Under The Eaves: A Death In The Forest

Laralini looked at Mericc in complete shock, “Mericc, what are you doing?”

But Mericc wasn’t listening, his eyes were fixed on the queen of the spiders who sat perched on Tom’s tree, her pincer-like front legs still wavering over the place where Tom’s heart was.

“Doesss it speak true my children?” she wondered aloud, “Will the morsel give itself up for our other dainty? He would make a much better meal than thisss scrawny meat you caught us earlier.” With this she poked Tom cruely again and laughed.

“There must be another way”, Laralini pleaded with the warrior.

“The only thing that’s important is the boy”, Mericc responded sternly without shifting his gaze. “If they decide to make the trade I want you to take Tom and get him out of this forest and to safety.”

“But Mericc!”

“We accept your’ offer little morsssel”, The spider queen broke in. “We shall exchange this one here for you.” With this she took her front legs and started to cut at the webbing that held Tom to the tree. After a minute he fell to the ground unceremoniously and lay there groaning in pain. Two of the spider queen’s bodyguards grabbed his legs in their pincers and pulled him towards where Mericc and company were standing. The spider queen tapped at the tree, the bodyguards stopped halfway and gave Mericc an expectant look. The warrior nodded and turned towards the elvish scholar, she was practically in tears. Her bear companion stood by her, growling threateningly at the spiders who were closer to her than he would have liked.

“I’m sorry Mericc, I wish I could do more and it didn’t have to come to this” she said softly, her head lowered.

The guardian wiped her tears away and whispered a few words in her ear, she looked at him unsurely but before she could say anything he cut her off. “Remember get Tom and yourself to safety, no looking back, I’d hate to have done all this for nothing.”

Before she could protest further he turned back towards the waiting spiders and stepping forward, tossed his sword far into the brush. This was the sign the spider queen was waiting for and after a few clicks her bodyguards pulled Tom all the way to where the three companions stood. Mericc helped the boy up, he was groggy and disoriented from poison and prodding but amazingly still had the strength to at least stand with aid. Mericc gave him over to Laralini who did her best to support him and after a few more words she, Tom and Morko headed back out of the spiders lair while a score of spiders cut the warrior off from following.

“Now, my little dainty”, The spider queen said, “I am afraid it iss time to finish the deal”. She dropped down from her perch, a wild gleam in her eyes while dozens of her spider consorts surrounded and closed in on the now disarmed warrior. Well, not quite disarmed, Mericc unhooked his shield from his back and started to slowly head towards the thin gap that he had spied earlier, he wasn’t planning on going out without a fight. The queen laughed, a horrible gurgling sound, “Defence will do you little good morssel”, she chided as her children moved in, “But if you wish to ssstave off mealtime a little, be my guest. Sstruggle will only make the meat ssweeter.”

One of her bodyguards leapted at Mericc, fangs opened wide, poison dripping from it’s mouth as it sought to incapacitate him. But the experienced warrior was quicker and taking his shield in both hands, he swung it sideways  dealing a hard blow that sent the spider reeling before finishing it off with a downthrust, cracking it’s head open with one of the spikes of his shield. “Defense isn’t what I had in mind”, Mericc grinned at the spider queen as the spider host chittered angrily. Furiously she tapped her legs and her children came on stronger and Mericc was hard put to keep them off, swinging his spiked shield in a wide arc while he retreated towards the cut in the hills. Finally with an effort he managed to make the opening and backed into it all the while doing his best to fend off leg and fang.

“Now we have you dainty, nowhere to go now” ,The spider queen said gleefully as the spider host pushed him further into the gap. They all poured in, biting and slashing and grabbing at the guardian who was furiously trying to fight them off. But they were many and his armour had already suffered dents and marks where leg or fang had broken through his lone shield wall, though he had managed to kill several of the smaller ones with skillful use of his shield’s spikes. He had put himself in a tight spot, but it was tight for the spiders too and try as they might they couldn’t use their far superior numbers in such an enclosed area and could only get at him three or four spiders at a time. Spider after spider crashed against his shield and Mericc hoped he could hold out long enough so that his reason for coming to this dead end could manifest itself.

Suddenly he heard what he had hoped for when a massive roar echoed throughout the walls of the cut causing the spiders to turn in confusion. The great bear Morko smashed into the spiders at the rear of the entrance and a fury was on him as his large paws sent spiders flying in every direction. Mericc side-swiped a few of the distracted spiders with his shield and let out an answering battle yell as hundreds of legs turned this way and that in utter disarray as their queen tried to decide how to deal with this unlooked for attack. In an instant the trappers became the trapped, caught between the hammer and the anvil with very little room to maneuver as Morko and the guardian attacked with a vengeance from both sides.

