The House of Beorn – Wrath and RuinThe House of Beorn – Wrath and Ruin
Part 4 – Wrath and Ruin The hills of the Lone Lands passed underfoot as Rathbairn continued his steady gait towards Ost Guruth. Two days out from Bree and he
Part 4 – Wrath and Ruin The hills of the Lone Lands passed underfoot as Rathbairn continued his steady gait towards Ost Guruth. Two days out from Bree and he
Part 3 – The Ranger(s) The fog of sleep began to slowly lose its grip as Rathbairn blinked sleep from his eyes. He remembered the brigands and the knife and
Part 1 – The Road to Bree The Forsaken Inn lay quiet in the early mist of dawn; the inhabitants not yet awake to face the labours of the day.