Greetings LOTRO Players, It is so nice to see this thread growing in length after a dry spell. I think there is something for everyone in these listings. If you have an event and wish to have it included in my listings please leave a comment or email The same address can be used to alert me to an error in the listings. I look forward...
Weatherstock Concert Series: 21st June. Die Meisterbaden Von Bree
Greetings, Another concert today, an offering from Die Meisterbaden Von Bree. They will be playing in Bree! (Yes, on Landroval). A great band with a fantastic reputation. I wonder how many dancing Hobbits there will be today, or will they have dancing Dwarves? Always a band to have a few surprises in store. I am sure they would love to see a big...
Weatherstock Concert Series: 20th June. Polnolunie and Les Chantefables.
Hullo again! Not one but two WCS concerts today. We have a new band to our server system. All the way from the recently closed Russian servers we have Polnolunie. I am very excited to see the new talent of the three Russian bands. After them we have our beloved Les Chantefables. Polnolunie will be playing at Breetown Stage at 1.00pm and Les Chantefables will be...
Weatherstock Concert Series: A Rock And A Hard Place.
Hullo Everybody, A busy weekend for the Concert Series, starting with a Friday afternoon performance by last year’s victors “A Rock and a Hard Place”. Check out their concert on Landroval at 4.00pm Server Time (EDT). The Location: Bree Stage. Don’t forget Tinki’s food and drink items are complimentary. All Hobbits can expect a...
Weatherstock Concert Series: The Runic Knights Orchestra
The Runic Knights Orchestra are the third band to perform in the Weatherstock Concert Series. Playing in the Park in Bree Town, bring your selves for that’s all you will need. To minimize lag it is a good idea to leave pets at home, fold cloaks into your bangs. Use the Stable Master to get to Bree and then take a short walk rather than be mounted in a...
Community Events June 15th to June 21st
Dear LOTRO Players, A packed week of events. Every effort is made to ensure details are correct at time of posting. I will be updating this information as the week progresses. If you would like an event added or spot a missprint please let me know in the comments or via email ( and I will make corrections. If you expected to see your...
Weatherstock Concert Series: Notenzauber
Our second performance of the Weatherstock Concert Series is set for today 13th June, at 2.00pm EDT. On Landroval. Please come along and support Notenzauber as they play music in Bree. As described “A musical journey around the world”. Vending staff will be present to aid the thirsty and hungry. ...
Weatherstock Concert Series: The Greyhawke Band
Weatherstock begins tonight! The concert series begins today with each of our 20 bands playing an hours worth of music. Only ten of our WCS bands will move forward to play on the summit at this server famous music competition. June 12th 9.00pm at the new Stage in Bree Festival Grounds. Come along for fine music and nibbles served by our beloved Vending Team...
Dwarves Needed – The Secret Project Needs You!
Hullo LOTRO Players, This Saturday at 5:00 p.m. server time (Eastern), Andang and I along with the Middle-earth Lore team will be recording some moving pictures of Dwarves in Ered Luin on Landroval server. We need more Dwarves! We are filming walking shots and more walking shots. With waving and cheering and other emotes smattered in between. We are also...
Community Events 8th June to 14th June.
Dear LOTRO Players, It’s that time of year again! Bands competing for a place to play at the summit of Weathertop are this week beginning to display their musical skills. This year the Concert Series is more vital than ever because the LMB selection will be based on how the bands perform in their one hour performances. Please come along and show all the...
Community Events June 1st to June 7th.
Welcome Everyone, Another wonderful week filled with LOTRO player run events! Monday 1st June Name: Instant Play Server: Eldar Time: 2.00pm to 4.00pm Location: The Prancing Pony – Name: Nibbles and Nobs / Ales and Tales. Server: Landroval Time: 8.30 Nibbles – 9.30 t0 11.30 A&T. Location: Bilbo’s Stone Trolls, Trollshaws. – Name: Elevenses...
1 Year VIP Code Giveaway (Entries Closed)
Today LOTRO Players is turning 2 and to celebrate we are giving away a code for a year of VIP! Entries will close on June 15th. How to Enter To enter the giveaway please leave a comment below. Duplicate comments from the same user will be only counted once. Each comment will be assigned a number in order. The winner will be selected with a random number...
5000 Turbine Point Code Giveaway (Entries Closed)
LOTRO Players is giving away a 5000 Turbine Point code thanks to supporters on Patreon. Entries will close on June 11th. How to Enter To enter the giveaway please leave a comment below. Duplicate comments from the same user will be only counted once. Each comment will be assigned a number in order. The winner will be selected with a random number generator. The...
Spring Festival 2015 Improvements
As part of the Spring Festival 2015, Turbine is introducing a number of quality of life fixes that are being well received by the community. After issues caused the Spring Festival to be pulled down last week only hours after it went online, an updated version of the event has gone up on the Bullroarer test server as part of Update 16.1 testing. In addition to...
Community Events May 25th to May 31st.
Hello Players of LOTRO, A busy week of Player-organized events on LOTRO this week. I do my best to keep abreast of all new events however some do slip my notice. If you have an event and would like to be included in these listing then contact me. I am only too happy not only to include them, but I like to visit as many as I can. Monday 25th May: Name: Michel...
Graphics Card Giveaway
Turbine is giving away five NVIDIA Geforce GTX 960 Graphics cards on their facebook page. Simply vote for one of four images of “where you’d go first” as one of the winners. The choices are: Angmar, The Gates of Argonath, Evendim and Lothlorien.
Weatherstock Band Registration Open!
Greetings LOTRO Players, At Ales and Tales last Monday Byrcha our new leader in the Lonely Mountain Band made a very special announcement. Bands Can apply to compete in this years Weatherstock! – I quote:- “As you have hopefully already heard by now … The 7th Annual Weatherstock Music Festival will be held on Saturday, July 25th! Band...
Community Events 18th May to 24th May.
Greetings LOTRO Players, With many bands having to take time to reorganize files some have had to alter their performance dates. All information presented here is to the best of my knowledge, accurate. If you wish to have an event listed, please leave a comment or email me at I will happily insert new events for this week also. For...
Community Events May 4th to May 10th.
Greetings LOTRO Players, With many bands having to take time to reorganize files some have had to alter their performance dates. All information presented here is to the best of my knowledge, accurate. If you wish to have an event listed please leave a comment or email me at I will happily insert new events for this week also. For all...
Weatherstock Date Announced!
Greeting LOTRO Players, Come rain or shine the show must go on! I am here to announce the date for Weatherstock VII. Mark your calendars for July 25th! Stay tuned to LOTRO Players for more information!
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