This is what Mericc had whispered to Laralini before they parted, a desperate plan that had the slightest of chances of getting them all out of this alive. It was inspired by his first meeting with Laralini’s giant companion and he relished the idea of using the same strategy against the spiders. But an army of the deadly creatures was still a force to be reckoned with and as their initial confusion passed and their queen got her bearings, they started to once gain use their numbers to press hard against bear and warrior. Many fell to Morko’s deadly claws and even with only a shield, Mericc was doing as much damage as he could.

Scores of spiders laid dead but there were still many to take their place as the battle waxed back and forth. The spider queen sent many of them against the greater threat of the bear in a direct assault while several of her minions set about casting their webs across his path to imped and cut him off. Morko roared in frustration as his feet were caught up in the sticky filaments and he found it harder to fight them off though he was still a deadly opponent for any that got too near. The spider queen turned towards Mericc, a rage overcoming her senses at the creatures treachery, she attacked him herself, using her rapier like front legs in a brutal assault that Mericc was barely able to repel. An attempted shield bash was caught by the spider queen’s mandibles and she threw Mericc backwards against the cliff face and moved in for a final strike, no attempt to incompacitate now, she was intent on a kill.

Mericc grimaced on the ground as he saw the finishing stroke heading towards him and tried to grab for his shield to ward off the blow. Before the strike could fall though a bright white light lit up the entire area temporarily blinding him and the spider queen both. As his sight slowly cleared, Mericc saw a scene before him that utterly surpised him. The silhouette of a young elvish maiden, his sword held trembling in her hands, stood between him and the spider queen.

Laralini did as best she could to follow Mericc’s orders but the guilt of her inaction and fear gnawed at her and she felt it was wrong that Mericc and Morko took all the risks. So, after finding the young Tom a safe place in the forest to hide, the scholar doubled back towards the spider queen lair to rejoin her friends. She found Mericc’s sword in the brush and working up a bit of what magic she knew, Laralini sent a shaft of blinding light into the crevice where the battle was being fought and plunged in. Now she stood between the spider queen and the warrior, holding his sword as best as she could.

The spider queen recovered from her daze and stared down frightfully at the slender elvish woman, her legs sharpening themself on each other ready to strike down the young girl who had so foolishly come back into her clutches. She backed up a little, preparing for the leap that would end the inexperienced elf but as she attacked Mericc went into action. Pushing Laralini aside, he charged and desperately threw the full weight of his shield and body into the spider queen and both of them fell to the ground, stunned from the impact. The spider queen recovered and looked up, and she found Mericc waiting.

His face was grim, his shield and armour were badly damaged, but now he stood before the spider queen fully armed, his sword recovered from Laralini who now stood behind him, preparing to help in any way she could. He was upset with her for coming back and endangering her life but reproaches would have to wait while Mericc dealt with the foe before him. “This is how it should be, how it always ends up”, he thought to himself as the two opponents stared at each other, “Monster against man in one final fight to see who will prevail.” The sounds of battle drifted towards them from the entrance as Morko fought with what was left of the spider army but their focus was strictly on each other.

A few seconds of breath felt like an eternity and then warrior and spider clashed. Great was their struggle, the size and speed of the giant spider against the experience and skill of the trained guardian, both of them knowing that only one of them would walk away alive. Mandible and legs fought ferociously with sword and shield but in the end the warrior proved to much for the mistress of evil and bright flashed his blade as it came down and put an end to her once and for all. Bereft of direction and drive the remainder of her brood either fled or were slain by Mericc and Morko. It was a long time before the spiders of the old forest had sufficient strength or numbers to worry travelers again and the forest had relative peace for some years. They left the spider’s lair and Laralini led them to where she had hidden Tom. The companions then made their way to safer paths that would lead them out of the forest. The moon was sinking, soon it would be dawn.

Epilogue: A Bad Day For Brigandtry ————————————–

The sallow faced cutthroat laughed as he went through the belongings of the terrified farmers who had attempted to make their way through his territory without paying the proper toll. Yesterday was almost forgotten, though he still stung with the loss of reputation that he had incurred because of that cursed adventurer. He had heard that he had gone off into the Old Forest on some mission for that fool Adso and that was fine by the brigand leader, hopefully he came to a very bad end. But enough of him, “Back to business”, the brigand thought. It was time for a little fun, mayhaps with the farmers wife, the idea pleased him greatly.

“Well me lovelies”, he chortled, “It seems yer don’t have enough here to pay for passage on my road and I’ll have to take out a little extra”. The cut on his cheek creased as he grinned and the wicked blade in his hand and the intent behind it caused the farmer and his family to back up in fear against their caravan. He did love the wonderfully frightened expressions his victims gave him, made his job worth it. The brigand was so enjoying his sport that he didn’t notice the faces of his victim’s change from fear to wonder.

