The Loss – Part 6The Loss – Part 6
The Loss THE TALE OF A SHE-ELF’S RISE TO WARRIOR 6 She, Nimgalliel, the She-Elf, commanded, “Take the bodies and burn them except for
The Loss THE TALE OF A SHE-ELF’S RISE TO WARRIOR 6 She, Nimgalliel, the She-Elf, commanded, “Take the bodies and burn them except for
The Loss THE TALE OF A SHE-ELF’S RISE TO WARRIOR 5 They topped the hill and saw the castle under attack. Everyone moved into fighting mode and
The Loss THE TALE OF A SHE-ELF’S RISE TO WARRIOR 4 Scouts were dispatched; they waited tactically without fires so to never divulge their place. Nimgalliel thought about her