Tales From Middle-Earth is a series that retells the stories players experience in the Lord of the Rings Online. The purpose is to document and highlight the fantastic work SSG has put into realizing Tolkien’s world.
Almost two centuries had passed since Smaug had driven Durin’s folk from The Lonely Mountain. In that time, the Longbeards had built a new life for themselves in the Blue Mountains of Eriador. Despite this, Thorin Oakenshield, son of the last King Under the Mountain, longed to reclaim Erebor…and that day had finally come.
While on his way to the Silverdeep Mine, a young dwarf crossed paths with Gandalf the Gray, a close adviser to his Lord Thorin. Gandalf wished to walk and speak with the miner. Despite being late for work, he miner felt obliged to listen.
Gandalf mused about many things, much of which did not make sense to the miner. As they approached the mine entrance, they found Thorin, Gloin, Gimli, and Gormr Doursmith saying their goodbyes. Before departing with Gandalf, Thorin appointed Gormr steward of the halls in his absence.
The miner, Gimli, and Gormr bid Thorin and his company farewell; unaware that they would never see their lord alive again.
As the miner turned to enter the Silverdeep, a great tremor shook the ground around them. Fearing the collapse of the mine and the lives of the dwarves within it, Gimli bid the aid of the miner while Gormr went for help.
Together, the two dwarves warned the miners of the danger they faced. Tvistur, an old, deaf dwarf, did not hear Gimli’s plea before accidentally opening a tunnel that contained a Cave Troll. The miner watched helplessly as the Troll felled the old dwarf.
Gimli drew the creatures’ ire and led it deeper into the caves. The miner, fearing for Gimli’s safety, followed closely behind.
While making his way through the tunnels, the miner came across elven ruins and the lifeless yet well-preserved body of a dwarf; surrounded by odious red flowers. He didn’t know it at the time, but the miner was standing below what was once the library of Edhelion where over 700 years ago, Skorgrim Dourhand met his end at the hands of Talagan Silvertongue, who brought the library down upon them.
The miner finally reached Gimli, who was fighting the troll head-on. Gimli might have met his end had Gandalf not arrived at that moment. The wizard, who answered Gormr’s call, exposed the cave to sunlight; turning the troll to stone.
While the dwarves thanked Gandalf, the light shone upon a curious trinket that caught the attention of Gormr, who picked it up and pocketed it. Gandalf briefly explained what had transpired above the mine centuries ago which prompted the miner to tell the Wizard of the body he had discovered. Gandalf was troubled by the miner’s encounter, but he could not spare another moment.
Gimli and the miner made their way out of the mine. Gormr, curious about the fate of his ancestor, chose to stay behind and investigate the body the miner had found.
Thorin and his company would succeed in reclaiming Erebor, though the journey would claim his and his nephews lives. The miner would go on to help rebuild Erebor, only to find himself return to the Blue Mountains many years later to learn what befell the dwarves of Thorin’s Hall.