Something tapped him on his shoulder and the brigand turned angrily to see who was interupting his sport. His body stiffened and his eyes opened wide as he saw Mericc standing before him, the warrior’s sword pointed at the brigands throat, a wry smile on his face. “You’re just in time”, Mericc said as he looked up at the rising sun, “NOW is the day where I kill you.” Somedays it just wasn’t worth getting up the brigand thought to himself.

Mericc rode back towards Bree alone after leaving Laralini and Morko at Adso’s camp with Tom. His father was overjoyed to see him and later Laralini showed the workers where the spring they were searching for was and the safest paths to get to it. Mericc had asked her if she was still interested in joining in on his adventures but the young scholar declined. She decided she much prefered adventures behind the pages of a book where they belonged but assured him that she would help in the future with any non-lethal tasks that Mericc might have for her. It was all well for Mericc who couldn’t help but think of Laralini as the little sister he never had, he prefered her in safer enviroments than he was used to traveling.

As he passed the west gate of Bree, he turned towards Ironmonger’s Street, he could almost imagine the smells of food wafting from the house he had visited yesterday and the warm fire that awaited him. It wasn’t his home, but it was close enough for him and he had some stake in at least one of the lives that was there. But thoughts of hearth and food were interupted by a horse’s hooves riding up behind him and the voice of a ranger that he had gotten to know from previous adventures. He reigned in his horse as he reached Mericc and held out his hand in greeting, his characteristic long black beard flowing in the wind.

“Hail Mericc, I am glad that I have found you” the ranger called.

“Hail Guanlos”, Mericc responded, “What brings you riding with such speed to find me?”

“Alas, events in Rohan have degenerated faster than even we thought and I was sent to ask for your’ aid”, The ranger said and Mericc could see the seriousness of the situation on his face. He looked down Ironmonger’s street with a sigh.

“Could it wait not even a day?” Mericc asked though he already knew the answer.

“I am afraid not”, the grim ranger replied, “It was bad when I left and I wasted much time in hunting you down. Who knows how much time we have, but things are too delicate to wait even a moment.”

Mericc growled, “Then let us be off, it seems rest will have to wait for another time.” He took one final look down the street before riding off with the ranger, he could almost feel the warmth of the fire on his tired bones and wondered if he’d ever get to enjoy the simpler things in life ever again. They passed out of the gate with all speed, heading towards the perils of Rohan.


The Teller of Tales ended with a flourish, bowing to the crowd who cheered mightily, promising rounds of drinks that he gladly accepted. The fire burned low in the Pony long into the night as the Tale-spinner continued to ply his trade with other stories of high adventures, some of the guardian Mericc and other darker stories unfit for children’s ears.

(But those I am afraid must wait for another time.)

Under The Eaves: A Choice Between Two Lives

She had ruled over the spiders of the Old Forest for years beyond count as did her mother and her mother before her. Now her realm stretched across a wide section of the southern forest and she was continually sending out war-parties to expand it even more. Few things came near her borders that were not ensnared and none that were ensnared made it back out again alive. And now, she had three new victims to feed her insatiable appetite and those of her subjects.

She moved into the middle of the wide area that made up her ‘palace’ to greet her guests. The travellers watched in horror as she approached, her large bulbous body supported by eight massive legs covered in a dense layer of hair and spiky outgrowths. Above her head protruded two stalks of many pale-glowing eyes that shone with a feverish light and underneath a mouth of cruel arms and pincers that relished the meal ahead.

Mericc tensed himself as the monstrous spider came into view, all of his senses were focused and his mind tried its’ best to survey the situation as impassively as possible. The place they found themselves in was shaped like a rough bowl with a few scattered knarled tree’s in the center, including the one that poor Tom was trapped against. Towards the back there was a cut in the hills that looked as if some giant had come down on the land with an axe and split a shallow gap into it and it was this gap that the queen of the spider brood, and who else could she be, had come from. She stood before them now, positioning herself between them and the tree where Tom was, and as she came fully into the half-light, Mericc understood what was the cause of the sounds they had heard echoed in the forest.

While six of her legs looked like normal spider legs, her front two were different. These had no hair on them and instead were formed of a hard chitinous material that tapered off to deadly looking points. As they stood considering each other, the spider queen tapped these legs on the nearest tree causing the familiar tapping and ticking sounds that Mericc supposed was her way of transmitting commands to her servants no matter how far away in her realm they were. He also noticed that her two large body guards had these same sharp stabbing legs on them as well and wondered what he had done to deserve such luck. Before he could ponder the winding ways that fate often took, the spider queen spoke!

“Whaat fortune my children”, she said in a gurgling high pitched voice. “Ssome more morsselss for our ssupper. Come little daintiesss, whaat bringss you soo readily to our little party?” With this she used one of her sharp legs and gave the young Tom a poke in the center of his gut. The bundle shifted and a muffled cry escaped. By some miracle the boy is alive, Mericc thought, though for how long he couldn’t be sure. A loud chittering exploded around them as the spider horde enjoyed their queen’s little jest.

