LOTRO Players News Episode 549: Need New Swears

This week we discussed the latest bullroarer build, fishing, reasons to love a blue-line captain, and our week in gaming.

Game News
LOTRO Update 39 Bullroarer Beta #2 Release Notes
A Look at Epic Malices
Next Casual Stroll on Wednesday Feb 21 in Eastern Gondor

Store Sales
Make Your Piece of Middle-earth Shine! Get 30% off:
Select Housing Decorations
Select Housing Sets
Housing Property Writs
Select Cloaks
Now through February 22nd!
Weekly Coupon
Free +5 Hope Boost (90 Minutes) x5
Coupon Code: BOOSTHOPE
Now through February 22nd!​

Reminiscing about…
Where is your favorite fishing hole?

New Player Question
What are the advantages of a Blue Line Captain?

Week In Gaming
Nostalgia has gripped the Kin! TOO and now OD – had a lot of fun! Picnics are not leisure, they are necessity!
ESO Void Crew

Pioneers of Pagonia: Still trying to beat all the objectives on the second world.
Raiding with PLOI: Tower of Orthanc

My warden helped to stop a plague and finished all non-festival fishing deeds.
For Friday Night Fights, we ran several skirmishes.
My Moria Mariner started a search for a legendary axe.
News Beyond LOTRO

We currently have 13 supporters on Patreon. If you would like to join this illustrious raid of players and help support LOTRO Players, simply go to the donation page where you can support The Players Alliance on Patreon. Your money is used for our podcast hosting, website hosting, and paying for our live shows.

If you wish to support us without joining Patreon, just send Drac an email drac@lotroplayers.com

This week we did not receive any reviews but would love your support! This helps out a lot so drop us a review on your favorite Podcast App of choice! If you leave us a review, let us know!

Email us!

Final Thoughts
The Players Alliance LIVE Shows
Record Day/Time Varies – DDO Players News –
Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. Eastern – LOTRO Players News

Join us for our live shows at lotroplayers.com/live

LOTRO Player’s News Podcast can now be found on Amazon Music and Audible

Before the Shadow Preview: The Doom of Caras Gelebren

Before the Shadow will be released on November 8, 2022 (barring any unexpected delays). One of the features of this update will be a new skirmish: The Doom of Caras Gelebren. Unlike most skirmishes, which are set during or near the main LOTRO timeline, this new skirmish is set in the distant past during the fall of Eregion during the Second Age. This skirmish will be available to anyone who orders the expansion.

I recorded the skirmish in two parts. The first part includes the first three assaults.

The second part includes the final two assults:

Will we save Celebrimbor and the rings? Unlikely, but we should at least take several orcs nd goblins down with us.

Pineleaf Needles

Quick tips for the LI Track (U32)

Date – Tips based on U32 #beta 6

What is the LI reward track?

Every time you get/used to get legendary item xp or if you use a rune of item xp you will progres on the reward track. Every time you get enough progres you’ll be able to claim the reward that is associated with that level. These are all focussed around the new Legendary items.

Rewards vary from all kind of quality runes of enchantment, barter tokens and ancient script. The further you will get the better the rewards will be. Once you read the maximum level of 100 before the “season” is over you will enter the repeatable rewards with are small boxes of ancient script.

Tip #1 No level restrictions on opening

The boxes you get are not restricted on level. If you open the tracery box at level 60 you’ll get a random tracery with a level range for 45-85. So always open the boxes on the char that would need it.

Tip #2 Use the boxes on a max level character if you got one

Nearly all traceries and runes are hardly needed on a leveling character. Save the boxes and runes for a character in the last expansion that is active on your server. You’ll get months of use out of them instead of days or weeks.

Tip #3 Getting more mileage out of your XP runes

With the way SSG made the XP runes level restricted, so that every different level character could contribute roughly the same progres vs time spent, they left some large holes in the level range.

Use the XP runes on a char as close to the minimum level stated on the rune as possible.

For runes level 120+ you’ll get about 25% more progress per rune.
For runes level 85+ and 100+ you’ll get 50-100% more progress per rune used
For runes level 45+ you’ll get a massive amount more progress per rune used.

Research for this was limited, cause it was a pain in the xxxx to calculate. So the numbers are rough.

The further away from the minimum level compared to your character level the less progres you make. This flatlines at about level 120. And stops at level 130+. Xp runes with the same minimum level will award the same progress per 1000 xp.

Level27k 31k 87k 167.5k227.5k 240k 255k 320k
Pixels progress per 1000 xp when using a certain XP rune on a certain level

Tip #4 Possibly save item XP runes for future reward tracks

You sure you’ll get enough item xp in the next 3 months or are you just leveling for the forseeable future. It might be wise to save them for a future reward track when you won’t play much or need certain rewards quickly. The repeatable rewards are horrible at this moment (50 ancient script).

Tip #5 Wait a week to see how the bugs of U32 will roll out

Currently a lot of changes are being made to normal sources of all the Rewards on the reward track. Priorities might change and with the quality of the latest QA you might burn yourself by being the first to open them.