Community Events: June 30th-July 6th

Community Calendar:

Next weekend will be huge.  We’ve got the Weatherstock Concert Series, the Festival of the White Lady, and the Summer of Love Festival.  We have more information on each of these events in the coming soon section.  But there’s still plenty to see this week, from the regular weekly concerts and gatherings to several special events on Belegaer.  Today we’ll focus on some of the great events on the German language servers.

This listing of featured events is only published on Fridays, but our Google calendar is kept up to date throughout the week and includes details on many more activities.  We always aim to have the most complete events calendar in the game and accept events of all types on all servers.  Take a look at this week’s agenda for upcoming events around LOTRO and copy some or all events to your personal calendar.  You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page and on the calendar is to submit a form.

Server calendars: Arkenstone CalendarBelegaer CalendarBrandywine CalendarCrickhollow CalendarEvernight Calendar, Gladden CalendarGwaihir CalendarLandroval CalendarLaurelin Calendar, and Sirannon Calendar

All events listed in Eastern Daylight Time (-4 GMT)/server time.  Most Laurelin events will also be listed at British time, BST (+1 GMT), and all events on Belegaer and Sirannon are listed with CEST (+2 GMT).  You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page is to submit a form.  I’m always open to feedback and suggestions, both here and through the submissions form, so let me know if there’s something we should feature.  Thanks for reading!

Featured events for this week:

Friday, June 30

Die Meisterbarden von Bree

Server: Gwaihir

Time: 2pm EDT (8pm CEST)

Location: Bree Auction House

Description: Concert

Click for more Friday events


Saturday, July 1

Sgt. Pepper Jubiläumskonzert

Server: Belegaer

Time: 2pm EDT (8pm CEST)

Location: Vor dem Tänzelnden Pony [Prancing Pony Stone]

Description: Concert with Die Ziehenden Musikanten, Frische Brise

Click for more Saturday events


Sunday, July 2

Die Bunten Vögel

Server: Belegaer

Time: 1:30pm EDT (7:30pm CEST)

Location: Vor dem Tänzelnden Pony [Prancing Pony Stone]

Description: Concert

Buntes Drachenfest (Colorful Kite Festival)

Server: Belegaer

Time: 2pm EDT (8pm CEST)

Location: Kreidestraße 2, Lindental

Description: Der “Stammtisch zum Efeubusch” und der “Verbund für hobbitisches Brauchtum” veranstalten am Sonntag. Juli, ein buntes Drachenfest, beginnend zur achten Abendstunde. Geboten wird den Gästen neben Speis und Trank auch Musik der “Lindentaler Grünfinken”.

Budgeford Bacon Bash

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2:30pm EDT (7:30pm BST)

Location: Milo Bolger’s farm just NE of Budgeford, The Shire

Description: A pork-flavoured, farm-located Grand Summer Picnic! Come pat the friendly farm animals, eat grand food, marvel at the tranquil Shire farm life and have fun! And enjoy the grand premiere of the play “Ode to Ol’ Bloodtusk!  Please note, this is a roleplaying event primarily geared towards hobbits. Taller folks are welcome too if them manage to find the way to a distant hobbit farm.

Click for more Sunday events


Monday, July 3

Ales and Tales

Server: Landroval

Time: 8:30pm for Nibbles & Nobs, 9:30pm for Ales & Tales

Location: Valkris kinhouse – 1 High Road, Mereden, Bree

Description:  Volunteer to tell a tale, sing a song, recite a new poem, anything you wish to share with others in an RP setting. Nibbles and Nobs offers an open stage to all performers, while Ales and Tales features a house band and scheduled performers (all are welcome to sign up).  Location changes every week, so /joinchannel alesandtales to find out more information.