Mericc kept one hand on his sword and another on Laralini’s arm.  She was visibly shaking and Mericc could well imagine the terror the young inexperienced scholar was feeling. On his other side, Morko was growling and pawing the ground, the great bear was itching for a fight. Mericc’s shield was still attached to special hooks on his back but his sword was out in front of him, prepared to counter any sudden attack.

Finally when the sound died down Mericc spoke up. “We have come for the boy and if you give him over to us freely, we will leave without any trouble and no one has too be harmed”, which was true enough, the warrior knew that if it came to a fight there were likely to be casualties on both sides, something he hoped to avoid.

A bubbling laugh came from the queen of the spiders that was repeated by her legion of followers. “Ssuch talk from ssupper! It isss not normal, yesss? Doess it really think we sshall not make it a meal for our children?”

“It is possible”, Mericc replied with a snarl and a gleam in his eye. “But I assure you that it will not go without the loss of many of your’ children and I will make it my duty to make sure you are one of the fallen.”

He stood before her proudly and unafraid which gave the spider queen pause. She considered him, her mind pondering in it’s wickedness the boldness of his words, far different than she was used to from those that entered her web. She tapped at the tree and half a score of the smaller spiders dropped down in front of Mericc and attacked. In a flash, the warrior’s blade and the great bear’s paws killed several of the spiders and moments later the rest lay dead.

A loud angry chittering erupted all around them. Mericc and Morko advanced towards the queen threateningly while Laralini stayed close behind the warrior, too afraid to say or do anything. The spider queen backed off and her body guards advanced while many more of her smaller brood dropped down as well. After a sharp, fierce fight, another score of spiders were dead including one of the queen’s body guards, and Mericc and Morko were yards away from the queen who suddenly climbed up Tom’s tree and shouted “Wait!!”

Both of her dagger-like front legs were poised dangerously close to Tom, in a moment they could come down and end his life and the quest in one fell stroke. Time froze for a few tense seconds as spider and guardian stared at each other.

“Come no closser or I sshall end him, foul little morsel.” She hissed. “What chance do you think you have? What isss thiss one life to you that it iss worth rissking so much?” As she spoke dozens more spiders came down from the ceiling to be quickly replaced by even more who took up their spots above.

Mericc considered the situation carefully but could find no way out that didn’t either get Tom killed or get them all killed and then Tom eaten. He looked around and saw Morko prepared to fight, he saw Laralini frozen with fear and uncertainty and it was in that moment that he knew what to do. The guardian dropped his sword arm and approached the spider queen who was still perched high above in Tom’s tree. Her head turned slightly as she considered this unexpected turn.

“His life means a lot too me”, Mericc said. “In fact I wish to bargain with you for it.”

Spider, bear and elf maiden all looked at the warrior, wondering what he was playing at. The spider queen broke the silence, “And what would you give in return for thiss meal, morsel? My children grow hungry and so do I.”

Without hesitation Mericc replied, “In exchange for myself.”

Under The Eaves: The Webs Of The Old Forest

They pushed their way southeast through the forest, bear, maiden and warrior, looking for any signs or scent of the young man who had gotten lost somewhere in it’s depths. Morko the bear was in front, his nose to the ground in search of the faintest of smells, followed by Laralini, then Mericc as rear guard. The going in this part of the forest was rough, tree’s pressed in closely and the undergrowth was particularly thick and troublesome. At times the brush was so thick that the massive body and claws of Morko were not enough and Mericc had to assist in cutting away a path. When he wasn’t helping with pathclearing, he found himself answering an almost inexhaustable series of inquiries from the young(Or so he thought of Laralini, there was no telling how old the elf actually was.) scholar.

“Is Forochel really as cold as they say?”

“However did you end up defeating the drake?”

“What is summer like in Dale?”

“Is it true that the horses of Rohan are the best?”

“Do you always ask so many questions?”, Mericc asked finally, his head swirling from the onslaught.

The elf maiden’s cheeks turned red and she laughed softly. “I am afraid I can get that way at times. One of my old teachers used to say that there weren’t enough answers in the world to cover all the questions I have. I do apologize”.

Mericc could well believe it, but he could also tell that it was not the whole story. He would keep an eye on her as they went along, every once and a while she would look south and her face would take on a much paler tone. She would turn to him as if to say something, bite her lip and then resume following her companion. Mericc wondered what was troubling her but was occupied with his own feelings of foreboding. At whiles he thought he heard in the distance faint sounds…tap..tick..tap..tick..tick but it was slight and Mericc supposed that he might just be imagining it when it would resume again far off in another direction..taap…taap.

Soon they came to a place where the trees opened up into a wide space dominated by a single hill in the middle. The ground was spongy under their feet and they could see many willow trees throughout the glade, feeding off all of the extra moisture, their leaves drooping down in the moonlight. Morko stopped at the base of the hill, raised his head and sniffed at the air, seeming to catch something on the wind. Suddenly with a dash he ran up to the top, towards a single tree that grew at the base and began to circle around it.

