The Witch-King of Angmar slays King Arvedui King and thus completes the overthrow of Arnor. But Gondor’s reinforcements arrive and completely destroy the victorious Witch-King’s army: effectively destroying Angmar. Only the Witch-King escapes back to Mordor.
The Witch-King raged as his minions fought.
But all went wrong that day –
For his previous victories counted nought
Which had been achieved just yesterday.
Arnor was destroyed, now their king was dead –
He was slain by the Witch-King’s hand –
Reinforcements from Gondor now fight in their stead
With their numbers like the grains of sand.
Gondor had assembled and had sailed north
With great force up to the North Downs plain
And the riders of Rhovanion rode boldly forth
To heap high the piles of dead orcs slain.
There between Nenuial and the North Downs fell
All the mighty host of Angmar’s Witch-King
Slain by arrows from archers up from Rivendell
And the longsword blades the Rhovanion swing.
All who followed the Witch-King lay dead on the field
Every man’s son did Gondor slay
And no quarter was asked – and no quarter was given –
So his black hordes perished in a day.
Alone was the Witch-King, yet strong in his power
And the Captain of Gondor he cursed
For he singled out Eärnur for death in that hour
With the malevolent hatred he nursed.
Dark as night was the Witch-King, coal-black was his steed,
As he charged out in Mordor’s name
Bearing down Eärnur – who in that hour of need
None could help. Fast the Witch-King came.
Eärnur never blenched, but his steed fled in fright:
The Witch-King his destrier could not stand.
The mock-laughter of Angmar shrieked out through the night
Like a fiend scenting prey close at hand.
Then Glorfindel advanced, like a bright, levin blast
At the Witch-King the bold elf-lord rode.
So the Witch-King took flight to Carn Dûm in the north
At the gallop and never once slowed.
Eärnur swore his revenge. Glorfindel bade him to peace
And prevented all hasty pursuit
Speaking prophetic words as the battle did cease
Which in ages to come would bear fruit:
“Angmar now is destroyed! The Witch-King from this land
He is fled. Nor will reign any more.
Yet his doom is far off – nor by any man’s hand
Will he die. This is certain and sure.”
Now the battle had ended, Eärnur took his leave
Leaving Arnor empty, overthrown.
But Mordor by its guile Eärnur’s life planned to reave
As our subsequent histories have shown.
Part 2 of the angmar experience is mostly travel across time, “old-school” and (technically not) first Raid instance in lotro.
Both Barad Gularan (BG from now) and The rift of nurz ghashu (the Rift) werent in the game at launch, but most will remember it as they were. Getting to level 50, running Carn dum and Urugarth to gear up took a long while. I don’t remember waiting for the raid itself in an update.
What i do remember was the intensity that came with both instances. BG is really small compared to the others. It has a mix of humans and annuminas armoured spirits. With the Angmarim and said spirits communing to make your life as hard as possible.
History – Weapon damage type
For most mobs you only need to know about physical and tactical damage. Hitting stuff with a wooden or metal object, casting magical attacks or hit them elemental forces. But in some places like Annuminas, Sarnur and Barad gularan mobs have near insurmountable resistances or effects when you strike them.
Each damage type has a few options, these came from the lotr lore and where the weapons came from. You could change them with a weapon title
You had Common damage (third age), ancient dwarf made, beierland and westernesse damage types. On top you could do fire, frost, lightning or light damage. All the mobs had minor differences to mitigations and resistances to these types. The extra damage was usefull, but certain mobs would just reflect your damage to you if you attacked them with the wrong type. Some classes can change their damage types with oils. But most elemental attacks are fixed. Having the correct types verses mobs from annuminas (armoured spirits) was a godsend to the healers.
The mini-nazgul that roam Angmar had the opposite of the annuminas. Not that much of an issue until recently. In the last expansion mordor these guys pack a mean punch. The carguls are a force to be reckoned with for any runekeeper or loremaster.
Even a hobbit on his 34th breakfast can still comfortably unzip his trouser button in here and fit.
A complex fight in an easy complex
After clearing the central hall, confronted with an immense door to the summoning chamber. The key holder is upstairs and you get the choice to go by 1 of the identical stair cases. Why there are 2 beyond a deed still ponders me. Along the way you find curious object to roll on from which you don’t really know what to do with. After earning the key you will find yourself confronted by massive room behind said immense door.
Before you is one of the most complex boss fights to this date. The thing that might come closest is Silent street or Naerband. Half of the group has to perform an extra task within 5 seconds of the boss shouting 1 of 3 possible lines. Remember those items you rolled on? Better hope that they didn’t end up on a melee character or your tank. Each line corresponds to a specific item that you have to use within those 5 seconds on 1 of 3 specific spots. If you don’t make it in time you will
1 kill anyone below 3.000 morale
2 kill anyone below 3000 morale
3 heal the boss for about 1-2 minutes of your dps
And 2 of these options happen every 20 seconds. The rest of the instance is a bit of a cakewalk compared to this boss. It punishes you, it hurts you. But that moment you succeed it’s so glorious. This is what most people consider the “old school” lotro/mmo feeling.