Click for more Monday events


Tuesday, July 4

Bärtigen Musen

Server: Belegaer

Time: 2pm EDT (8pm CEST)

Location: Prancing Pony Stage

Description:  Concert

Click for more Tuesday events


Wednesday, July 5

Tunes and Ales

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11am and 10:30pm

Location: Fornost

Description: Midweek Tunes and Ales is a weekly event every Wednesday at 10:30pm and 11:00am server time.  It’s always in a different place each week, we could be at Weathertop or Rivendell, maybe even the depths of Moria, playing music throughout Middle Earth!  We welcome all travelers who are passing through to join if like to share a tune, story, or just dance!

Grenzer des Auenlandes

Server: Belegaer

Time: 2pm EDT (8pm CEST)

Location: Bachuferstraße 4, Siedlung Fuchskleve, Auenland

Description: Die Sicherheit des Auenlandes liegt in ihren Händen, darum sind die “Grenzer des Auenlandes” bemüht, Eure Klagen und Bitten entgegen nehmen zu können. Besucht die “Grenzer des Auenlandes”, um Verbrechen zu melden oder Informationen zu erhalten.

Click for more Wednesday events


Thursday, July 6

Stammtisch zum Efeubusch

Server: Belegaer

Time: 2pm (8pm CEST)

Location: Gasthaus Efeubusch, Hobbingen, Auenland

Description: Der “Stammtisch zum Efeubusch” lädt jede Woche donnerstags zum offenen und gemütlichen Treffen in das gleichnamige Gasthaus nach Hobbingen an der Wässer ein. Ab der achten Abendstunde freuen sich die Stammtischler auf Besucher aus aller Welt, mit denen ausgelassen über den neusten Klatsch und Tratsch geplaudert, so mancher Krug gehoben und gewitzelt wird.

Click for more Thursday events

Coming soon:

The Weatherstock Concert Series showcases 19 bands over 2 days next weekend on Landroval.  For the first time ever, all 19 will also play at the main Weatherstock concert!  Look for the full schedule and all of the beautiful posters in this space next week or check the official forums thread today.

The Knights of the White Lady (the oldest and largest LGBTQ kinship in LOTRO) are celebrating their ten-year anniversary at the annual Festival of the White Lady on Landroval July 8th.  Don your most outrageous outfit and join them for the traditional parade through Bree-town, with fabulous music, fantastic fireworks, and treats for all. There will also be an after-party at their island kin hall on the Bay of Belfalas.

The Summer of Love Festival also comes to Belegaer next weekend.  The lineup includes many of the most popular German bands.  It starts at 12:45pm EDT (6:45pm CEST) on the Bree Festival Stage (Festbühne Breeland) both Saturday and Sunday.

Festival time:

The Department of Strategery put together some excellent guides for the scavenger hunt Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4Year 5Year 6, and Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, and the final reward.  You may also check in on lotro-wiki: click on quest chain to find info on each quest and walk-through & notes for locations and spoilers.  The hunt ends on July 16th, so don’t delay!

Also ending on July 16th–the summer festival.  Wandering Around Arda previewed the new cosmetics and mount.  Elisapee has a gif of the new bubble pipe fish emote and revealed that it comes with sound.

Community Events: June 23rd-29th

Community Calendar:

We have several great special concerts to start this week.  This year’s Festival of the White Lady, always a much-anticipated day on the LOTRO calendar, will be taking place on July 8th.  The Weatherstock Concert Series, as well as Weatherstock itself, is also coming up in July.  Find out more about these events below!

This listing of featured events is only published on Fridays, but our Google calendar is kept up to date throughout the week and includes details on many more activities.  We always aim to have the most complete events calendar in the game and accept events of all types on all servers.  Take a look at this week’s agenda for upcoming events around LOTRO and copy some or all events to your personal calendar.  You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page and on the calendar is to submit a form.

Server calendars: Arkenstone CalendarBelegaer CalendarBrandywine CalendarCrickhollow CalendarEvernight Calendar, Gladden CalendarGwaihir CalendarLandroval CalendarLaurelin Calendar, and Sirannon Calendar

All events listed in Eastern Daylight Time (-4 GMT)/server time.  Most Laurelin events will also be listed at British time, BST (+1 GMT), and all events on Belegaer and Sirannon are listed with CEST (+2 GMT).  You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page is to submit a form.  I’m always open to feedback and suggestions, both here and through the submissions form, so let me know if there’s something we should feature.  Thanks for reading!

