Embers of Hope Chapter 6: Detained in Lakedeep

Claire’s words came true a few seconds later. The sizable drawbridge fell across the fast flowing river, which also served as a moat. Zaradanoric and John watched as a small squadron of soldiers marched in formation around a man who seemed to be mildly important.

John leaned over to Zaradanoric and whispered, “The mug in the center. If he is who I think he is. Then he’s bad news. Maggie said the man her sister married was a boatload of trouble. So mind your step.”

Zaradanoric nodded and watched the soldiers approach quickly. A bulkier man in armor stepped forward. He nodded to Andrew and Claire and beckoned them over. After a quick whispered conversation, they walked towards the man in the center. Claire glanced over to Zaradanoric with a look of mild panic in her eyes before she turned away.

The bulky man strode over to the and spoke quietly, “My name is Charlie. I’m the captain of the guard for Lakedeep. I don’t want to do this but I’m under orders to arrest you. Please give me your weapons and bag and come with me. It will be better this way.”

Zaradanoric glanced at John and then handed the guard his axe and bag. John followed suit albeit grumbling under his breath. The phalanx of guards surrounded them and began to march them towards the bridge.

When they entered the town, they were surprised to see decorations for celebrations. They entered into a large town square with many large shops. Zaradanoric looked around at the people and saw scared eyes that quickly looked away from them. No one held his gaze as they were marched past a sizable fountain towards another street. As they proceeded, another squared opened before them revealing the lake that was the namesake of the town. The jail was hewn directly into the cliff walls surrounding the lake and the two were marched directly towards it.

Charlie waved away all but two guards and opened the jail gate. He marched them to a cell in the middle of the hall. He closed the cell door on the two and looked around for a second.

Then he began to speak, “It is about time that outsiders have come. We have need for an escape.”

John looked up at him and slowly responded, “What happened here? This is a large town with more people than we would have expected.”

Charlie sighed and said, “When we moved here, there was about fifty of us and we were fine. Most of us thought we had separated because of a few differences and to farm more area. However, Patrick had more in mind. He gathered a small group of his faithful and took control. He held our families hostage and used us for conquest. There were several other larger farming communities further up the valley. They were unprepared so we took them as prisoners and incorporated them into our community. We established a strong small community for the safety of the valley. We hauled in bumper crops and prepared. This went from a community to a prison for Patrick’s cult.”

Zaradanoric spoke up, “Do his children know abou’ this?”

One of the other guards chuckled and commented, “Nay, they are mercifully blind to this. His wife keeps them well shielded.”

Charlie continued speaking, “Aye, Jason is right. The older two are sympathetic to us. They have an idea but no real understanding.”

Zaradanoric jumped to business. “Ya’ said ya’ had an escape plan. What is it? I’m not too keen on spending much time in prison.”

Charlie nodded and laid his plan out, “Patrick plans to bring you before public trial and run a rigged trial for your execution, He wants to make an example of you so that he can cement his control. The plan is this. I have a small group of men loyal to me. We can supply weapons for you but we cannot return your belongings. I’m sorry about your bag but the contents were burned. Except for the journal. But back to the plan. When you go on trial, you tell the truth loudly and completely and encourage a revolution. Then we will supply your weapons and you break for it. I’ll have the drawbridge locked in the up position. So when you break for it we run for the lake. We will have to swim through the tunnel so I hope you can hold your breath. Then we make our way back to your party and leave as fast as we can.”

John looked at Zaradanoric and nodded. Then the hunter looked at Charlie and said, “We are in but I have one condition. If this man is such a dirtbag, then I’m taking my nephew, nieces, and sister-in-law. That’s a non-negotiable.”

Charlie looked to his other two conspirators and nodded. The other guard remarked to the room, “The third born will stay here. She wouldn’t leave his side for all the money in the world.”

“Aye, Lee is right. And I’m not inclined to take her with us anyway.” The other guard contributed.

Charlie nodded and set forth the final condition, “We take his wife, the son, and the oldest and youngest daughters.”

John thought for a moment and agreed “Alright. We will stand with ya.”

Charlie grinned grimly and left. The other two guards standing by their cell. John looked around for a moment and sighed.

He looked at Zaradanoric and shook his head before he spoke, “This is a mess I didn’t expect to run into. Now I’m saving my wife’s kin before I am saving my own skin. Well Maggie would be proud of me there. This is just frustrating and overwhelming my good friends here are dead and I’m being held captive by some personality-obsessed dictator. Honestly, I wanna go home to my house and rest. This trip has been more stressful than it shoulda been. I’m glad we found you Zara but I don’t like how this has turned out.”

Zaradanoric nodded and spoke quietly, “I understand John. Its been a long trip. Feels like we ha’ been going for nearly six months an’ not three weeks. I say let’s get out of here and make a direct course for home. I don’t like bullies but now is nah the time to take him on.”

John was about to reply when the doors of the jail slammed open and some shouting could be heard. The two guards looked up and laid hands on their weapons.

As several people strode down the hall shouting one voice came clear, “I don’t care if you are guarding them! Patrick wants to see them. Now unless you want to be up there with them and your family’s dead, let me see them!”

