Rivendell Region Guide Coming For Adventures In Middle-earth


The Rivendell Region Guide takes your adventures West across the Misty Mountains to the Last Homely House, expanding play into eastern Eriador, covering not only Rivendell itself, but Angmar, Fornost, Mount Gram, Tharbad and everywhere in between.



There are also rules for creating your own Magical Treasure; playing High Elves of Rivendell; turning the baleful Eye of Mordor on your company, and facing more powerful adversaries than ever before.
This gorgeous hardcover, 144-page, full-color supplement includes:
• Background for the Last Homely House, Rivendell, the sanctuary of Imladris.
• Write-ups of the characters that might be encountered in Imladris, from Elrond and Arwen to Glorfindel and the White Council.
• New Fellowship undertakings.
• A history of Arnor, Angmar and the Rangers of the North.
• A region guide to Eastern Eriador, including the Barrow-downs, the Trollshaws, and Angmar.

• New adversaries to face, including Ettins, Hill-men of Rhudaur and the toughest Troll of them all, the Queen of Castle Hill.
• A bestiary of undead creatures, from Bog Soldiers and Barrow-wights to the Lord of the Nazgûl himself, the Witch-king of Angmar.
• Rules for powerful adversaries, allowing you to customize any monster to provide a
challenge for even the most heroic of adventurers.
• A set of optional rules, the Eye of Mordor, to track how much attention the Enemy reserves for the company.
• Rules for adding Magical Treasure to your campaign, including dozens of ready-made
artifacts, some famous, others less so.
• A new playable Heroic Culture: the High Elves of Rivendell.


The pre-order for Rivendell Region guide will open soon!

Moria Coming To The One Ring And Adventures In Middle-earth RPG


That gates of Moria are about to open up for The One Ring & Adventures In Middle-earth RPG.



‘Moria’ is the first release set to come to both games at the same time, arriving with support for both the original standalone The One Ring RPG and Adventures in Middle-earth, which is used as a setting with Dungeons & Dragons’ fifth edition ruleset. Cubicle 7 previously adapted existing One Ring supplements for Adventures in Middle-earth.


About Adventures in Middle-earth
Cubicle 7’s smash hit setting for 5th Edition OGL, Adventures in Middle-earth brings unique classes, cultures and virtues to the world’ favourite roleplaying game. It also introduces a series of additional rules for journeys in Middle-earth, audiences with the great and the good, and a whole lot more.

About The One Ring
First released in 2011, and written by Francesco Nepitello and Marco Maggi, The One Ring Roleplaying Game provides an original and highly flavourful set of rules for roleplaying in Middle-earth. The One Ring is renowned as the single most faithful adaptation of Middle-earth in tabletop roleplaying games.



Moria is due out for The One Ring RPG and Adventures in Middle-earth as a ‘deluxe box set’ in 2018.

The Road Goes Ever On For Adventures In Middle-earth PDF Out


The newest addition to the Cubicle 7 Entertainment Adventures in Middle-earth lineup is now available at DriveThruRPG.


The Road Goes Ever On is a thirty-two-page supplement mainly focused on making interesting 5th Edition Tolkien journeying easier for the Loremaster to create and run.

The PDF can be downloaded now and carries an MSRP of $14.99. You can pre-order the print edition from Cubicle 7 for $29.99.


The Road Goes Ever On is the Journeys supplement for Adventures in Middle-earth.

It comprises a 32-page supplement, packed with ideas, new rules and guidance, along with 8 map files for viewing on your computer or tablet.

The maps cover the greater part of known Middle-earth: Eriador, Wilderland, Rohan and Gondor/Mordor. With Player maps and hexed Lore Master maps, these provide an invaluable play aid for planning your Adventures in Middle-earth journeys.

The 32 page supplement includes:

• Extra inspiration for Journey Events and the wonders of Middle-earth

• Helpful tables to generate and inspire encounters

• A generation system for Middle-earth ruins

• A selection of pre-made monster groups to drop into your Journeys

• Battle maps for camp sites

• A new optional system for awarding XP to those characters who chose to evade combat

• Details on places to stay

• Guidance for awarding XP on the road

• Dooms of Departure and Oaths of Return


*Note the above links are AFFILIATE LINKS, LOTRO Players will get a small percent of the sale, this is another way you can help support the site*

Adventures in Middle-earth: Eaves of Mirkwood and Loremaster’s Screen


Cubicle 7 Entertainment will release Adventures in Middle-earth:  Eaves of Mirkwood and Loremaster’s Screen, a combination accessory and introductory adventure module.



Designed for both new and existing players, Eaves of Mirkwood includes a four-panel “Loremaster’s Screen” decorated with an image of the city of Lake-town on the outside and a number of commonly used reference tables on the inside.  In addition, it comes with a 32-page adventure module that tells the story of a party traveling from Woodmen-town to Lake-town through the forest of Mirkwood.


The Eaves of Mirkwood adventure can be dropped into any ongoing campaign, or used as an introduction to Adventures in Middle-earth for new players.  The adventure includes notes and guidelines for novice Loremasters, as well as a streamlined set of the game rules and six pre-generated characters.  This allows players to play the adventure without the Player’s Guide and Loremaster’s Guide.

Eaves of Mirkwood includes the Loremaster Screen, 32-page softcover adventure, 6 loose character sheets, and a 1-page optional rules sheet.  MSRP is $29.99

If you prefer the PDF, it’s available right now over at DriveThru RPG for $9.99


*Note the above links are AFFILIATE Links, LOTRO Players will get a small percent of the sale, this is another way you can help support the site*

Adventures in Middle-earth 5E – Rhovanion Region Guide Now Available


If your a fan of the Cubicle 7’s Adventures In Middle-earth for D&D 5E, you have a great new source book for you to use in your games.


Follow the Anduin river down from the chill springs of the Misty Mountains to the southern edge of the Wild! Explore the dread forest of Mirkwood, running from the lonely thickets of the north to the very gates of Dol Guldur! Enter the Heart of the Wild, and defend it against the rising Shadow.

The Rhovanion Region Guide contains material previously published for The One Ring Roleplaying Game in The Heart of the Wild.


The Rhovanion Region Guide is an invaluable resource for Adventures in Middle-earth further describing the lands of the River and the Forest – the rolling Vales of Anduin and the trackless forest of Mirkwood. It expands on the descriptions given in the core Guides, offering new sanctuaries and new perils for Player-heroes to discover.

Each region is described in detail, listing potential friends and foes, sites of interest and potential adventures.

  • An expanded bestiary contains a host of strange creatures and servants of the Enemy, from the beasts of the forest to the fabled Great Spiders.
    Variant Cultural Backgrounds for the Wayward Elves and Wild Hobbits offer new options for adventurers.
    New Fellowship Phase actions bring the wild to life in your games.




The PDF is available NOW via DriveThru RPG, the print version will be out later in the year.





*The above link is an affiliate link, we will get a small percent of the sale, this is another way you can help support the site!*