Featured events for this week:

Friday, June 23

The Lanterns of Nimrodeliant: Boars Tell No Tales

Server: Landroval

Time: 2pm

Location: Scholar’s Stairs Square, Bree

Description: Concert

Click for more Friday events


Saturday, June 24

The Musical and Poetic Evening

Server: Laurelin

Time: 12pm EDT (6pm CEST/9pm MSK)

Location: Scholars’ Hall, Bree [30.1S 52.0W]

Description: The Eluilind band will perform for you the masterpieces of world classics. Aсtors of Wingilote kinship will read famous verses in Russian and English.

Click for more Saturday events


Sunday, June 25

Les Chantefables

Server: Landroval

Time: 4:30pm EDT (10:30pm CEST)

Location: Prancing Pony Stone

Description: The famous band from Sirannon invites you to their special concert on Landroval


Click for more Sunday events


Monday, June 26

Ales and Tales

Server: Landroval

Time: 8:30pm for Nibbles & Nobs, 9:30pm for Ales & Tales

Location: Sandcastle Island, Lake Evendim (14S, 73.5W)

Description:  Volunteer to tell a tale, sing a song, recite a new poem, anything you wish to share with others in an RP setting. Nibbles and Nobs offers an open stage to all performers, while Ales and Tales features a house band and scheduled performers (all are welcome to sign up).  Location changes every week, so /joinchannel alesandtales to find out more information.

Click for more Monday events


Tuesday, June 27

Pie Shop Lads (and Lassies) Summer Tour of The Shire

Server: Laurelin

Time: 3:30pm

Location: Oatbarton Market Square, Evendim

Description:  The Pie Shop Lads (and Lassies) tour continues to its third stop in the Shire, this time in Oatbarton.

Exploring the Lord of the Rings–On Location

Server: Landroval

Time: 9:30pm

Location: Lore Hall across from the Cat Lady’s House, Bree

Description: A free in-depth reading of the trilogy with the Tolkien Professor which will bring in other works that affected the story and considers new angles and aspects.   The course takes place every Tuesday throughout January on a different server each week, followed by a field trip to a relevant site.  Go to Discord or Twitch to follow the discussion.

Click for more Tuesday events


Wednesday, June 28

Tunes and Ales

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11am and 10:30pm

Location: Vindurhal

Description: Midweek Tunes and Ales is a weekly event every Wednesday at 10:30pm and 11:00am server time.  It’s always in a different place each week, we could be at Weathertop or Rivendell, maybe even the depths of Moria, playing music throughout Middle Earth!  We welcome all travelers who are passing through to join if like to share a tune, story, or just dance!

Click for more Wednesday events


Thursday, June 29

Bird & Baby Yard Party

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2:30pm (7:30pm BST)

Location: Outside of the Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving, The Shire

Description: All good people are welcome at the Bird and Baby Yard Party, a weekly event featuring you, our patrons!  When there is a scheduled event, feel free to play music, tell stories or whatever during breaks, but we ask that you yield the stage to the evening’s main act at their discretion.

Click for more Thursday events

Coming soon:

The Knights of the White Lady (the oldest and largest LGBTQ kinship in LOTRO) are celebrating their ten-year anniversary at the annual Festival of the White Lady on Landroval.  Don your most outrageous outfit and join them for the traditional parade through Bree-town, with fabulous music, fantastic fireworks, and treats for all. There will also be an after-party at their island kin hall on the Bay of Belfalas.

Festival time:

The Department of Strategery put together some excellent guides for the scavenger hunt Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4Year 5Year 6, and Year 7, Year 8, and Year 9.  You may also check in on lotro-wiki: click on quest chain to find info on each quest and walk-through & notes for locations and spoilers.