Charlie strode into view and waved his men away. Then he opened the door and ushered them out wordlessly. Two larger men grabbed their arms and started pushing. Zaradanoric didn’t like that at all. He had nearly a head on the largest man and Zaradanoric took a little action. He shoved the man who had his arm roughly off and quipped, “Thank you very much but I can escort myself to the door. And I’d recommend letting go of my friend as well if you would be so kind.”

The guards, who were wearing different uniforms then Charlie and his men, stepped back much to the chagrin of the smaller man who screamed, “You don’t take orders from them! Grab them and don’t let go!”

The guard Zaradanoric had roughed up said, “Grab him yourself, see how long you last.”

The smaller man screamed in rage and shouted, “Just march them to see Patrick. They will pay soon enough”

Zaradanoric and John were marched out of the jail towards the large building on the other side of the square. The smaller man marched in front fuming while the other guards escorted them to the building. After walking up several flights of stairs they entered into the large interior hall. They were marched up another flight of stairs to a balcony and along to a room. As they approached Claire rushed past hiding her face and sobbing. Zaradanoric looked at her leave and got frustrated.

They sat them down on some chairs to wait while Patrick got ready. Zaradanoric was mad and he wasn’t sure why.

Five minutes later they were marched into the room. Patrick stood up and held forth his hand. John refused his hand but Zaradanoric took it and gripped it tightly before sitting.

Patrick looked on at the two defiant men with some puzzlement in his face. Then he regained his composure and smiled menacingly before speaking, “Gentlemen, what we have here is a simple misunderstanding. I have the power here and take care of everyone. I happen to have a rebel problem. They are bent on breaking us apart. Now, I could use two outsiders like you to help me repress the rebels. I’ll offer you a high position with me and make sure you are well taken care of. If you don’t then I can think of some very permanent resting places for you. So what do you say?”

Zaradanoric shot back menacingly, “Nay, I donha’ deal with your kind.”

The venom in the man’s tone took Patrick by surprise. He paused for a moment and replied, “I’m not a dictator. Name to me your request and I’ll fulfill it. What is it? Maybe you want my daughter?”

With that sick offer Zaradanoric stood up, slapped the standing man across the face, and shouted in his Highlands brogue, “Tha’ is enough sir! You despicable scum! Your people suffer around you and all ya’ can do is offer my friend and I jobs to help oppress them more. Nay sir. Not for all tha’ world would I compromise my belief that we are meant to be free! Shame on ye for offering your daughter like she is some sort of prize. That is despicable on a level I have nah seen before. She’s a livin’ breathin’ person more deserving of life than tha man who brought her here. I saw her leave here cryin’ and hiding her face after talkin’ to ya. I’d rather die than work for you!”

Patrick stood there utterly stunned from the force of the highlanders backhand with some blood running from his lip. He looked at John for his answer

“Aye. I stand with him. I’d rather die than oppress people of for money. And I’d slap you as well but my girl Maggie was always the better of the two of us with slapping. ” John said from the other chair.

Patrick was still reeling from the force of the slap and took a moment. Anger clouded his face and he spat out, “So you’d rather die than work for me! So be it. You die here! Guards! Kill them!”

Embers of Hope Chapter 5: The Demise of Streamdale

The four men continued their battle against the raging flames while they waited for reinforcements. The wind had begun to pick up and was blowing the flames into the valley but it was spreading slowly because of a recent rain.

Near sunrise Landry returned with twenty more men to help them battle the blaze. Urgently they fought the flames slowly reclaiming the town. When the caravan arrived that afternoon they had cleared a quarter of the town. With the added hands they began to battle the blaze more quickly. By evening the majority of the small town had been extinguished and only a few larger buildings still burned.

As they set about preparing the bodies for burial Zaradanoric laid the book on Johns cart and helped move the bodies. After a few hours they stopped for a meal, Zaradanoric and John sat shakily eating with their soot stained hands. Katherine and her new friend walked past without even looking at him but Zaradanoric was to exhausted to even care. After he finished eating he laid his head on a rock and fell asleep.

Several dreamless hours later Zaradanoric was raised to wakefulness but Maggie and John. They walked to the town square and surveyed the charred bodies laid in a row. The rest of their party gathered around the bodies as John commenced the final rites of the deceased. Tears rolled down every face because many were friends with the people of Streamdale and now they were gone.

After the final rights the men buried the bodies into proper graves and gave them headstones. Then everyone gathered back in the square because Zaradanoric was going to read the journal he had found.

After the people had assembled Zaradanoric began reading, “This is the journal and words of Zechariah Birchette farmer and scout of the community of Streamdale. I’ve read this through so I have found the dates that pertain to the puzzle here. It doesn’t answer all of our questions as to why and how but it fills in many blanks.

This first entry was about a fortnight ago. After chronicling normal farmer items, he makes this note ‘Found a buck dead in the forest today it was a large one with mysterious claw marks on it. Despite being dead only a day or so decay was in late stages.

Then three days later he wrote this, ‘I stumbled across some sort of bizarre shrine. Odd tokens and items littered all over. Need to tell the mayor. The animal deaths are continuing now some of them are livestock.’

Then two days later he led a search party, ‘We discovered several shrines and possibly a pile of bones. Nearly a dozen animals were killed last night. Staying overnight maybe we can find the culprit.

             Awakened near midnight to see a massive wolf trying to kill one of our horses. Warded it off with fire. Something is wrong the horses are spooked.”

