So by now, I hope you have been in and enjoyed the anniversary event. There is a bit of controversy that has erupted in the community over the new “scavenger hunt” event.
You will find a new quest give by the party tree, and you will have a list of things you must complete. it’s meant to celbrate LOTRO and take you back to some places and foes you have faced in the past, in theory that sound great, but some of them are in higher level area’s, or your flat you locked out getting there, so low levels are feeling left out.
Dev DrOctothorpe took to the forums to address this backlash.
In the new Scavenger Hunt, we wanted to celebrate the length and breadth of Lord of the Rings Online. That meant looking back over all the moments, regions, and yes, level ranges that cover the ten full years we have run.
When we sat down to decide how to celebrate a decade of our game, we fell in love with the idea of exploring the aspects of the game that you, our players, have told us caused you to fall in love with LOTRO: the story, world, and the many adventures, small jokes, and bits of color–sorry, colour– found across our rendition of Middle-earth.
We encourage lower-level players to make use of the incredible player community in LOTRO and get a little help from friends, kinships, and even kindly strangers to complete quests that go far afield. Also keep in mind that most of the rewards come from completing a single quest for each year. Our goal was to keep the event light and fun, where you could dip your toe in and get something out of it.
But here’s the important thing: the Scavenger Hunt will be back next year. The quests you have completed will remain completed and the ones that remain will be waiting for you. Of course, there will also be an eleventh year to finish, but that’s time for you. It marches onward for all the free peoples, even the Elves.
Too little too late? Makes sense to you? What do you think? Did you think the event was planned out well? or was just poorly planned?