Community Events: June 16th-22nd

Community Calendar:

Let me start with an apology–this post will revolve around one event in particular this week, and that event is my baby.  This will be the 4th Shirefest hosted by Second Breakfast and our longtime members are amazed to see the growth of the music community on Crickhollow and indeed throughout the game.  Some scoff at LOTRO’s musicians, but they don’t see just how much effort goes into their concerts.  Our bands spend countless hours transcribing, arranging, and even writing their own music inside and outside of the game.  They practice, work on themes and costumes, sync dances, write witty lyrics, promote wherever they can, and try to make everything look seamless when someone goes link dead or cues up the wrong song.  Sometimes there’s the ultimate validation of playing at or even winning Weatherstock.  Other times you’re playing to an empty crowd or one filled with trolls.  They maintain a positive attitude and play on.

25 of those bands will join us on Crickhollow this weekend.  I hope you’ll find time to check it out, even if that means making a new character.  I especially hope those who’ve never been to a musical performance in LOTRO before will check it out and think about how much goes into each show.

This listing of featured events is only published on Fridays, but our Google calendar is kept up to date throughout the week and includes details on many more activities.  We always aim to have the most complete events calendar in the game and accept events of all types on all servers.  Take a look at this week’s agenda for upcoming events around LOTRO and copy some or all events to your personal calendar.  You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page and on the calendar is to submit a form.

Server calendars: Arkenstone CalendarBelegaer CalendarBrandywine CalendarCrickhollow CalendarEvernight Calendar, Gladden CalendarGwaihir CalendarLandroval CalendarLaurelin Calendar, and Sirannon Calendar

All events listed in Eastern Daylight Time (-4 GMT)/server time.  Most Laurelin events will also be listed at British time, BST (+1 GMT), and all events on Belegaer and Sirannon are listed with CEST (+2 GMT).  You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page is to submit a form.  I’m always open to feedback and suggestions, both here and through the submissions form, so let me know if there’s something we should feature.  Thanks for reading!

Featured events for this week:

Friday, June 16


Server: Crickhollow

Time: 3pm

Location: Methel-stage

Description: Music festival

3:00 PM 12:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM Struck by Moonlight
4:00 PM 1:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM An Unexpected Melody
5:00 PM 2:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM Die Bunten Vögel
6:00 PM 3:00 PM 11:00 PM 12:00 AM The Michel Delving Bunny Watch
7:00 PM 4:00 PM 12:00 AM 1:00 AM Purple Pipeweed Parlor Band
8:00 PM 5:00 PM 1:00 AM 2:00 AM Mardi Gras Party Band
9:00 PM 6:00 PM 2:00 AM 3:00 AM BREAD & JAM at the Green Dragon

Click for more Friday events


Saturday, June 17


Server: Crickhollow

Time: 3pm

Location: Methel-stage

Description: Music festival

12:00 PM 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM The Breakfast Club
1:00 PM 10:00 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Ninny Hammers
2:00 PM 11:00 AM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Polnolunie
3:00 PM 12:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM Shire Tramps
4:00 PM 1:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM Little Wanderers
5:00 PM 2:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM Skarn
6:00 PM 3:00 PM 11:00 PM 12:00 AM P.I.E.
7:00 PM 4:00 PM 12:00 AM 1:00 AM Rhym and the Misty Mountain Hobs
8:00 PM 5:00 PM 1:00 AM 2:00 AM The Puddlejumpers
9:00 PM 6:00 PM 2:00 AM 3:00 AM No Whole Bard

Click for more Saturday events


Sunday, June 18


Server: Crickhollow

Time: 3pm

Location: Methel-stage

Description: Music festival

11:00 AM 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM ELEVENSES at the Ivy Bush
12:00 PM 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM ELEVENSES at the Ivy Bush
1:00 PM 10:00 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM The Department of Harmony and Song
2:00 PM 11:00 AM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Harlequins
3:00 PM 12:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM Andune Ensemble
4:00 PM 1:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM Thunderstruck
5:00 PM 2:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM The Aleford Band
6:00 PM 3:00 PM 11:00 PM 12:00 AM Dance Flora
7:00 PM 4:00 PM 12:00 AM 1:00 AM DisEnchanted
8:00 PM 5:00 PM 1:00 AM 2:00 AM Dr. Star & The Acoustic Mayhem
9:00 PM 6:00 PM 2:00 AM 3:00 AM Savo’ Lass