Zaradanoric paused his reading and leafed a few pages before continuing, “Then they returned and there was discussion of more animals being killed and what to do. Additionally there was an argument on how to proceed but defenses were started soon after. Then five days ago, around the time we entered the northern fields from the North Downs he wrote this, ‘Decided to hold the town. We are building more fences and walls. I’m going to round-up the outlying farmers. Extra note saw some sort of creature running near the vale of the woods. Could have been a goblin but they haven’t been seen in years maybe I am just tricking myself. Some of the trees are chopped down or withering.

At the end of that trip he gathered all the farmers except for a few in the outlying community of Lakedeep. An expansion community to the north. He notes that they had a wall of stone and were prepared. So they could have survived.

The interesting section comes the next day, ‘They came and my eyes do not deceive me. Orcs and goblins from the mountains have attacked. Skirmishing in the town because we had no time to make a wall. The town is burning and a captain named Baral has come to kill us. Why? He said just for fun. If I hurry I can hide

An hour later Zaradanoric finished recounting the story. He sighed and looked up before speaking, “Now we know the demise of Streamdale. I say that we venture north and see if Lakedeep survives. Judging by the bodies the people fought bravely. They did not go quietly. Lets take a day to recover and clean the town some. Lakedeep may have some relatives so gather what can be. John and I will travel tomorrow.”

After a long day of work, a hearty meal, and another dreamless night, Zaradanoric awoke and gathered his supplies and what belongings the townspeople could find. Then he woke John and the two prepared to head north.

As the sun crept over the mountaintop, Zaradanoric and John followed the trail headed north. As they walked north the trail of destruction became more evident with abandoned camps and shrines lining the road. They decided to destroy the shrines on the return trip because the air of evil was palpable.

As noon approached they ate some cram and drank water while they paused for a moment. Zaradanoric observed, “That had to have been a sizable pack of goblins and orcs to overwhelm a town of seventy people that fast. That isn’t random its planned and that scares me.”

John only nodded and remounted his pack and they headed up the trail again. By the evening they could see no end to the trail.

Zaradanoric spoke softly, “John, I think we should keep going. I am not comfortable with staying in the open now.”

“Aye, me neither lad. Hopefully Lakedeep should nah be to many leagues ahead.” John replied.

They lit torches and continued up the trail. As they walked though they felt like they had some hidden company. Zaradanoric faked a stumble and heard a different pattern of footsteps that weren’t so quick.

He gave John a look and handed him his torch. Zaradanoric ducked off the trail a short distance while John continued walking. As the burly northerner’s eyes adjusted he saw two figures following their path. With surprising stealth for a man of his size, Zaradanoric slid onto the path. He charged the two and tackled them both.

Holding his gloved hands over the pursuers mouths he shouted, “Come here John, lets see what the catch of the day is!”

As John returned with the torches, Zaradanoric observed he was holding a young man and lady. He quickly let them go and picked them up.

“John, these ain’t goblins they are one of us! I’m sorry for the scare sir and ma’am things haven’t been right in these parts.” Zaradanoric humbly apologized.

Much to his surprise the woman threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. She began to sob and spoke happily, “You’re not orcs or brigands! Do you hear that Andrew? It means they aren’t in the valley anymore. We have some safety brother!”

She released his neck but held to his arm tears of joy running down her face. She brushed her wild blond locks out of her face, which served no real purpose because they returned immediately, and curtsied.

“My name is Claire Bramblebrush. This is my brother Andrew. We were scouting the vale for orcs and goblins. It has been a harrowing few weeks. We hail from Lakedeep and while we survived the onslaught we still suffered casualties. Please come with us. My father will want to talk to you.”

Andrew looked at them for a moment and a slight grin appeared on his face. He said, “Aye come on dad will want to talk to you for sure. Just follow us.”

As they headed up the trail, Zaradanoric took an immediate liking to the now excited, blond Claire. She wanted information from the outside world and had a curiosity and hunger for knowledge. Under her wild blond hair Zaradanoric noticed that she bore a harp and a short sword that confused him. While he told her of what he knew, Zaradanoric realized he knew very little of the outside world himself.

Still confused about his new companions equipment Zaradanoric asked, “Claire, why do you carry both a sword and a harp? I could understand one or the other but not both.”

She turned to him and grinned before replying, “I could ask why you carry a woodsman’s ax that is clearly doesn’t fit you however I’ll answer. Simply, I’m training to be a minstrel but my father doesn’t care for it much. Now my turn, what is with your brogue? You clearly aren’t from Bree or one of John’s folk. You look better by a league then he does!”

As she broke into musical laughter, John sighed and asked, “Claire are you Ruth Bramblebush’s daughter?”

“Aye, she’s my mother. Why do ya ask?” Claire replied.

“Come here me darling niece!” John shouted. He wrapped he up in a big bear hug.

“Gerroff me you stinkin lump!” Claire said playfully. “Mamma warned me buot Aunt Maggie’s husband. Said you were sweet but stupid as the day is long. This is your nephew Andrew and you have two more nieces who have never met you at home.”

Zaradanoric felt happy for John having met family for the first time but inside he felt hollow and it hurt. He kept a smile on his face to not ruin the good time. John and Andrew set off again talking animatedly while he and Claire continued behind them.

