LOTRO Academy: 17 – Account Types

Long overdue, Branick, Mysteri, and Calddir devote this episode to discussion and comparison of Free, Premium, and VIP LOTRO accounts. There continues to be a lot of confusion regarding the three account types in LOTRO since the Free to Play transition. We hope to make sense of it for you. Thanks for listening.

LOTRO Academy: 4/11 Status Update

Branick and Mysteri respond to feedback, give status updates, and talk about a few contests.

LOTRO Academy: 16 – Reputation

Branick, Mysteri, and Calddir return to discuss Reputation in LOTRO. Whether you’re new to Lord of the Rings Online™ and looking to understand what Reputation is all about, or a veteran player just looking for a refresher on the subject, this episode has you covered. And as usual, for even more in depth information, you can find relevant links in the show notes below.

LOTRO Academy: Spring Festival 2011 Special

In this episode, Branick, Mysteri, and Calddir are joined by surprise guest host Wicket to talk about the Spring Festival taking place right now in Middle-earth. We keep this one pretty light hearted and fun, so don’t expect to learn a lot with this one. We’re just here to have a good time during the festival. Join us, won’t you?

LOTRO Academy: 15 – Traits

Despite working with somewhat limited and dry information, Branick and Mysteri attempt to keep this discussion of traits as lively and entertaining as possible. Paying special attention to Virtues and Racial traits, they try to make sense of this often confusing topic. Also, Mysteri shows her skills as a research assistant and Branick shows his frustration with outdated and inconsistent information.

LOTRO Academy: 14 – Monster Play

PinkFae guest hosts this Monster Play focused episode to teach Branick, Mysteri, and Calddir everything they need to know to get started kicking butt in the Ettenmoors. If you’re at all interested in LOTRO’s version of Player versus Player competition, but aren’t sure where to get started, then pay attention. We’ve got you covered.

LOTRO Academy: 13 – Deeds

Often overlooked by new players, deeds are an important aspect of Lord of the Rings Online™ and we’re here to explain why. Branick, Mysteri, and Calddir discuss all 10 types of deeds in LOTRO as well as the rewards for completing them.

LOTRO Academy: 12 – Customizing LOTRO

LOTRO Academy is back. Brygard, author of the popular B.G.M. series of custom LOTRO UI mods, joins Branick, Mysteri, Calddir, and Areuhat for this episode about customizing your LOTRO experience.

LOTRO Academy: 11 – Internet Resources

In this episode we discuss some changes to the LOTRO Academy site and go over a variety of other websites and podcasts that we find useful, seeking to introduce you to several resources every LOTRO player should have at his or her disposal. Thanks for listening!

LOTRO Academy: 10 – Fellowships

This episode has been a long time coming. We had planned to cover fellowships much earlier, but were unable to for a variety of reasons until now. This time, neither flood, nor recording difficulties, nor software crashes during editing could keep it from you. If you’ve been hesitant to group up with your fellow LOTRO players, this is the episode for you.

LOTRO Academy: 9 – Fishing

This one is a bit more chaotic than usual, as real life kept us from our initially planned topic. Branick, Mysteri, Areuhat, and Calddir discuss various aspects of the Fishing Hobby in LOTRO in a somewhat rambling, and unprepared, format. We hope you enjoy it anyway.

LOTRO Academy: 8 – LOTRO Goals For 2011

It’s the first episode of the new year, and we’ve got some Resolutions to share with you. Branick, Mysteri, and Calddir share their individuals goals for the year and discuss what you can expect in the coming year at LOTRO Academy. Thanks for listening.

LOTRO Academy: Yule Festival 2010 Special

In our first Special Episode, Branick and Mysteri welcome our new cohost Calddir and we discuss pretty much everything we can think of about the Yule Festival. Happy Holidays everyone, and thanks for listening!

LOTRO Academy: 7 – Skirmishes Part 2

In this lucky seventh episode Branick, Mysteri, and Areuhat take a look at how to train your Skirmish Soldier. In addition to wrapping up our discussion on Skirmishes, Branick also interviews Calddir about his Steeds of Middle Earth website. Thanks for listening.

LOTRO Academy: 6 – Skirmishes Part 1

This episode marks the first of a two-part series on skirmishes. Even so, the episode weighs in at a hefty hour and a half, with plenty of content left for next week. Be sure to leave a comment with any skirmish related questions you have and we’ll do our best to answer them next week in Skirmishes Part 2.

LOTRO Academy: 5 – Auction House Gold

Branick, Mysteri, and Ramesey discuss buying and selling on the Auction House as well as other ways to make money in LOTRO.

LOTRO Academy: 4 – Crafting

This episode is all about crafting. With the help of LOTRO Wiki, Branick and crew are here to help you choose a crafting vocation and learn all about how the crafting system in Lord of the Rings Online™ works.

LOTRO Academy: 3 – Leveling to 20

In the third episode of LOTRO Academy, Branick, Mysteri, and Ramesey welcome Areuhat to the team. The four of us kick off the first episode of our regular weekly schedule with the basics of getting to level 20, from the Introductions, to getting your first house. If we left anything out or you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below, send us an email, or look for us in Middle-earth.

LOTRO Academy: 2 – Stats

In the second episode of LOTRO Academy, our new cohost Ramesey, joins Branick and Mysteri for an in-depth look at the various stats you’ll come across in Lord of the Rings Online™. From Morale and Power to Vitality and Will, we let you know just what those numbers mean.

LOTRO Academy: 1 – Getting Started

For the introductory episode of LOTRO Academy, Branick and Mysteri invite Damworth, leader of the Swifty and Hammo kinship on Arkenstone, onto the show to offer a brief primer on character creation in Lord of the Rings Online™. Topics discussed include where to go to get started, choosing a server, choosing a race, and choosing a class. Though we keep this one pretty light, we plan to go much more in-depth in our future episodes. You can listen to the episode using the player below.