severs only or if they are a glimpse of new store items to come.

My inital thought is that perhaps they will be offered as a part of a “legendary” expansion bundle, as an incentive to purchase a higher tier expansion.




As I posted in the comments section of the CMP article, if these items come to pass, I’d like to see Turbine offer an incentive to folks who choose to level a character all the way from level 1. Perhaps a character portrait frame or a ‘Moors rank-type icon. Anything but a title, really. But I wouldn’t condemn them for coming up with ways to more quickly get people to the new content. As we approach level 100, leveling a character all of the way to the most current content is becoming pretty daunting.

Link to original Contains Moderate Peril article

Braxwolf Stormchaser