“So back to my question Zara, I’m gonna call you that. Your full name is just to long. Where do you hail from?” She inquired.

Zaradanoric felt a little happier and replied, “I hail from tha North Downs. I’m a highlander and we have the thickest brogue.”

“Ah that makes sense. Well look at that! This is home! Welcome to Lakedeep.” Claire announced.

Before them stood a fascinating town. There was a thick wall with houses built into the wall and presumably more buildings inside. Light emanated from windows in the walls and music sounded from inside. At the base of the wall a massive river flowed through a portcullis making a moat.

Claire stepped forward and shouted towards the walls, “Ahoy Lakedeep! Scouts returning with friends!” She turned to her uncle and Zaradanoric and remarked, “Give them a minute and they will lower the gate. Then you can come in and meet my dad and tell him the good news.”

Embers of Hope Chapter 4: The Abandoned Hills

As their entourage traveled towards a small trading village in the hills, John was muttering about the time they were making. However, Zaradanoric was overcome with weariness and drifted off to sleep.

Dreams provided no shelter for him. Zaradanoric relived the raid on his home eighteen winters ago and his flight to safety. Yet this time he watched from his own body and did not relive it. As he watched the red flames consume his home and everything he loved, Zaradanoric began to weep. Suddenly, the dream shifted and it was no longer his home. It was a small village burning merrily the sign bearing its name barely readable except for the word ale. Flames leapt from homes as burly orcs slaughtered innocent families. As Zaradanoric watched the carnage he saw a man slide a book under a stone before he was brutally slaughtered by an orc. Zaradanoric could stand it no longer and he charged shouting.

He hit the ground and forgot the dream almost immediately. The next thing he heard was, “John, ya great ninny, why’d you let the lad leap out of the cart like that!” Zaradanoric heard Maggie shout.

“Darlin you have to trust me I didn’t know he was gonna take after a bird and fly away. He just jumped up and shouted something before taking a header off the cart. Probably trying to get away from me beautiful mug after three days in the cart. Oh pies and ale! What was the for Maggie?” John exclaimed.

“You know what it was for John Puddin-head, now help the lad up and back into the cart.” Maggie retorted.

Zaradanoric felt himself lifted into the cart and set down. As the mists of sleep and the fall began to clear he felt a cool cloth on his head. He tried to move but was pushed firmly down by Maggie.

“You and John are just the same. You don’t know when to stop” Maggie complained. Then she shouted, “John, thank you for helping me hoist this lump back into the cart. I love you dearly husband but if you don’t watch it your mouth is going to break your nose one day.”

Zaradanoric chuckled as John responded, “I forgive ye Maggie my flaxenhaired beauty! I don’t recon anyone will be tryin to break my nose though not with you around love!”

After a few minutes Zaradanoric felt better and sat up. He looked out the back of John’s cart but what he saw didn’t help his heart. Katherine had met a young man the day before and now the two were inseparable. Zaradanoric felt very alone in the world again.

Maggie noticed his saddened look and said, “There now. Not all things are meant to be and heartbreak comes. Just be happy that you have someone else who will be that one for you. Besides a little secret. If John found someone then you can.” Maggie stopped speaking and broke into laughter.

A smile crept onto Zaradanorics face and he shouted to John, “When do we get to the town?”

“Another day now. Its called Streamdale it’s a small farming community but has always taken care of us.” John replied.

Hearing the name brought a sudden flashback to Zaradanorics mind. He crawled to the front of the wagon with a sick feeling in his stomach.

“John, how long would it take a few single riders to get there?” Zaradanoric inquired.

John thought for a moment and replied, “About eight hours but why would we send them? They usually just accept us.”

Zaradanoric explained his dream and stated, “When you said the name, I had a flashback. All I feel now is this sickening feeling in my gut that something bad has happened.”

John and Maggie mulled it over for a moment. John spoke first, “I’m not usually one to believe in dreams and omens but the description of the town and some of the town folk has me curious. What do you think darling?”

Maggie thought for a moment more and said, “I agree with John, I am a farmer by trade and believe in only what I can touch and see but that dream. It doesn’t feel like a nightmare. It sounds believable especially since you have never been there. I say you and John take three men with you and take a look. I can run the wagon train.”

John nodded and said, “Come on lad, grab a bow and come with me. I’ll get Lander, Coburn, and Walter.”

Twenty minutes later the five men assembled and got on horses. John informed them of the mission and they rode off into the setting sun. Zaradanoric held to the horse he borrowed as they dashed into the night. He counted his arrows and adjusted the bow he had built while on the trip. It was a simple affair that was right for his size. While he was armed with an ax, Zaradanoric longed for a proper sword.

John slowed the horses to a halt several hours after nightfall. He dismounted and was looking at something on the ground. Zaradanoric dismounted and looked at it with him.

“Well this looks like a large party of people have been through here in a hurry. It may be,” John paused as he cast about the roadside and returned with something, “Ah yes, it was farmers fleeing something. This is a farmers doll.” John looked it over.

Zaradanoric stared at the doll and remounted his horse. “Something caused these farmers to flee for safety but what? The vale was clear of orcs when we came through and it takes a lot to shake a frontier farmer.”

John nodded as he remounted. Silently the men continued spurred by greater urgency. They exited the mountain pass into a small clearing several hours later and were greeted with a massive plume of smoke in the distance.