“Have you found something dear Morko?” Laralini asked, but Mericc wasn’t waiting for an answer and quickly he joined the bear at the summit. When he got there he saw that the ground had been recently disturbed, the slight indent of footprints could be seen along with other markings that he couldn’t figure. The tree was rent with small gashes and hidden under a tuft of grass Mericc found a piece of cloth that looked as if it had been cut and torn. Laralini saw the cloth and her face turned white.

“You don’t think we are too late do you?” She asked, her eyes wide and troubled but the guardian only shook his head.

“It is possible, but I am not certain, the ground shows all the signs of a struggle but I haven’t found any blood or other markings to help discover what might have happened here. No body, but that may or may not mean anything.” Mericc got up and wiped his hands on his armor, they were sticky and as he looked as his fingers he noticed a thin film of white filament. A thought came to him that he didn’t express out loud, he hoped he was wrong.

A growl at the edge of the clearing brought Mericc out of his thoughts and he looked over towards Morko who was sniffing around an opening in the tree’s towards the southeast. Laralini looked towards her companion intenty for a moment then she turned to Mericc and spoke, “He has picked up the young man’s scent, it leads off deeper into the woods to the south. He thinks the boy is alive but just barely”. Mericc looked and saw that Laralini was shaking slightly, “I am afraid Mericc”, she confessed as she watched Morko, “There is some dark evil that dwells down that path, I have felt it for some time and hoped that the trail would not lead that way. We are in terrible danger”.

Mericc put a hand on her shoulder, “If you wish to turn aside I would not blame you Laralini, you and your bear-friend have been of great assistance to me and I am grateful for it. And there is nothing wrong with being afraid, I have been around many a veteran campaigner and if any of them told you they didn’t feel fear before every battle they are either a liar or a fool. But this is my task and I will not lay it on another unwillingly.”

Laralini thought for a moment, “No, I will see it through. I have a feeling you may need us before the end”. She sighed, “There is a world of difference between reading about the old adventures and being thrust into one of them. I do hope it’s a happy ending”.

“So do I”, Mericc replied. “Now lets get going, I think your’ bear friend is getting tired of waiting for us”.

They left the glade and plunged back into the vastness of the Old Forest. As night deepened around them a fog came down, covering all in an eerie gloom and Mericc distracted the young scholar with tales of his previous adventures. At times he would still hear, off in the distance, the sounds that he had heard earlier now closer tap..tick ..tap..tick..tick and this time he was sure that he was not just hearing things. Taap..Taap, The great bear’s head turned towards the sound, Laralini asked what it could mean but Mericc only shook his head. He had a feeling they would soon find out.

Ahead the forest seemed to darken and at first Mericc was at a loss as to why, but soon it became apparent. Passing through a dense layer of fog they saw with their own eyes what was blocking out the light of the moon and stars. Webs of every size and shape covered every inch of the forest floor then spiraled up to dizzying heights, keeping all but the most stubborn rays of moon-light from getting through. Vague shapes flitted in and out of the shadows above them and they could hear the sound of chittering and clicking coming from every direction. Morko growled deeply, a warning to anything that would dare approach the elf maiden, and Mericc also prepared himself for a fight. The light would break through in places and the travelers would see the shadows of many legs in the half-light, but soon they would disapear back into the gloom. The noise picked up again ahead of them and they noticed that the shadows above them traveled towards it.

Tick Tick…Tick, Tick…Tick, Tap Tap, Tick..

They made there way as best they could through the web-covered brush, the scent trail leading them in the same direction as the noise and the shadowy forms. After a while their stalkers didn’t bother staying hidden and they could see the definite shapes of spiders above them in the treetops, hairy and horrible in form. Strange eyes beyond count glared at them in the darkness ahead, watching and waiting. The noise ahead grew louder and more distict as they followed along, the spiders drawn towards it as if by command. Mericc and the others crested a small rise, Laralini’s hands shot to her mouth, stiffling a scream.

A young man was hung high in the base of a large crooked tree, his body covered in webbing, his arms outstretched. His face was as white as a sheet and Mericc was unsure if he was alive or not. They had found Tom and they had also found the source of the clicking noises. Two wicked looking spiders dropped down on silken threads not far from the tree where Tom lay hanging but they were not the source of the clicking, that came from the monstrous form approaching behind them. This time Laralini couldn’t cover her scream as it came into view. Morko let out a roar and Mericc held his sword out in front of him. Dozens of spiders surrounded them on all sides, but Mericc’s eyes were fixed only on one.