It’s a long arduous journey, almost like a military hazing. The grind is long, the instances are long. The kill is final. The kill is glorious.
What are you doing tonight? And tomorrow?
Speaking of long, I’ve left you waiting for long enough. We’re here to also talk about the most remembered raid in lotro. The rift. The rift, where to start. It’s the first raid a lot of people who started at launch remember. Beside the epic story it was the biggest story in lotro. Everything you did to improve your characters gear was mostly to finish this place.
Times were different, game design was different. To advance, grouping was a must. Lotro came after World of warcraft where the raids were still 40 people. Before that the mmo’s would feature even bigger groups to take down a landscape boss. Lotro was a bit more friendly, but the Rift was 7 bosses that would push you to the max of your character. Each and every bit of advantage you could get in food, hope tokens and gear you could get. You had to get.
So far away it doesnt even fit on the map
Nostalgia avenue through the Rift
Remember having to travel to the instance from earlier? This place was in the most remote place you could find in Middle-earth. If you didn’t need it for crafting or something else you would have your character parked there or you’d hope that you’re kin captain was still there.
Lens flare, still a thing
You’ve entered and made it past the first few mobs, walked past the wooden fench and past the gate into an open cavern. After figuring out which way to go you would fight Bash and .. the relative easy troll bosses with tank and heal, run away from aoe attacks, control and kill adds. The Eldgang giant would give you a long speech and move the circular rock like a cyclops leading his sheep out.
Not all dwarfs are evil
But instead of leaving the cavern you head deeper into Eldgang land. After picking up a few quests, barter some gear you will fight your way through a long-winded tunnel filled with wave after wave of ghashai orcs. Leaving the tunnel to the right and killing the static groups and heading towards boss 3. A different variant of troll and waves to fight. It’s not the best boss so far. Just a bit more of the same.
Thats not a critter
Looting the chest and getting around the corner you’re greeted with what were little worm pets before, but now are entire groups and their matrons. Fighting the matrons you will also be greeted by what we can assume they let them think is their boss.
Golodir will now accompany you across the lava fields and you have to fellowship maneuver the fumaroles to move forward while fighting waves of mobs and lieutenants. Wait, no that the epic skirmish from Mirkwood. Forget the lieutenants and shrink the volcanos.
The nomination for Evil oscar goes to
The everseer will await you nonetheless. He gives a rowdy speech to one of the Eldgang that is in league with the forces of Angmar.
Reflect heaven is here, so many dps classes meet their maker in this place by attacking the boss and skipping the adds. You know who they are. You will meet the darklings and after killing the shaman and adds the giant will go down.
The 2nd forgetfull part is here with the overseer introduction boss that is as easy and unremarkable that you might have even forgotten them. In a long corridor you find 2 of them. You will be greeted with the other side of the coin area vs boss
A sight you still see
. 1 area that has 2 boss fights back to back.
The Eldgang giant and his 4 waves of shamans
will split your group to function as two seperate fellowships. One fighting and dpsing the boss while the others tank the incoming waves and bring them down. After all the waves are handled everyone moves towards the giant.
The orc leader will now show himself while the fumes of the fumaroles and the heat of the lava will slowly cook you alive. Its time to fight lava with fire and burn the boss down as quickly as possible. Alas his armour will go immune and your poor tank will have to position him next to an active volcano. The little hunters can now kill said volcano to shower the boss with lava and render his armour useless for a while.
Thaurlach, tomorrow ok? Its bedtime
Everyone is dead, the Eldgang seem to agree you’re not bad people and will sell some pretty nice gear towards you. Finish some quests and you’re done. But what is this guy Thaurlach they want you to kill?
To balrog or not
Being a lotr game there are certain things you expect and things you just cant do. Being a super hero and going around killing the balrog that killed Tolkiens super hero Gandalf is on that list. Yet we need a big massive powerful enemy to vanquish in our first raid. Enter Thaurlach, a heavily weakened Balrog that was imprisoned for ages. And now we get the chance to vanquish him. Thaurlach, “the balrog”and other story moments will come along during your journey across Middle earth. But for now we’ll have to settle on this balrog.
The big baddy
Settling might be a bit of an understatement. This fight has about as many phases and objectives as Mordrith in Carn dum or Barad gularan. But instead of 6 people who need to work together you have 12 and a squishy elf.