“I was hoping you were wrong Zaradanoric. I really was.” John muttered in shock.

“Aye John so was I. So was I.” Zaradanoric replied as he urged his horse on with great speed.

As they thundered near the village, a shape lunged at Zaradanorics steed and knocked the two of them over. Zaradanoric lunged out of the way of the maw that bit at him but his horse was not so lucky. A beast Zaradanoric soon recognized as a warg swiftly dispatched the borrowed beast as he drew his ax. An arrow from Landry’s bow grew from the wargs neck but did not stop it. One heave of the sharp ax however ended the beast’s feeding permanently.

John Brackenbrook dismounted, approached the dispatched warg, and rolled it over with his foot. In a disgusted tone he spat, “Warg scavenger, a warg so gutless and cowardly he has to feed off the packs scraps. That means the pack is nearby and they will be bigger then this one. Be on guard!”

The men continued into town on foot and looked at the still burning village. The fountain in the center of town had burned bodies heaped around it but still continued to pour water.

Zaradanoric walked over to the bodies and looked at the fountain. He waved his comrades over not being able to yell over the roar of the fire. Several buckets bobbed in the fountain and Zaradanoric filled one and threw it on a burning structure. The men quickly formed a bucket line and had partially extinguished a home.

On the steps of that home lay the headless corpse of the man Zaradanoric saw slaughtered. He gently rolled the body over and searched for a loose stone. After a minute he found it and pulled it out. Behind it was the book he had seen in his dream.

Zaradanoric leafed through the book, stood up, and shouted urgently to Landry, “Ride back to the caravan and bring more men. We might lose the valley! John! Lets keep that bucket line up!”

Embers of Hope Chapter 3: Days of Plenty

A week later Zaradanoric felt able to travel again. He had spent much time while he was waiting with Katherine Oaklane, the intriguing lore-master. Partially, this was due to the manner of his wounds, which required expert skill that she had the knowledge of. After that night on the cliff fighting the possessor spirit, the two had grown closer as friends and allies.

The day for departure had arrived and Zaradanoric was ready to leave. He left his broken armor at the smith for him to use for scraps. The sword he had used during the fight he had buried in the hill under the massive bridge that gave the town its name. It carried an evil aura since the encounter with Oraston. He and Katherine decided to bury it away from the people to reduce the harm it would deal.

He quietly got up from where he slept in the common room in the Oaklane sister’s house and silently gathered his few belongings. Zaradanoric had decided that if he left quietly he would minimize the goodbyes. He quietly left a note detailing his gratitude and his remaining silver coins as compensation. Then Zaradanoric strolled out of the town just as the sun was rising and began the mile walk to John Brackenbrooks camp with a feeling of regret in his heart for having left that way.

About ten minutes later Zaradanoric entered the camp a nodded at the watchman and strolled towards John’s tent. He had to slightly bend down to enter the tent but it was something Zaradanoric had grown accustomed to due to his once large, muscular build, which was unusual even for one of his lineage. However, the winters had been cruel in the North Downs and many days there was barely just enough to get by. As a result Zaradanoric was much thinner than his height and shoulder width should dictate.

Inside the humble tent John Brackenbrook, his lieutenant, and a woman who Zaradanoric assumed was his wife sat examining a map on the table. The jovial hunter saw Zaradanoric out of the corner of his eye and looked up.

“Zaradanoric my friend. Welcome to the hunter’s camp. You have met my lieutenant Faleran but this is my beautiful wife Maggie.” The petite blond woman smiled politely in greeting. The hunter continued in mock whisper, “She is the best thing to happen to me. I am sure if I didn’t have her some mornings I would go hungry!”

At this teasing jibe Maggie shot back jokingly in her soft voice, “You’d go more than hungry John Brackenbrook! Admit it, if me, your darlin’ wife, wasn’t here some mornings you wouldn’t even have a brain! Much less food on the table, clean clothes, or well-fletched arrows! Now, give me a kiss because I have to make sure this whole camp gets ready to go.”

John Brackenbrook planted a kiss on his wife’s cheek and grinned big as she strode out the door. “Grew up the oldest of fifteen she did. Right little firebrand some days but she keeps the wheels greased and moving. Well, enough about me gal. Now that you are here let’s get you some proper fitting clothes and food. Have you eaten yet?” The hunter inquired.

Zaradanoric replied, “No I haven’t. John thank you so much for your hospitality. It is very generous.”

The sturdy hunter grinned again and replied, “Well lad, don’t thank me yet. The journey to Archet is about to start and I’ll need all hands on deck. But in return for your help we can teach ya all sorts of stuff.”

Zaradanoric chuckled and shook John’s hand, “Well Mr. Brackenbrook. You drive a hard bargain but I accept.”

“Good lad. Lets go see what the wife has fixed for breakfast. This way!” Ending his sentence the good-humored hunter strolled off in the directions of the cooking fires, rounded a corner and shouted, “Maggie, love-o-me-life, is breakfast ready yet? Ow!”

Zaradanoric rounded the corner to see Brackenbrook rubbing his hand while his wife Maggie stood in front of him with a wet rag. “Now, John Brackenbrook. You shan’t get your breakfast any earlier then the rest of us! And just standing there staring won’t cook it any faster either. Take your friend there and go cut us some fire wood.”