Click for more Sunday events


Monday, June 19

Ales and Tales

Server: Landroval

Time: 8:30pm for Nibbles & Nobs, 9:30pm for Ales & Tales

Location: Under the Trestlebridge

Description:  Volunteer to tell a tale, sing a song, recite a new poem, anything you wish to share with others in an RP setting. Nibbles and Nobs offers an open stage to all performers, while Ales and Tales features a house band and scheduled performers (all are welcome to sign up).  Location changes every week, so /joinchannel alesandtales to find out more information.

Click for more Monday events


Tuesday, June 20

Exploring the Lord of the Rings–On Location

Server: Gladden

Time: 9:30pm

Location: Lore Hall across from the Cat Lady’s House, Bree

Description: A free in-depth reading of the trilogy with the Tolkien Professor which will bring in other works that affected the story and considers new angles and aspects.   The course takes place every Tuesday throughout January on a different server each week, followed by a field trip to a relevant site.  Go to Discord or Twitch to follow the discussion.

Click for more Tuesday events


Wednesday, June 21

Tunes and Ales

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11am and 10:30pm

Location: Annuminas

Description: Midweek Tunes and Ales is a weekly event every Wednesday at 10:30pm and 11:00am servertime.  It’s always in a different place each week, we could be at Weathertop or Rivendell, maybe even the depths of Moria, playing music throughout Middle Earth!  We welcome all travelers who are passing through to join if like to share a tune, story, or just dance!

Viktor Tsoi 55

Server: Landroval

Time: 2pm

Location: Prancing Pony Stables

Description: Viktor Robertovich Tsoi was a Soviet-Korean singer and songwriter who co-founded Kino, one of the most popular and musically influential bands in the history of Russian music.  The small little band The HOPE will play several songs of group KINO. We devote this concert of memory of Victor Tsoi.

Summer Rush

Server: Landroval at 6pm

Other server: Crickhollow at 9pm

Location: Prancing Pony Stables

Description: The Purple Pipeweed Parlor Band presents 90 minutes of Rush songs on two different servers on one night.

Click for more Wednesday events


Thursday, June 22

Skepto Shireskald’s Musical Variety Show

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2:30pm (7:30pm BST)

Location: Outside of the Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving, The Shire

Description: Concert

Click for more Thursday events


I’d not only like to put in one last plug, but to give a thank you to my kinmates at Second Breakfast for putting together Shirefest year after year.  A special shout out to Isdandir for making this year’s poster.

Festival time:

The Department of Strategery put together some excellent guides for the scavenger hunt Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4Year 5Year 6, and Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, and what to do with those scraps of paper that take up too much of your vault.  You may also check in on lotro-wiki: click on quest chain to find info on each quest and walk-through & notes for locations and spoilers.

Community Events: June 9th-15th

Community Calendar:

And we’re back!  Thank you for stopping back by after our week off.

Festival season has officially begun.  Brandywine’s Summer Music Fest starts on Saturday at 2pm EDT at the Bree Festival Stage.  Shirefest hits Crickhollow next weekend.  And we now have a date and open signups for Weatherstock on Landroval: band registration closes on June 12th, the Weatherstock Concert Series will take place July 1, 2, 8, and 9, and the big show at the summit of Weathertop is on July 22nd.  Many more details coming soon.

This listing of featured events is only published on Fridays, but our Google calendar is kept up to date throughout the week and includes details on many more activities.  We always aim to have the most complete events calendar in the game and accept events of all types on all servers.  Take a look at this week’s agenda for upcoming events around LOTRO and copy some or all events to your personal calendar.  You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page and on the calendar is to submit a form.