During the entire fight your party will be split into 3 groups that has to protect the elf and tank while they remove the measures that kept Thaurlach imprisoned. After clearing the corrupted waters on both side you can advance to the 2 sets of puzzles that will lower the final door to the last set of levers. All these levers and waters are protected by nameless worldeaters and forces that slipped through the Rift of Nargashu to get their own little Balrog. The final levers are guarded by the Everseer, the master mind that set up the Eldgang giants against you. If you all complete this, Thaurlach is free to approach and ask for cookies.
He will say no and present you with a big beating. Keeping everyone alive while he bashes everyone around him and the elf is no easy feat. After being poked by tiny stick for long enough he will enrage and hit that much harder. Getting that final 150k damage after fighting the rest of the place for 15 minutes already was a real struggle.
All in all, this was a classic styled raid. Long, hard, full of mobs, bosses galore with a final fight that could fill 3 fellowship instances in itself. Is the Rift the best raid ever made? Would people still run it in the same setting? Battles longer then the raid itself have been fought over that topic. But except for a few places the Angmar experience or instance cluster is still fondly remembered by a vocal group.
A opinnion piece will follow later, but that will touch on things outside of this article series. See you soon for a more modern instance in the next installment of “99 instance’.
Barad gularan, Carn dum, The rift and Urugarth. As classic as instance go thesedays these can hardly be beaten. When people go nostalgic, they linger in the memories of Mordrith and Thaurlach. Urugarth and Barad gularan are usually thrown in with the other two. But they do deserve a spot in the limelight. Good thing that there isn’t a story about revamps, wings and scaled instances to talk about in here. For now we’ll talk about Urugarth and Carn dum and in a next article about Barad Gularan and The rift.
A crowning achievement in 2007
Launch, revamp and today
We’re in 2007, we’re slowly making our way across the smaller world of lotro. We’ve managed to get past the Seeing stones in Book 6. We’ve said farewell to the dwarves in Gabilshatur and finished Book 7. Golodir has send us out to retake the fortress area of Angmar which holds the instances of Urugarth and Carn dum.
Over 10 years later we do the exact same thing, but a lot faster in a different world. Angmar isn’t the final objective for travellers anymore. But it’s still there. And we still go. Class items, memories, a special loremaster staff for cosmetics, deeds or for an entire evening on your level 50 group.
Getting around
Both places are immense. Without a higher level or some nice legendary weapons to give you a nice boost in damage these instances and their denizens take hours to cut through. The game guides you on 3 different travels inside them by giving you 3 deeds to kill a set of bosses before having you move to the next group. After killing the last of the bosses you will be given a key that will allow you to bypass these guys/things on the next night.
No unsollicted sales at the door
Historic – key rings
Bag space was at a premium and the keys being a bind of character drop. The time your tank had to leave and finding yourself that he had won the key, fun times. Standing in front of a closed gate scouring /ooc or /lff for that rare combo. Turbine gave us key rings. A special bag that would store all your keys you’ve found. Saving you the chance to forget them in your vault and valuable bagspace for all that loot that (still) drops in both places.
Class items and last boss loot
The main reason you wanted to get around? Each boss dropped a special quest item. These were the final objectives in your level 45 class quest. Where the level 15 and 30 class rewards were good you’d still find a better reward in the end. Not for the level 45. Those rewards were the best thing you’d find for along while without going raiding. The Watchers cousin Helcham was the bane of every hunter (and we’re plenty). Same goes for the final bosses in Carn dum and urugarth. The most challenging, best rewards and bragging rights were given out by these guys.
The “smaller” instance
Big? How big?
Describing each boss or instance would give enough words for another article. I’ll leave you with a few numbers. Urugarth will get you 15 bosses to kill, Carn dum has 13. Combined they involve around 40+ quests. A full run will still take you about 60 to 90 minutes with a high level or a nice 2-4 hours if you’re doing it on level.
Third age fortresses
The area of north Angmar is a massive urbanized evil area with 2 strongholds at the end of the road. Uru- is a Sindarin word meaning “to be hot”, as in Uruloki (the Great Worms). Which is one of the larger bosses you will find. Where as Carn Dum is the seat of the witch king founded in 1300 of the Third age. Both were used as staging grounds in the war against the kingdom of Arnor around 1970 TA. After its defeat we get our taste of both when the steward of the witch king takes it as his little house on the angmarim prairie to enslave us in 3018 TA.
So far they have failed. Ever since they added the legendary weapons in Moria the clearing of the thrash mobs has been a lot faster. Ofcourse having a 115 with you makes it a cakewalk.
An eye for an eye, but we got laser sights build in these days
Classic lotro aka cap group
When people speak of classic lotro or Shadow Of Angmar as it was called people usually refer to the times that Carn Dum was the end game. The rift and Helegrod were the only raids in the game. Several times a year you will see a call for a level 50 only run or a classic run. Nostalgia is almost as powerfull as Sauron, but as we know Saurons power never grew as immense as they once were.