Under The Eaves: The Scholar’s Dream

The elf who called herself Laralini sat at the top of the hill, regarding Mericc with bright curious eyes as he came up to rest. Her companion, the great bear Morko, lay at her side, his gaze much more watchful and intense, and Mericc thought to himself that no better watchwarden could be found for one such as her. He wondered what errand brought them to this forest. Even having traveled with several, the ways and manners of the elves were often strange to him. But most of all he wondered where Graham’s son was, and if he was too late.

“When I first heard your’ singing, I had thought you were perhaps Bombadil’s wife Goldberry”, Mericc said as he sat down beside her. “But, there is no mistaking elvish singing for anything else.”

Laralini smiled and opened a pack that she had behind her and pulled out an elixer of greenish liquid. “No, I am not her, though I do not begrudge you the mistake. She is a wise and facinating person, I had great pleasure in meeting her when I came into these woods”. She unstopped the elixer and the air was infused with a sweet aroma that unburdened the spirit and cleared the mind. “Drink this, but not too much, it is very potent”. Mericc drank a little and almost instantly the weariness of the previous battle subsided and muscle and limb felt rejuvinated and fresh.

“Well, I do hope that helps”, she said, “though I am afraid it cannot do much for the look of you, there must be quite the tale of adventure to that!”

Mericc looked himself over and couldn’t argue the point, his armour bore the dents and scratches of the fight with the bears and he was coated in mud and grime. “Just a bit of a tussle with some of the fine denizens of these woods, a pack of foul looking bears that I had never encountered in here before”, he replied.

“Goodness, whatever did you get involved with them for?” Laralini exclaimed.

“I wasn’t exactly planning on it!”, Mericc retorted. “I am in these woods on a mission and ran across the bears by a shallow pond. They attacked and I was forced to fight them off. It was fortunate that your bear friend came to help when he did.”

Laralini frowned at this. “I do hope nobody was hurt too badly..but”, she looked off towards the direction of the pond, “I guess if you and Morko are here then the others must be dead. Still, I don’t suppose you can blame them for attacking, you WERE trespassing on their grounds.”

“They didn’t give me much of a chance to leave”, Mericc remarked rather annoyed.

“I guess I can understand that though the loss of life is still saddens me” Laralini sighed. “There are some very dark places in these woods that I felt as soon as I entered and me and my dear Morko have steered clear of them as best we could. But I suppose one of your kind does not find it as easy to sense the ways of the trees as well as elves do.”

“I assure you Lady, I do not kill if I do not have too”, Mericc said. “But there are many times in my line of work where it is unavoidable.”

The elf maiden considered him for a moment before speaking. “I am afraid that my experience with the younger race is very limited and so far I have found myself disapointed. The men I have come across have seemed to me either brutish and coarse or weak-willed and cowardly, not at all like the heroes that I read about in the old stories. But you are different Mericc Angadraug and I wonder if perhaps I’ve just been exposed to the wrong sort in my journeys. To have taken on those evil creatures as you did was very brave.” She paused and Mericc took the opportunity to ask what had brought her into the forest to begin with. She looked down at the flower that she had been studying earlier and began.

She had been born in Lothlorien and for years uncounted had walked in the gardens and pathways of that most elvish of lands. But it was not in the flowers of the vales or the splendor of the mallorns that she found her love, but in books and tomes of lore was her heart ever given. She spent endless hours pouring over the many volumes in the library of Caras Galadhon, and learned much of the wisdom and knowledge that the elves had accumulated throughout the ages. But mostly she loved tales of the far-off lands beyond The Golden Wood and stories of heroes and adventures in years long past. She delighted in passages about the glory of Gondolin, marveled over the love of Beren and Luthien and trembled at the might of Thangorodrim and the greatness of it’s fall. Many a night she dreamed of the wide world and the many places and people she had only ever read about.

But the journey is hardest that is never begun and whenever she would get it into her heart to leave Lothlorien, she would look around and see the beauty of the land and the glory of it’s people and always she thought ‘Maybe next year’. One day while she was reading about Ents and their search for the Entwives, she looked up and saw the Lady Galadriel before her.

“Long have I watched you study my books of lore and observed you starry-eyed as the mistrels sang songs of days gone by”, She said. “It has not been difficult to see the wishes of your’ heart and the fears that bind it. I think in this I may be able to help you Laralini, follow me.”

She beckoned and Laralini followed, her eyes downcast, cheeks flushed. She had always been in awe of the Lady Galadriel who had never spoken directly to her. In a daze she wound her way through the streets until they came to the gate to Galadriel’s personal garden. She walked transfixed by the loveliness of all that was around her. Here the beauty and essense of Middle-Earth stood sharper and more poignant than in anywhere else in the world. In the center was a basin of silver and it was to this that the Lady Galadriel made her way.

“Look into the mirror Laralini and you will find all that you have dreamed of and more”. She motioned to the young elf who trembled with anticipation as she accended the few small steps to the mirror’s edge. “You will learn much of things that will fulfill the yearning of your spirit and much that you might wish unlearned, but in both you will gain much profit in knowledge and wisdom. I cannot see where it shall end for you, but if you are strong enough to look you may be strong enough to make it through.”

