LOTRO Video Highlights: Durin’s Folk

This week’s video highlight is a very well done ad for the kinship on Laurelin known as Durin’s Folk.  “Durin’s Folk: Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!” was released in 2013 on Lina Willowwood’s YouTube channel.

Do you know of a good LOTRO video and want it to be featured in this series? Send an email to lotroplayers.mymiddleearth@gmail.com with a link to the video and it might end up in a future article.

Helm’s Deep Launch Trailer

Today Helm’s Deep was finally released after much trouble with the server hosts earlier this week.  With the release of every expansion to LOTRO there is always a launch trailer to give the last marketing push before the servers come up and players fill the new lands.  This year is no exception.

While players never received a trailer that really shows off the grandeur of Epic Battles, this trailer came close with its showcase of the three roles in Epic Battles and a few shots of the combat within.

The Feel of Helm’s Deep Fan Trailer

Communicating how Helm’s Deep feels is a hard task.  It is unlike anywhere players have been before in LOTRO.  That is why I created this video.  It is an attempt to show how amazing the structure feels.

All the shots from the video were taken directly from my zone overview of Helm’s Deep.  I was surprised I didn’t need to shoot any additional shots and could simply use everything from my overview.

Helm’s Deep Western Rohan Landscape Developer Video

Turbine released a video looking at some of the new areas coming with Helm’s Deep.

In the video we see very iconic areas including the Glittering Caves, Edoras, Helm’s Deep and the Paths of the Dead.

We are able to see a lot of the behind the scenes concept art and computer models.

There were a lot of great screenshots and concept images in the trailer.

This is really getting me excited for the expansion.

Finally the music in this video was great and I hope they include it in the game.

Wildermore Video Series

After several months, several voices and several deaths; I have finally finished my Wildermore series!  To complete the series, it took 52 videos that each averaged out to twenty minutes which created over 17 hours of content.  I am still amazed by the amount of loss that takes place in Wildermore.  While there was plenty of loss, I had a lot of fun creating this series.  I hope you all enjoy it!  I plan to continue this series with Helm’s Deep and the zones beyond.

All 52 videos

The final battle (Part 52)

Wildermore Fan Trailer

A big thanks to everyone who has supported my YouTube channel over the last year!  Also thank you to everyone who visits and supports LOTRO Players!