We’ll cover this part more in part 2 of the Angmar instances. When we talk about Barad Guldur and The rift.
Angmar is a silly place and it smells of elderberries?
What is Carn dum and Urugarth to the hobbits that weren’t around for the last 10 years? Angmar, fellowships, Volume 1 is just one of the area’s that is a bit of a dead-end. You ‘re 50, curious for Moria and the legendary item. Hold your goats for a second. Angmar and the sub-51 Eriador storyline is still one of the best story lines around. You have the chance to experience it without having to wait for new updates or a hunter to port you around.
It’s the one place early in the game to experience difficult and group based quests that’s not an instance. Depending on the time and server there wil still be groups forming for Blood Wing or Himbar. The dun covad fellowship, elite ttolls and drakes will scour you if they get a chance. You wont need a group fo 6 to complete them, but solo or with a small group there is still the sense of dread when you get caught by a patrol or pull the wrong group.
The Angmar experience
Angmar is one of the biggest quest area’s where each little town or quest hub will pull you further in the dark evil that looms further inside. The earthkin you might remember from the lone lands will get you to Esteldin where the vanguard of the Angmarim roam in Dol dinen. Heading into one of the entrances to Angmar you will be greeted by a massive encampment or the territories of the Drake matron. If you choose door number 2 it’s the safe haven of the earth kins again. Soon you will find the human encampment of Aughaire and the struggles of these guys being part of the force of the with king.
The epic quest will get you across the instagib barrier across the Malenhad swamp and the hidden town of Gabilshatur. The dwarfs have chosen wisely to stay hidden with orcs, uruks, trolls and drakes around the corner. Tales of another hidden safe spot further up north lead you towards Garth Forthnir. Hidden isnt overstated, but this will function as the quest hub for the latter part of east angmar. From here you will venture on a plethora of quest to disrupt the forces of evil.
Having assembled the key to the gates Carn dum or finding the hidden passage you will find yourself in the last bastion of hope. Quests for the area before Carn dum and Urugarth are here. And eventually the quests for instances itself.
So what is the Angmar experience? A multi-stage quest line that ramps up into what is still one of the biggest nonraid instances around. Nearly 2 years of story found inside one questpack and instances.
Welcome back to LotRO and Lore, an article series where we take a look at a few of the stellar ways that Turbine ties Tolkien’s wonderful writings into the realm of the MMORPG. Today we delve into the origins of one of Turbine’s most enigmatic creations: The enormous Earth-kin.
The Jorthkyn (or Earth-kin in Westron) are found in the eastern North Downs, southern Angmar, and eastern Lone-lands. They are a people of meagre wealth who maintain a hunter-gatherer culture in a world that has simply outpaced them. Their numbers are few, and their villages are small. From the dialogue of various quests they offer, it can be inferred that they are a nomadic people who left their homes in the east long ago. Any fan of Tolkien’s works will know, of course, that the Earth-kin are not present in the source material, so where did Turbine come up with the concept?
Let us start with some etymology. The word ‘Jorthkyn’ roughly translates from Old Norse as ‘Earth people’. This is an important clue to discovering their identity; while Tolkien used Old Norse roots for much of his mythology, one work of his stands out among the rest for being filled to the brim with it: The Hobbit. All the dwarf names in The Hobbit come directly from the Norse poem Voluspa. The professor also stated that the people of Dale had a language of their own which would be Scandinavian if translated properly. Additionally, the names Beorn, Smaug, and Gandalf come from similar roots.
There is a race that appears in The Hobbit that is never again mentioned in any other Lord of the Rings-related work: The Giants of the Misty Mountains. The Earth-kin are, in fact, a spin-off of these giants. For further evidence, note that in early versions of the Silmarillion, giants did exist, and they fell into a category called ‘Earthlings’, but they were later edited out of the lengendarium.
The giants we see in The Hobbit are largely antagonistic to Bilbo’s party, but the Jorthkyn of LotRO are friendly. As the company is making their way across the Misty Mountains and through to the other side, Gandalf mentions that he would like to find a “more or less decent giant” to block up the entrance to Goblin Town so that the pass may be safer for travel. Perhaps the decent giants Gandalf mentions are not too different from the Earth-kin.
Some speculate that they may be of another race of creatures, such as Ogres, that are mentioned in The Hobbit and never heard of again, but these races are never “on-screen” in the novels and as such may be entirely mythological, even in Middle-earth. Most likely, the Earth-kin are a branch of giants from the Misty Mountains that spread out westward in small numbers and settled in wild places where they could live at peace with one another as their kind dwindles into obscurity.
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