Server calendars: Arkenstone CalendarBelegaer CalendarBrandywine CalendarCrickhollow CalendarEvernight Calendar, Gladden CalendarGwaihir CalendarLandroval CalendarLaurelin Calendar, and Sirannon Calendar

All events listed in Eastern Daylight Time (-4 GMT)/server time.  Most Laurelin events will also be listed at British time, BST (+1 GMT), and all events on Belegaer and Sirannon are listed with CEST (+2 GMT).  You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page is to submit a form.  I’m always open to feedback and suggestions, both here and through the submissions form, so let me know if there’s something we should feature.  Thanks for reading!

Featured events for this week:

Friday, June 9

The Irish Way to Live Well

Server: Landroval

Time: 2pm

Location: Boar Fountain, Bree [30.1s, 51.0w]

Description: The Lanterns of Nimrodeliant present their first solo concert for a new band dedicated to Irish music in the style of folk and new age.

Click for more Friday events


Saturday, June 10

Summer Music Fest

Server: Brandywine

Time: 2pm

Location: Bree Festival Stage


2pm – Harlequins
3pm – Shire Tramps
4pm – Arda & Eluilind
5pm – GoblinFyre
6pm – The Country Bluegrass Band
7pm – MGB
8pm – RKO (Runic Knights Orchestra)

Click for more Saturday events


Sunday, June 11

Andune Ensemble

Server: Landroval

Time: 3pm

Location: Prancing Pony Stage

Description: Weekly Concert

Ride of the Free Peoples

Server: Landroval

Time: 10pm

Location: Varies

Description: Free Peoples, ride together in formation for the Sons of Numenor’s monthly open patrol from points all across Middle-earth, then thunder across land striking fear into the Enemy before relaxing to an open stage concert. Escorts for new alts and those visiting from other servers! 2nd Sunday each month.

Click for more Sunday events


Monday, June 12

The Maidens of Vanimor

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2:30pm EDT (7:30pm BST)

Location: Prancing Pony Stone, Bree

Description: Weekly concert with their regular mix of rock, pop, and the unexpected

Ales and Tales

Server: Landroval

Time: 8:30pm for Nibbles & Nobs, 9:30pm for Ales & Tales

Location: Miazine & Blynd’s kinhall, 1 Roaring Road, Rikbarg, Thorin’s housing

Description:  Volunteer to tell a tale, sing a song, recite a new poem, anything you wish to share with others in an RP setting. Nibbles and Nobs offers an open stage to all performers, while Ales and Tales features a house band and scheduled performers (all are welcome to sign up).  Location changes every week, so /joinchannel alesandtales to find out more information.


Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11pm

Location: The Bird & Baby Inn, Michel Delving

Description: Tell stories, share poetry, sing, dance, or eat: it’s all up to you! Play music solo or with a group. Role-playing is encouraged. The doors are open to folks of all shapes and sizes.

Click for more Monday events


Tuesday, June 13

Pie Shop Lads (and Lassies) Summer Tour of The Shire

Server: Laurelin

Time: 3:30pm

Location: Brockenborings–by the Bullroarer Statue

Description:  The Pie Shop Lads (and Lassies) tour continues to its second stop in the Shire, this time in Frogmorton.

Exploring the Lord of the Rings–On Location

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 9:30pm

Location: Lore Hall across from the Cat Lady’s House, Bree

Description: A free in-depth reading of the trilogy with the Tolkien Professor which will bring in other works that affected the story and considers new angles and aspects.   The course takes place every Tuesday throughout January on a different server each week, followed by a field trip to a relevant site.  Go to Discord or Twitch to follow the discussion.

Click for more Tuesday events


Wednesday, June 14

Tunes and Ales

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11am and 10:30pm

Location: Garbert’s Cottage, Tâl Bruinen, The Trollshaws [38.3S, 14.6W]

Description: Midweek Tunes and Ales is a weekly event every Wednesday at 10:30pm and 11:00am servertime.  It’s always in a different place each week, we could be at Weathertop or Rivendell, maybe even the depths of Moria, playing music throughout Middle Earth!  We welcome all travelers who are passing through to join if like to share a tune, story, or just dance!

