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Windfola Yeoman Pack Auction… The Final Final Auction!
Greetings, I have a confession to make, as I was cleaning my much neglected kitchen I found a bit of paper underneath a pile of dirty dishes. On this scrap was a note about an auction that should have been posted weeks ago. I humbly beg forgiveness from the Mallehdrim Defenders on Windfola. Please if you have any pennies left, and this auction looks...
Torchlight II Auction
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The Last of the Fellowship Walk Auctions
Hullo Everybody, As we are approaching the end of our Fellowship Walk our totals are getting ever harder to reach. To help us try and get to those last goals I have posted the final batch of auctions. I hope there is something appealing in this last group to make you all bid and help us get to Rivendell. Thanks to every one who have donated, bid and...
An Unexpected Vidcast – Episode 15
Rubyrae Proudfeet introduces this weeks Vidcast. Big Burrow contestant Pashrin Skullcrusher joins us to recite his “Stone Love” poem for Dorralin. Meanwhile, Pashbo continues to follow Frodo’s journey taking him across the Lone Lands. Chumbly provides us with some Community News, whilst we also have time to catch up with the Adventures of...
Announcing: A Charity Album From the LMB.
Fellowship Walk Click this link to listen and buy this Album by Lonely Mountain Band Digital Album Immediate download of 11-track album in your choice of high-quality MP3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire 11 Songs for $5 !! 100% of the proceeds from this album goes to the Fellowship Walk charity. You can also donate directly...
Landroval: Tarnished Symbol of the Elder King Auction
Greetings, A kind donation from a fellow player, you could be crafting the weapon of your dreams with this Symbol. Bid generously! it’s for the babby hobbits! [wpauction id=”58″ /]
Riddles in the Dark/Tolkien Chats Auction.
Hail and Well Met. A fantastic opportunity! You could be chatting with the Tolkien Professor if you win this auction. [wpauction id=”57″ /]
Fellowship Walk: Event Guide 12th Oct and Weekly Poll.
Greetings, Last Saturday we all finished the walk at Bree Stage. We had music from the Beaux Chapeaux and some Poetry. At the time of writing this guide as have raised a total of $1850. So tomorrow we will be able to continue our Walking. The next stopping point is in the middle of the Midgewater Marshes. The good news is, we have only to raise $150 to...
LOTRO Store Sales 11th-17th October.
Free Sample of the Week. Max Morale and Power Scrolls x5. Use Coupon Code MXP59 1/Account Lilikate Says: A stack of 5! I am sure I can make good use of these 🙂 Store Sales: 1. Stat Tomes 25% Off 295 221 Trolls pounding you into submission? Friends defeated because you can’t heal them fast enough? Then it may be time to upgrade your...
Fellowship Walk Competitions to Close Soon!
Greetings Everyone, This is a reminder that many of our competitions for the Fellowship Walk are due to close on: Saturday 12th October. So hurry, grab those Screenshots (theme Frodo’s Route). Cosmetics (Best, Worst and Funny), Your poems and Videos for Myst. Send them into: Fellowshipcompetitions@gmail.com You can follow this link to find...
Poem and Sketch with An Unexpected Vidcast Auction
Hail Everyone, Here is a wonderful opportunity! The team at An Unexpected Vidcast have offered the winner of this auction a custom made Poem! The offer also includes the chance to feature in a sketch of your poem in an episode of An Unexpected Vidcast. I really like this auction and I am off to Bug Mr Buggins to see if we have some...
Emote Session with Lizzyrose Buggins Auction.
Hello Everybody, Today Lizzyrose a very small Hobbit not even in her tweens yet, would like to give you all the opportunity to spend some time emoting with her. You have to /cheer and /wave and /roar and /laugh and use all the other emotes. Lizzy wants to say: She will come to whichever server you choose. This is a cool adventure and a ton of fun....
Grid 2 Auction
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Trine 2 Auction.
Greetings, The last of our auctions for this years Fellowship Walk 2013. Thanks again to an anonymous donor for this game. Here is a link to the full details of this game Link to Trine 2 [wpauction id=”62″ /] ...
Bastion Auction
Hullo. I would like to thank an anonymous player of LOTRO for this auction. There is a link in the auction description for you to view this game and all details attached. Bastion on Steam [wpauction id=”61″ /]
Star Wars Jedi Knight Auction
Welcome, Another auction, it may interest all you Star Wars fans. [wpauction id=”21″ /]
War of the Roses Auction
Hullo Everyone, Here is a game up for auction set in the middle-ages. [wpauction id=”20″ /]
Rage Auction
Greetings, More gaming fun up for auction, with this rather angry looking offering. [wpauction id=”19″ /]
Fallout 3 Auction
Hullo there! Another game up for auction: [wpauction id=”14″ /]
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