Hullo There! Lizzy and I do our usual thing during a little Bingo Boffin adventure. Now Bingo is in Mirkwood, only Lilikate is experienced enough to assist. We spend a good half hour mispronouncing elven names and Lizzy dives into her new joke books to bring you all added entertainment....
Small LOTRO Adventures – Episode 38: Goblin Art & Lizzy Pumps.
Hullo SLA Followers! Lizzy and I are back with a bumper length video of us both enjoying LOTRO together. Lizzy clearly is the star of the show while I do my impression of the late and great Kenneth Williams from time to time. In the spirit of the grand bull-sup our footage is rather stilted again if not stationary. I did my best with editing out the worst of...
Small LOTRO Adventures – Episode 37: “Gab-il-azan”?
Greetings SLA Friends, This week Lizzy and I enjoyed the continuing Ballad of Bingo Boffin. We both wonder how we will ever find Bingo again. See you next time!...
Small LOTRO Adventures – Episode 36: Bingo In A Pickle.
Welcome to Small LOTRO Adventures. I knew Bingo was in for a bit of bother but I had assumed it would involve Goblins! Enjoy our 36th episode of SLA!...
Small LOTRO Adventures – Episode 35: Of Whiskers and Mountain Monsters.
Hey Everyone, A very quiet but current episode of Small LOTRO Adventures from us this week, sorry to make you all turn your volumes up. Lizzy and I follow Bingo into the Misty Mountains and discuss cloning. Lizzy is a big fan of Willem Whisker! I also think that Bingo is being a little too confident this week and will lead him into a ton of bother. Now we are...
Small LOTRO Adventures – Episode 34: Bonkers Bingo’s Buffed Book.
Hullo There! Lizzy and I finally caught up with Bingo in Rivendell and are now current in our content. Even with issues of OBS freezing mid video capture. I hope those of you who follow us still find this episode amusing with the added Lilikate capture filling the blanks. We will be back later in the week…...
Small LOTRO Adventures – Episode 33: SLA’s Big Adventure.
Dear Lizzy Fans! Lizzy and I catch up with our Bingo Boffin Episodes. We missed four episodes so it took a while to get caught up. It was a fun to record but you can tell after a full day we were tired out when we got to Imladris....
Small LOTRO Adventures – Episodes 31& 32.
Greetings Everyone! This is an interesting edition of SLA to entertain you this week. Sadly we miss Lizzy solving the Riddle from last week as she forgot to unmute the mike! We make up for it in the latter part of the video however… Episode 31: Silent Riddle Solving Episode 32: The Chat is Back...
Small LOTRO Adventures – Episode 30: A Pair of Pubs
Hey Everyone, A little belated due to Lizzy’s homework commitments here is last weeks adventure with Bingo as he travels through Bree and onto the edge of the Lonelands. We will be back with Lizzy I hope earlier this week, Lizzy is really keen on reading all comments and following her fandom 🙂 Happy Adventuring!...
Small LOTRO Adventures – Episode 29: Scaredy-Cat Bingo.
Hello! A belated SLA this week, Lizzy is back at school. This and other rl issues (we have builders diging up our sewers at Casa Buggins) caused our Bingo to be delayed. We hope to do better this coming week but it could be a regular thing to record on Saturdays. Here she is – ...
Small LOTRO Adventures – Episode 28: A Merry Fellow.
Hello LOTRO Players, Lizzy and I are back with our weekly update from Mr Bingo Boffin, this week we try and describe a particular character. I really enjoyed seeing the updated home of Tom and the River Daughter. I have a feeling next weeks episode is going to be scary 🙂...
Small LOTRO Adventures – Episode 27: Bingo Meets Marigold.
Dear SLA Fans, Lizzy takes over this week with her own style of recounting the tales of Bingo Boffin. I wasn’t even allowed a choice of title 🙂 She is still not confident enough to try combat while we record but this is something I am sure she will overcome in time. We enter the Old Forest! I have more than a few quiet chuckles listening to Lizzy talk to...
Small LOTRO Adventures – Episode 26: Bingo’s Afternoon Lovely Visit.
Greetings Lizzy Fans! This weeks title was bought to you by Lizzy 🙂 We adventure about on Liliditty this week, looking in Buckland to spread the news that Bingo had arrived for Afternoon Tea. Thanks to all those who have been correctly answering the Mystery Question. ...
Small LOTRO Adventures Ep 25: Bingo Bingo Bing – Go!
Hullo Everybody, This weeks offerings of Bingo’s chores are bought to you by Lizzy Buggins. We took quite some time to get through it all. Although edited it is still the longest SLA we have made. I hope Lizzy “Fans” will enjoy the entire episode. The “Mystery Question” is presented at the end of the episode. Lizzy does not hold...
Small LOTRO Adventures – Ep.24: Boffin’s Bucket Bother
Hullo Again! Our recording of Small LOTRO Adventures this week met with a series of mishaps and errors! Finally after much fiddling, adding and retracting here is our Bingo Boffin offering! We hope you have fun with this episode. Lizzy answers the mystery question and Lilikate poses a new one, I wonder how many of our viewers will know the answer? While out and...
Small LOTRO Adventures: Ep. 23 – Sink or Swim Bingo.
Dear Bingo or Lizzy Fans! Here is a wonderful installment of Small LOTRO Adventures! Lizzy is in complete control of the controls. I really didn’t have to do anything at all! Please show Lizzy your support by leaving a comment – Why not answer the Mystery Question? Which Lizzy can be heard asking toward the end of the episode. See you next week when...
Small LOTRO Adventures: Episode 22 – Short Stocks.
Welcome, Lizzy and I are really enjoying our time together, exploring the Bingo Boffin Storyline. Here we spend a whopping 27 minutes (our longest video to date) reading together and chatting about our lives. I hope you enjoy sharing this video with us. I chat about my new Kinship and Lizzy introduces us all to Scrappy. Here is the video: I noticed Lizzy is...
Small LOTRO Adventures: Meeting Bingo.
Greetings LOTRO Players, You all may be a touch impatient, like I am, waiting for the start of Weatherstock. Hurray- The Warm Up Whoopie is today 🙂 While your waiting why not while away twenty minutes of your time listening to Lizzy and I play the new episodic content in The Shire. This is the perfect way to enjoy LOTRO with family while also sneaking in a...
Deeper Underground
At your service and you families! Lilikate explores the famous Mines of Moria. Taking Jamiroquai’s song as inspiration, we (Lilikate and her Button masher) sing a little song about Dwarven Tunnels! Here are the adapted lyrics: “Deeper Underground” Yeah, you know they’ve been delving down here now Dwarves mined all these...
Lilikate Arranges with Maestro.
Hello Everyone, This is a video showing how to use Maestro to convert a midi file into an abc text file for play in LOTRO. I have avoided using the Lute, because of the twangy note in it’s range. I spent some time with the Lyrics, Applying LOTROfication as my skill saw fit. You can see and hear the results at the end of the...
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