Beneath Your Feet 10: West AngmarBeneath Your Feet 10: West Angmar
Ah, lovely West Angmar. It's like a nuclear waste land, if Sauron had developed the bomb. And who should join me here in this wretched land? Why, Doc Holliday of
Ah, lovely West Angmar. It's like a nuclear waste land, if Sauron had developed the bomb. And who should join me here in this wretched land? Why, Doc Holliday of
Ah, the tail end of the Yule Festival and all the snowballs and goodies that come with it. In this episode I have a look at Turbine's holiday creation and
Ah, the Bridge. It's the first sight a traveler sees before crossing the Baranduin into the Little Land. This week I have a long, hard look at that Bridge and