Click for more Wednesday events


Thursday, June 15

Bird & Baby Yard Party

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2:30pm (7:30pm BST)

Location: Outside of the Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving, The Shire

Description: All good people are welcome at the Bird and Baby Yard Party, a weekly event featuring you, our patrons!  When there is a scheduled event, feel free to play music, tell stories or whatever during breaks, but we ask that you yield the stage to the evening’s main act at their discretion.

Click for more Thursday events

Coming soon:

Shirefest is coming to Crickhollow June 16th-18th.  The full schedule of bands has been announced and is up on the Crickhollow Music website.

Festival time:

The Department of Strategery put together some excellent guides for the scavenger hunt Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4Year 5Year 6, and Year 7, Year 8, and Year 9.  You may also check in on lotro-wiki: click on quest chain to find info on each quest and walkthrough & notes for locations and spoilers.

Community Events: May 26th-June 1st

Community Calendar:

There will be two concerts on Sirannon Friday: Les Daft Pigs perform French songs and Les Troubadours du Crépuscule play their debut concert.  Start off your summer the right way on Saturday with a pool party on Belegaer featuring music from Frische Brise, Hopfenfees and Friends, the Michel Delving Bunny Watch, Mondbarden, Ohrwurm, Struck by Moonlight, and Wilde Mühle.   Also on Saturday, Lindamar, the ensemble of Bar-en-Vanimar, presents a concert with elven themed songs celebrating the change of a season on Laurelin.  Look below for details on these featured events and a few more, including a couple of 10th anniversary celebrations.

Special notes:

This column will be on hiatus next week while a certain hobbit goes on vacation.  The community events listing will return on June 9th with all the details on the upcoming Brandywine Summer Music Fest and Shirefest.

Speaking of Shirefest, one of the bands had to pull out so there is now a spot available at 3pm on Saturday, June 17th at 3pm EDT.  Please contact, well, me if you want to know more or reply to the post on the Crickhollow Music forums.  Thus concludes this shameless plug for my own festival.

This listing of featured events is only published on Fridays, but our Google calendar is kept up to date throughout the week and includes details on many more activities.  We always aim to have the most complete events calendar in the game and accept events of all types on all servers.  Take a look at this week’s agenda for upcoming events around LOTRO and copy some or all events to your personal calendar.  You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page and on the calendar is to submit a form.

Server calendars: Arkenstone CalendarBelegaer CalendarBrandywine CalendarCrickhollow CalendarEvernight Calendar, Gladden CalendarGwaihir CalendarLandroval CalendarLaurelin Calendar, and Sirannon Calendar

All events listed in Eastern Daylight Time (-4 GMT)/server time.  Most Laurelin events will also be listed at British time, BST (+1 GMT), and all events on Belegaer and Sirannon are listed with CEST (+2 GMT).  You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page is to submit a form.  I’m always open to feedback and suggestions, both here and through the submissions form, so let me know if there’s something we should feature.  Thanks for reading!

Featured events for this week:

Friday, May 26

The Elders Kinship 10 Year Anniversary

Server: Laurelin

Time: 3pm EDT (8pm BST)

Location: Lake Evendim to Annuminas

Description: The party will begin with a race starting from Lake Evendim and the ruined city of Annúminas. The destination will be revealed as the race is about to start. Travel to Tinnudir. Take a boat to Men Erain. Head towards the city of Annúminas along the road and at the end of the tombs you will find an archway where the city begins.