“And so I looked”, Laralini continued. “At first there were only the stars overhead but then the waters opened up to a far green land of gently rolling hills that I had never seen before. As I bent down to get a closer look I saw to my amazement, a little people, the first people that I had seen who were not elves. I was completely enraptured. Suddenly as I got closer I felt the world close in around me, the garden fell away and the land before me came into sharper focus. I went into a swoon and when I woke up, I found myself in the land the inhabitants call The Shire. It was not long after that I came upon my friend here,” she said smiling as she ruffled the fur on Morko’s back. “We have been exploring the land ever since.”

A year ago Mericc would have found the tale unbelievable. But he had seen many unbelievable things, including The Golden Wood, so was inclined to believe this elf maiden, strange as her story was.

Laralini went on, “I found the halflings a facinating race, there is nothing like them in any of the stories or books that I have read, I am sorry to leave their land behind. Our dealings with men have not been nearly as kind, I am afraid Morko had to deal roughly with a few unsavory ones that we ran across. I was beginning to think the promise of the younger race was all but spent until Morko found you. It is a shame the young man who crossed our path earlier was not more like you. I….”

Mericc was up in a shot, “What other man?” All other thoughts vanished from his head, Morko growled in surprise at the warriors sudden movement, but the elf maiden calmed him.

“He appeared to us out of the brush a couple hours ago”, Laralini replied. “He was disheveled and unkept and had a terrified look in his eyes. I tried to say something, but I am afraid he took one look at my Morko and went screaming off out of sight. I sent off my companion to find him but he must have lost his scent and come across you instead.”

Mericc noticed the elf bite her lip and look towards the south, a worried expression on her face. “There are many dangers in this forest for the unwary and I fear the worst.”

Mericc looked over his armour and sword, preparing to head out. “I have been in many tight spots and perilous situations and have learned not to fear the worst until it arrives. I came into this forest looking for that boy and hearing that he is alive, or at least was a few hours ago, gives me hope that all is not yet in vain”. The elixer he had drank earlier had healed him of much of his weariness and he felt that he was ready for what he thought would be the last stage of this journey. Laralini looked at him with wonder.

“I consider myself fortunate to have made your’ aquaintence Mericc Angadraug”, Laralini said with a smile. “Perhaps there is some truth to the old stories afterall.” She picked up her pack and placed it on her back. “It would be a shame to part when I am sure there is much I could learn from one as traveled as you obviously are. I would be honored if you would accept me and my Morko’s help in the noble task you have set before you.”

Mericc was inclined to refuse but he admitted that Morko at least would come in handy and he was intrigued by Laralini’s story. They headed off deeper into the woods, the great bear in front smelling for any sign of young Tom.

Under The Eaves: Bear And Maiden

The misshapen bears closed the circle around the warrior, and Mericc knew that there was nothing for it but to fight. About half a dozen cruel looking bears with crueler looking teeth and claws now occupied the shallow pool, growling as they stalked the man they planned on making their next meal. They watched him now as he prepared for their attack, shield held in front of him, his back to an old oak that they had used as a gathering place since time out of mind. In fact it was to just such a gathering that had brought them there that evening. Normally they lived and hunted further north in the forest in great dens dug into the earth and rock. The Oak was only for special occassions, and here in this sacred place they find an intruder, they were not about to let him make it out alive.

Mericc surveyed the situation from the oak husk, it didn’t look promising. The lead bear was only about ten feet away, the others, farther out in the glade, made their way nearer. Soon they would have him completely surrounded. The warrior took a deep breath and prepared to strike the first blow, he wasn’t about to wait and let them make a coordinated strike against him, one that he had a very small chance of surviving. Suddenly, before the first bear could react, Mericc charged and was upon him, his blade slashing across one of the bear’s powerful shoulders. The bear roared in pain and lifted itself up to it’s full height, the claws of it’s good arm came down in a revenge stroke, looking to put an end to this man who had dared give it battle. But the experienced soldier was faster. As the beast brought his arm down, Mericc swung his spiked shield up under its’ guard, fracturing it’s jaw and sending it reeling into the shallow pool. Before it could recover, Mericc’s sword struck a mortal blow, and the great bear fell dead.

Growls, now angry and fierce, shook the glade as the other bears saw one of their number fall and they rushed at Mericc from all sides. He meet them as they came, injuring one, but as the rest got within striking distance, the guardian found himself hard-pressed and was forced to retreat backwards towards the oak stump. Fighting animals as big and strong as a fully grown bear had it’s particular disadvantages, even a blow blocked with a shield jarred the body and risked knocking you to the ground if your footing was not solid. And a warrior off his feet very quickly becomes a dead warrior. Soon Mericc found himself with his back once again at the roots of the oak tree, he was bruised and battered but had given better than he had got, slaying another of the evil bears during the last exchange. The remaining bears prepared another attack and Mericc braced himself as best he could when a sound at the edge of the glade drew the attention of both bear and fighter.