Zaradanoric move quietly and quickly past John and Maggie towards the side of the wagon where the axes were. He grabbed and tested the weight of two or three before settling on one that well-balanced enough for his liking.

“Just show me where the logs are and I’ll get to work Mrs. Brackenbrook.” He spoke in his strong northern inflection.

Maggie smiled and spoke, “Well a willing hand is better the ten pressed. Over there my boy to the left of that wagon is the wood yard. Just cut what we have on the ground. That should do.”

Zaradanoric nodded and walked in the direction of the wood yard smiling all the while because of John’s continued banter. As he approached the wood yard he saw that a large stack lay on the ground. It was nearly as tall as he was and almost seven feet wide. Instead of fretting about it, Zaradanoric simply grabbed a piece and set to work. In two powerful, experienced swings he split the log into four pieces and set to the next log. Fifteen minutes later Zaradanoric had cleared almost a fifth of the stack while John was struggling with his fourth piece.

The hunter looked up for a moment at the amount of logs Zaradanoric had spilt and exclaimed, “Strewth! I have never seen anybody split that much in such a short time. Maggie! Come here darling and see this. Go on lad. Keep going.”

Zaradanoric went back to work. Swing, turn the log, swing again, and clean up. As he continued chopping wood as small crowd of the early risers had gathered around and was watching the man from the North Downs chop wood. After a good thirty more minutes the stack that was on the ground was split neatly into fourths.

Zaradanoric set down his axe and looked at his work. His tattered, sweaty shirt clung to his thin frame as he relaxed for a moment. Then he turned to the Brackenbrooks and asked, “Where does this need to go?”

Maggie snorted and responded, “You won’t be carrying this anywhere lad. We’ll all pitch in and help out. You just did in a half an hour what usually takes us three times that. Breakfast is nearly done and we can get a move on early.” She paused and looked his skinny frame up and down before asking, “Zaradanoric, how long has it been since you have had a decent meal?”

Zaradanoric looked at the ground and kicked at a pebble before answering, “I cannot remember the last time. Life is hard in the downs and game and farmers aren’t as plentiful. We get by but there isn’t full stomachs among the men most days.”

Maggie smiled for a minute and said, “Well Zaradanoric you are with the Brackenbrook’s hunting party now and there is always enough to go around. Come on now enough jaw flapping lets finish up and get eating.

Ten minutes later the chopped wood was loaded onto a wagon and the entire camp, which number about eighty in all, were sitting eating. Zaradanoric ate with John and Maggie and listened to their amusing banter. His thoughts for some reason began to drift to Katherine Oaklane but he didn’t know why.

John interrupted his musings with a low statement, “Uh oh. Seems our girls have noticed the Northerner ehh Maggie?”

His wife nodded in response while her husband continued to speak, “Pay em no mind and don’t encourage them. They are horrible flirts. They will tar you apart trying to get-Ooofff! What was that for Maggie?”

“You are going to worry his young head too much. Just tell him to mind his distance and he will be fine. They go after anything Zaradanoric they are only encouraged because of the demonstration at the woodpile.”

Zaradanoric nodded and continued to eat the delicious breakfast that had been made for them. He looked up at the small gaggle of girls who were looking his direction and whispering. He immediately diverted his gaze up to the nearby road where he saw a rider approaching on a horse. He subtlety nudged John and nodded in the direction of the rider. Both he and John put down their plates and they walk towards the road. Maggie started to ask why they were moving but she saw the look in her husband’s eyes and understood.

As the two men approached the road the rider neared them and slowed. Zaradanoric immediately recognized the rider.

“Its okay John, it’s Katherine from the town. What can I do for you?” He asked in his Northern brogue.

Katherine shook back her hood and let her hair spill across her shoulders. Then she proclaimed in her lighter accent. “Well for one, not ditch me. If you are leaving then I am as well. Allies stick together. Second take your money back. You don’t owe a friend anything. They take care of each other.” She tossed him a small leather pouch that contained his few silver coins.

Grinning from ear to ear he said to John, “You don’t mind her joining us do you?”

“Nay lad let her join. She can help my wife. Come on now lass. Lets get you some food.”

An hour later all the camp was fed and the small gaggle of girls were staring jealously at Katherine. Before they began to break camp Zaradanoric changed into the clothes John had ready for him and trimmed his unruly beard. The clothes were soft deer leather that hung loosely around his body, leaving room for his body to grow into now that he was receiving more food.

When they began disassembling the camp, Zaradanoric found immediate work being the tallest in the camp by a good seven or eight inches. In fact only Katherine and John Brackenbrook were remotely close to his height but he still held a three-inch advantage on them. Using his height, Zaradanoric began to disassemble some of the taller tents and load them on the wagons. As he was lifting a particularly heavy barrel on a wagon he began to loose his grip but Katherine stepped in and took up the slack.

Zaradanoric appreciated that she was helping. Unlike all the other girls who were sitting about acting silly Katherine was pitching in and aiding the effort. Several hours later the pack was ready to move. Zaradanoric and Katherine boarded John’s wagon with Maggie and sat back for the ride. Zaradanoric looked with amazement at the landscape approaching in the distance. It looked much more fertile than the barren fields of the Downs. If this was the bounty ahead of him then the days of plenty were here.