Les Daft Pigs

Server: Sirannon

Time: 3pm EDT (9pm CEST)

Location: Prancing Pony Stables

Description: French music concert

Les Troubadours du Crépuscule

Server: Sirannon

Time: 3:15pm EDT (9:15pm CEST)

Location: Weathertop

Description: Debut concert

Click for more Friday events


Saturday, May 27

Pool Party

Server: Belegaer

Time: 2pm EDT (8pm CEST)

Location: Festplatz, Breeland

Description: Music from Frische Brise, Hopfenfees and Friends, the Michel Delving Bunny Watch, Mondbarden, Ohrwurm, Struck by Moonlight, and Wilde Mühle.

Lilthad am-Ethuil Sûl concert with Lindamar

Server: Laurelin

Time: 3pm EDT (8pm BST)

Location: The Spire of Meeting, Rivendell Valley

Description: As the season changes, and warmer winds brings whispers of joy and merriment, all Elves and Elven-friends are welcome to celebrate Lilthad am-Ethuil Sûl with us, themed through elven music and lyrics.  Bring your favorite kites with you and let them fly high, dancing with the wind, during the concert to be part of the celebration.

Click for more Saturday events


Sunday, May 28

The HOPE: Sunshine Reggae & Ska

Server: Landroval

Time: 1pm

Location: Hobbiton Task Board (31.2S, 71.2W), The Shire

Description: Concert

Radix Lecti 10 Year Anniversary Party

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2:30pm EDT (7:30pm BST)

Location: Bree-town and 5 Long Street, Ravenmere, Bree Homesteads

Description: There will be celebratory fireworks in Bree followed by a race through Bree to the South Gate over to the Potato Inn at 5 Long Street, Ravenmere, Bree Homesteads.  The Red Company’s Band will then perform.

Click for more Sunday events


Monday, May 29

Ales and Tales

Server: Landroval

Time: 8:30pm for Nibbles & Nobs, 9:30pm for Ales & Tales

Location: Harper’s Court, Dol Amroth

Description:  Volunteer to tell a tale, sing a song, recite a new poem, anything you wish to share with others in an RP setting. Nibbles and Nobs offers an open stage to all performers, while Ales and Tales features a house band and scheduled performers (all are welcome to sign up).  Location changes every week, so /joinchannel alesandtales to find out more information.


Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11pm

Location: The Bird & Baby Inn, Michel Delving

Description: Tell stories, share poetry, sing, dance, or eat: it’s all up to you! Play music solo or with a group. Role-playing is encouraged. The doors are open to folks of all shapes and sizes.

Click for more Monday events


Tuesday, May 30

Pie Shop Lads (and Lassies) Summer Tour of The Shire

Server: Laurelin

Time: 3:30pm

Location: Frogmorton – outside The Floating Log

Description:  The Pie Shop Lads (and Lassies) tour continues to its second stop in the Shire, this time in Frogmorton.

Click for more Tuesday events


Wednesday, May 31

Tunes and Ales

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11am and 10:30pm

Location: The Hill, Hobbiton, The Shire

Description: Midweek Tunes and Ales is a weekly event every Wednesday at 10:30pm and 11:00am servertime.  It’s always in a different place each week, we could be at Weathertop or Rivendell, maybe even the depths of Moria, playing music throughout Middle Earth!  We welcome all travelers who are passing through to join if like to share a tune, story, or just dance!

Click for more Wednesday events


Thursday, June 1


Server: Belegaer

Time: 2pm (8pm CEST)

Location: Prancing Pony Stage

Description: Concert

Click for more Thursday events

Coming soon:

Die Bunten Vögel will perform on the Arkenstone server Saturday, June 3rd at 4pm EDT/server time in front of the Prancing Pony.

The Minstrel Guild of Bree hosts Summer Music Fest on Brandywine on June 10th.  Bands will include Shire Tramps, ARDA, Runic Knights Orchestra, Harlequins, The Country Bluegrass Band, GoblinFyre, and more.  To sign up please visit their forums.

Shirefest is coming to Crickhollow next month, June 16th-18th.  The full schedule of bands has been announced and is up on the Crickhollow Music website.

Festival time:

The Department of Strategery put together some excellent guides for the scavenger hunt Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4Year 5Year 6, and Year 7.