A roar, like to a bear and yet greater rang in the glade and Mericc saw one of the biggest bears he had ever seen come crashing through the brush. It was at least half again as large as the biggest of the evil bears, it’s fur was a light brown and free from the scars and marks that covered those of the forest, and it was heading right towards them. Mericc sighed at his misfortune, and prepared for this new foe, things were looking grim. Feelings of forboding turned quickly into those of shock, instead of attacking Mericc, the giant bear smashed into the nearest of his foes, sending it flying into the water. The other bears turned towards this unlooked for betrayal, attacking the newcomer with a fury, but soon found themselves vastly overmatched. Fur and claws flew as the giant bear fought with the three remaining bears, wielding his paws and teeth with ruthless efficiency.

Recovering from his momentary shock, Mericc made a quick decision. This new bear might not be his friend, but he was definitely no friend of the bears of the forest. It might attack him as soon as it finished off the last of it’s current foes, but somehow Mericc didn’t think so. At the least, he felt honor-bound to help since the newcomer had gotten him out of immediate danger. Mind made up, he charged into the fray, engaging the dread bears who were occupied in deadly conflict with the massive one. Soon the last of them lay slain on the field and bear and man stood facing each other.

For a moment they stood, both seeming to size the other up, experienced warrior and giant bear. Finally after pondering Mericc for some time, the bear turned around and headed back into the trees where it had come from. Before it made it to the edge though it looked back at the guardian and then back into the forest and Mericc wondered if it meant for him to follow. It wouldn’t be the strangest thing he had done and since he had failed to find any leads as to where his lost worker was, he might as well see where this latest development would take him. The bear stood at the edge of the glade waiting and repeated the motion towards the trees. Warily Mericc followed, hand on the hilt of his sword, it didn’t do to let your’ guard down, even amongst apparent allies, not until you saw what their intentions really were.

They travelled a little ways, the large bear in front leading the way, it was clear he knew exactly where he was heading. Mericc brushed a cobweb from his face and followed through the brush, keeping his eyes on the animal before him. As they walked a sound came to Mericc’s ears, first faint and then louder as they went on, and Mericc felt his heart lighten at once. A soft and melodious female voice, obviously elvish, sang quietly and as he got closer to it’s source, Mericc could make out words.

“Oh! Flowers of the ancient wood
Whose trees once spanned now faded lands
Whose beauty passed all reckoning
And all things made of mortal hands

Speak of those who loved you dear
And tended petal, leaf, and stem
Then fled, to whither none can say
Though in the breeze the wise still hear.

Of Merillif, beloved of all
Whose gardens rivaled elven gems
Fair Neldorlas the nurturer
Her flowers wondrous to recall

Silloth laughed beneath the moon
Unwearied hearts of fear and doubt
While Rhosthorn ever vigilant
Stood watch against the mounting gloom.

Tell of Lenhwest’s love and passion
Never dimming through the years
Of Dorollin whose branches skyward
Spread to heaven like a bastion

Cordofoneth, gentle mother
Sheltered all beneath her leaves
But Braiglad, wild, warned disaster
Untamed are the woods that love her

Oh! Flowers of the ancient wood
Sing of those spirits that you knew
They wait for days now almost spent
And yearn to see the spring anew.”

Visions of a time long past, when the forest was young and unspoiled, appeared to Mericc as he and the bear came to an opening in the tree’s and it took an effort for his martial training to force him back to the present. But even then, the lingering notes gave him a greater appreciation of the forest, as something alien and yet, just as alive as he was, able to love and grow and also to despair and fall into ruin just as capably as himself. He looked up, and on a small hilltop sat an elf-maiden of quiet and graceful beauty, her hair was of the deepest gold graced with a circlet of white roses. She was singing to herself and Mericc noticed in her hands she held the petals of a flower that grew alone on the hilltop.

The elvish maiden looked up, a bright smile on her face as the bear and Mericc came into sight. “Dearest Morko, what have you brought with you?” She smiled and then laughed. “Do bring him here, it has been a long time since I have spoken with anyone but you, and as wonderful company as you are, it would be nice to speak with another”. With that the bear, or Morko as she called him, ran over to her and laid himself at her side. The elf maiden stroked his fur as she regarded the warrior.

“Hail good traveler, please come and sit with me and my companion, you look weary and troubled and for that, perhaps I can be of some help”, she smiled brightly. “My name is Laralini Lauremir.”

“Mericc Angadraug at your service fair lady” He replied and bowed low. It would be good to rest a little but he looked up to see the first stars appear in the failing light, it was getting late, and he was running out of time.