Cubicle 7 Loses Middle Earth License


Bilbo had has an unexpected party, and Cubicle 7 announced some unexpected news.



They will not be published The One Ring RPG beyond 2020, as a casualty of this will abandon plans for the One Ring  Second Edition and Adventures in Middle-earth™, and they’ll cease working with partners Sophisticated Games.


We have some very unfortunate and unexpected news to share. Contractual differences arose recently which we have been unable to resolve, and so we have decided to end our licensing agreement with Sophisticated Games. It is with regret that we have made this very tough decision to withdraw.

This means we will cease publishing The One Ring and Adventures in Middle-earth™ in the first half of 2020. Unfortunately, this doesn’t give us enough time to release the much-anticipated The One Ring – The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game second edition.


Cubicle 7 partnered with Sophisticated Games in 2010 to publish the first edition of The One Ring and was all set to release a second edition of the game in November until a dispute arose between the two publishers. The new edition was already written and edited when Cubicle 7 decided to end the agreement and cancel the release because they felt that they were unable to support the new edition further. With the pending release canceled, Cubicle 7 is facing an extensive refunding process for preorders, a potential loss on the game, and the possibility of disappointing their fan base. Cubicle 7 attempted to mitigate the damage by offering customers 125% of the value of their order in Cubicle 7 store credit.


Emails with instructions on pre-orders refunds are already going out to customers, and Cubicle 7 ask you to get in touch at if you should have had one, and have not.

If you qualify for a refund you can take it, no questions asked or accept 125% of your order of in-store credit instead.

Sophisticated Games are yet to comment.

Bree-land Region Guide Coming To Adventures in Middle-earth Role-playing Game


Cubicle 7 has let us know what the next supplement will be for the wildly popular Adventures In Middle-earth RPG. Bree-Land is coming our way in 2019!



Welcome to Bree and The Inn of the Prancing Pony!
Nestled at the foot of the ancient landmark of the Bree-hill, Bree and The Prancing Pony provide a welcome respite from the trials of the road. With a wisdom all its own, Bree has endured for centuries, minding its own business and serving passing travellers with good food and better beer.
Surrounded by deserted and dangerous lands, and watched over by the mysterious Rangers of the North, Bree is the ideal place to begin a new journey or take a rest from a wearying one!

Bree-land Region Guide will include:

  • Details of the Bree-land, including Bree itself, Archet, Combe and Staddle
  • Things to do in Bree: new undertakings and suggested adventure seeds
  • Maps of the Bree-land, Bree and The Prancing Pony
  • A complete set of customized journey tables for the Bree-land
  • A new playable culture, The Dwarves of the Blue Mountains
  • Three exciting adventures that begin at level 1 and carry the heroes to 4th level or beyond: Old Bones and Skin, Strange Men, Strange Roads and Holed Up in Staddle.


MSRP is $34.99.


Right now you can preorder both the physical book (due out in early 2019) and PDF (arriving later this month) in a bundle together for $34.99.

This guide was previously released as Bree for The One Ring Roleplaying Game but has now been fully converted to be compatible with Adventures in Middle-earth and the 5E OGL rules.

Cubicle 7’s Adventures in Middle-earth won the 2018 Origins Award for Best Roleplaying Game of the Year

May D&D Sale: Middle-earth Adventures [BUNDLE]


If you have been on the fence about jumping into Adventures In Middle-earth, now is a GREAT time to go all in, the good folks over at DriveThruRPG have a bundle up that will get you up and running.




This special bundle product contains the following titles.


Adventures in Middle-earth – Rhovanion Region Guide
Regular price: $15.99
Bundle price: $8.51
Format: PDF
The Rhovanion Region Guide is an invaluable resource for Adventures in Middle-earth further describing the lands of the River and the Forest – the rolling Vales of Anduin and the trackless forest of Mirkwood. It expands on the descriptions given in the core Guides, offering new sanctuaries and new perils for Player-heroes to discover. Each region is described in detail, listing potential friends and foes, sites of interest and potential adventures. An expanded bestiary contains a host of strange creatures and servants of the Enemy, from the beasts of the forest to the fabled Great Spiders. Variant Cultural Backgrounds for the Wayward Elves and Wild Hobbits offer new options for adventurers. New Fellowship Phase actions bring the wild to life in your games…
Adventures in Middle-earth Loremaster’s Guide
Regular price: $19.99
Bundle price: $8.51
Format: PDF
In Adventures in Middle-earth™ the greatest fantasy setting of all time comes to the world’s favourite roleplaying game rules! Take your gaming group to Middle-earth with this thematic and atmospheric, OGL-compatible setting guide.