Embers of Hope Chapter 2: Phantom Victory

Zaradanoric was stirred to wakefulness by an argument outside the barrack walls. By the looks of the sky it was nearing evening. Zaradanoric stiffly sat up, stretched, and then removed his breastplate and shoulders. He laid his armor on the ground next to his bag and strode outside to see what the argument was about. Outside there was a group of people arguing in a circle. Zaradanoric surveyed the situation and saw that there were three parties. The captain of the guard, named Ralman, led one group, a lanky man with close-cropped dark hair led another, and woman, who Zaradnaoric had not met but felt like he knew, led the last group.

It was clear that the captain of the guard and the lanky man were about to come to blows so Zaradanoric took action. He drew his two-handed sword, which was made from his father’s sword hilt, and marched forward. While the blade was on its last legs, Zaradanoric loved it because of its history and imposing look.

The woman, who was trying to mediate, saw the sword-bearing warrior and backed up. They briefly made eye contact and while Zaradanoric was positive he had never met her she seemed familiar. However, the guard and lanky man continued shouting at each other and Zaradanoric entered the center of the circle to break up the shouting match.

In between the two men lay a broken shield, Zaradanoric swung his sword against one of the fractured parts and shouted, “Enough! Look at you two. Here you stand arguing like children and not hearing the other despite how much you have to say. If you have not had enough of arguing then take it up with me.” Zaradanoric hefted his sword menacingly; “I can be the argument councilor if you need one. Now, lets hear each side’s complaint from the neutral party. You their ma’am, you seem to be the one trying to break it up.”

The woman nodded and stepped forward. She took a breath and spoke, “My name is Katherine Oaklane. The problem is this. Two men went missing this morning. One was from the captain of the guards unit and one from Mr. Brackenbrook’s hunting party. They were found about an hour ago with Mr. Brackenbrook’s hunter missing but his sword was thrust through the guardsman. The hunters shield was found shattered on the ground with blood around it. The argument arose from who was responsible and why it happened. Mr. Brackenbrook and the captain have… struggled to get along and things came to a boiling point.”

Zaradanoric nodded at the story, thought a minute and spoke, “Where was the body found?”

The a burley guardsman bellowed, “Towards the Fields of Fornost. The tracks looked like they were chased or chasing each other.”

Zaradanoric replied, “Very well. All right, the sun is setting so here is what we must do. Captain Ralman, gather a party of twenty men including you. You are to arm them and give them all lanterns. Mr. Brackenbrook, you are to do the same. Mrs. Oaklane, please accompany us. We may need a cooler mind to prevail. We will leave in thirty minutes and we will get to the bottom of this matter.”

Zaradanoric turned around and walked to the guardhouse ignoring the glare from the captain. He set down his sword, but when he did the tried blade fractured from hitting the shield and pavestones so hard. Zaradanoric salvaged the hilt and tossed the broken blade to the side. He went to the arms rack and began testing the feel of their blades. None of them felt entirely right but Zaradanoric took one that was balanced well enough. It was a dull bronze blade covered in dust and grime.

Zaradanoric took it out into the wan light of evening along with the rest of his gear and sat on the guardhouse steps sharpening and cleaning the blade to the best of his ability. His mind was racing with the events. He had heard that unearthly assault the night before and now this. Either he was living in a fever dream or many bad things were beginning to occur.

The woman who he had briefly talked with earlier interrupted his thoughts when she approached him. She was wearing a brown hooded cloak and bore a wooden staff with a large, uncut ruby nested in it. Her long brown hair was bound up away from her face and she looked resolute but a touch scared.

Without looking up from cleaning his blade, Zaradnaoric inquired, “Well Mrs. Oaklane. What brings you to me this fine evening? Do you have a case of battle nerves?”

She nodded in response and looked at him with a ponderous look.

Zaradanoric did not even need to see her reaction to know the answer. He simply gestured to the stair beside him and spoke, “Take a seat and talk a minute with me. There is nothing you should need to be scared about. What probably occurred was a dispute over something that was fueled by wine. Wine fuels the passion and passion never governs wisely. Most likely both men resorted to swords and chased each other. In the end they probably slew each other and the hunter simply dragged himself to a place where he could die in solitude.”

She nodded and replied, “First off, you can call me Katherine, everyone does. Second, thank you for trying to comfort me but there is something about this that sets me on edge. Something is not right about this situation.”

Zaradanoric adjusted the lantern he was using, resumed cleaning the sword, and spoke again, “Well Katherine, I am Zaradanoric son of Eguald the Just. Have you ever been amongst the Rangers? You seem familiar to me yet I do not know your face.”

Katherine shifted uncomfortably for a moment then spoke, “No, I have never been with the Rangers. I have lived in Trestlebridge my entire life.”

With that she got up and departed immediately. Zaradanoric thought the behavior was a touch bizarre but not altogether unwarranted. Once he finished preparing his gear, Zaradanoric began his pre-combat ritual. Leaving his breastplate and shoulders with his bag, he walked away from the village. He held his necklace, which was a band of steel with a spectacular galaxy sapphire inlaid in it, in one hand and his sword in another. He strode a fair distance away from the town and walked to the cliff that overlooked the river.

Zaradanoric looked to the stars and remembered his family and brothers in arms. He stood there contemplating for a few minutes then began to walk back. Out of the corner of his eye Zaradanoric saw a shadow move. He released his necklace, a gift from Barain, and let it hang around his neck. Then he raised his sword in a ready position.

To his left he heard a rustling and when he turned that direction he saw the same shadow from the corner of his eye.

Zaradanoric shouted, “Show yourself, real men do not hide in the bushes!”

A chilling, grating laugh sounded from all around him and a voice echoed back filled with spite, “Who says that I am a man? Zaradanoric the parentless.”

Suddenly, Zaradanoric was flung backwards into the ground and a dark shape swirled into being in front of him. As Zaradanoric slowly stood up the figure morphed into a shadowy version of him.

The voice rang out again, “Here you are all alone with no help. You stand against yourself in a match of skills that you will lose. Finally, I will have the haven I was promised. The hunter knew what I was and after he and his companion were both gravely wounded took aggravating pains to deny me a body. That is no matter now! I will take a new host.”

The figure raised his blade and swung. Zaradanoric brought his up barely in time to deflect it. The dark blade cut through his leather jerkin and left a long cut across his chest. The spirit chuckled menacingly and swung again. This time Zaradanoric was ready a deflected the blade. Zardanoric went on the offense and swiftly thrust his blade at the figures unguarded leg. The blade did not plunge through the shadow figure but it did sink into it. The creature jerked away with an unearthly scream. Zaradanoric was able to pull his blade away in time but the figure had disappeared.

A shove from behind sent Zaradanoric falling towards the cliff. While he was trying to regain his footing he felt himself lifted up into the air. Zaradanoric knew what was coming next but he spent his time preciously. As he was flung back towards the ground Zaradanoric threw his sword into the shadow figures chest. He was rewarded with a scream even louder and longer then the first but Zaradanoric was slammed into the ground and lost consciousness. He awoke seconds later being dragged towards the cliff edge and faked unconsciousness.

As the creature prepared to sling him over the edge to his death, a light and a shout broke the night. “By the flame of Arnor release him! You have not place in our world spirit!’ a majestic voice proclaimed.

Zaradanoric’s frame of vision was flooded by a burst of light but he still acted. Using the distraction Zaradanoric drew his reserve blade and plunged it into the figure. It released him and writhed towards the edge of the cliff. Although bleeding from a head wound and the cut on his chest, Zaradanoric staggered to his feet and walked towards the creature.

A cloaked person ran up behind him carrying a glowing staff. The robed warrior shouted, “He is going to kill us. This is just a diversion. We must act now! Stab him again and I will do the rest.”

Zaradanoric simply acted. He plunged his blade into the creature’s gut and twisted it. While he did this, he heard his ally shout out a phrase in another language and hit the shadow with the staff.

A blaze of light shone out and the creature began to melt away.

The shadow figure shouted, “You foolish mortals! You have not slain Oraston. I will return and finish my work but you shall suffer great pain when I do!”

His monologue was terminated because his form melted away. Zaradanoric turned to his ally and stated, “Thank you. Your aid has saved me and I owe you a blood debt.” Zaradanoric shakily kneeled.

“Consider it an action of a friend. You may have saved our town.” The cloaked person pulled the hood off and Zaradanoric recognized it immediately.

“Katherine, you wield the knowledge of ancient lore? That is astounding. How did you know?” Zaradanoric inquired.

“I always have known certain thing. I have been more aware of the realms of the undead and I knew some sort of spirit was attacking the town. The people have been very hostile and on edge for about a week. I just didn’t know that you would provoke it to appear.” She said.

Zaradanoric lifted his sword and stood up, “Well your intuition saved me and possibly the town. We can call off the search party now. I know what happened but I need to tell the town.”

Katherine nodded and helped the warrior back to the town. The blood covered man sat upon the steps while the town assembled. Katherine brought her sister over to help treat Zaradanoric’s wounds before he addressed the town.

Finally, the town was assembled and Zaradanoric spoke, “People of Trestlebridge, tonight I and Katherine Oaklane have seen and vanquished an evil that was terrorizing the town. The two murdered men were slain in combat with a powerful phantom who had the ability to manifest in a nearly physical form. It called itself Oraston and I believe it desired to turn the town against each other and set it to war. He caused much grief and stirred up much anger while he was here but will not bother you for a time. Let us return to our houses and sleep in peace tonight while we may. For I fear that a spirit targeting a town with such strategy is not a random occurrence. For a spirit to be that strong and vindictive it was let in and strengthened by some greater power. We must be on the watch and take care for greater evils will come. When? I do not know but something evil stands ahead.”

Zaradanoric finished his speech and the townspeople set to muttering. Hunger pangs struck Zaradanoric as he realized that he had not eaten in two sunrises. So while the town filled its beds Zaradanoric filled his stomach.

As he was eating the man who was identified as Brackenbrook came to Zaradanoric and spoke, “You must be the one who we are to take south. I am Jon Brackenbrook.” The jovial man offered his hand and Zaradanoric shook it. The hunter continued, “I see you incurred a few injuries there. We will delay our start time a few days to see that you heal well. My men and I are staying in the fields towards Bree. Feel free to join us when you would like.”

Abruptly ending the conversation, the wiry hunter strode down the street whistling.