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” The world’s greatest fantasy setting comes to the world’s most popular roleplaying game rules! This Loremaster’s Guide presents inspiration, guidance and additional new rules to help you create and run encounters, adventures and campaigns in the world of The Hobbit™ and The Lord of the Rings™, using the OGL ruleset.

Adventures in Middle-earth Player’s Guide
Regular price: $19.99
Bundle price: $6.13
Format: PDF
In Adventures in Middle-earth™ the greatest fantasy setting of all time comes to the world’s favourite roleplaying game rules! Take your gaming group to Middle-earth with this thematic and atmospheric, OGL-compatible setting guide.

Smaug has been defeated, the Battle of Five Armies has been won, and Bilbo has returned to the Shire. But much danger still remains, and from the Orc-holds of the mountains to the dark and corrupt depths of Mirkwood a darkness waits, recovering its strength, laying its plans, and slowly extending its shadow… In Dale, King Bard sends out a call for brave adventurers to journey to Laketown and assist him in restoring the glory of the North.   Adventurers come from all the Free Peoples of Wilderland and beyond, all…


Adventures in Middle-earth Wilderland Adventures
Regular price: $14.39
Bundle price: $6.80
Format: PDF

A failed robbery, the daring of two Hobbit brothers, a terrible crime, the flight of the Elves, the affairs of Wizards, black treachery, an ancient threat – seven stories await to be told in the Twilight of the Third Age. Seven adventures need a company of heroes to undertake them. Wilderland Adventures contains seven ready-to-play adventures, complete scenarios that can be played separately, or as an epic campaign spanning across a number of years. All adventures are set in the years after 2946, and take place in Wilderland. A wealth of background material expands the setting information contained in the core manuals

Total value: $70.36 Special bundle price: $29.95 Savings of: $40.41 (57%)

Buy the bundle HERE


In case you missed it, we have a full review of the Players Guide HERE

*The drivethrurpg link above is an AFFILIATE LINK, LORTO Players will receive a small percent of your sale, this is another small way you can help to support the site*

Eriador Adventures Now Available in PDF for Adventures in Middle-earth


We told you it was available for pre-order in hardcover, but if you want to get your hands on the PDF you can head over to DriveThruRPG and pick it up today!



Children kidnapped in the night, unusually cunning Trolls, a mysterious caravan, the fate of a company of Hobbits, the legacy of the Dúnedain and an evil awakening beneath the barrows – six new stories set in the ancient land of Eriador. Six adventures that need a company of heroes to undertake them.

Eriador Adventures contains six ready-to-play adventures for Adventures in Middle-earth, complete scenarios that can be played separately or as an epic series spanning a number of years. All adventures are set in the years prior to 2977, and take place in the lands surrounding Rivendell.

Eriador Adventures complements the background and rules material contained in the Rivendell Region Guide.

Delve into the ruins of overgrown Fornost, walk amidst the cairns of the Barrow-downs and venture to the lair of the Witch-king of Angmar himself, the ancient city of Carn Dûm — if you have the courage!

Eriador Adventures contains material previously released as The Ruins of the North for  The One Ring Roleplaying Game, fully converted to be compatible with Adventures in Middle-earth and the OGL rules.


*The drivethrurpg link above is an AFFILIATE LINK, LOTRO Players will receive a small percent of your sale, this is another small way you can help to support the site*




Eriador Adventures Coming For Adventures In Middle-earth


Cubicle 7 Entertainment has announced the next supplement for Adventures in Middle-earth is on the horizon.



This action packed set of adventures takes your Company around ruin-haunted Eriador, and is the companion volume to the Rivendell Region Guide.


Children kidnapped in the night, unusually cunning Trolls, a mysterious caravan, the fate of a company of Hobbits, the legacy of the Dúnedain and an evil awakening beneath the barrows – six new stories set in the ancient land of Eriador. Six adventures that need a company of heroes to undertake them.


Eriador Adventures contains six ready-to-play adventures for Adventures in Middle-earth, complete scenarios that can be played separately or as an epic series spanning a number of years. All adventures are set in the years prior to 2977, and take place in the lands surrounding Rivendell.


Eriador Adventures complements the background and rules material contained in the Rivendell Region Guide.


Delve into the ruins of overgrown Fornost, walk amidst the cairns of the Barrow-downs and venture to the lair of the Witch-king of Angmar himself, the ancient city of Carn Dûm — if you have the courage!


Eriador Adventures will be available in PDF format starting May 21, with the hardcover print version releasing later this summer.  Those who purchase the hardcover version will also receive a free copy of the PDF.  MSRP is $39.99.


You can head over to Cubicle 7’s webstore to pre-order today! PDF release anticipated week beginning May 21st, 2018, Hardcover anticipated Summer 2018