Community Events: July 15th-21stCommunity Events: July 15th-21st
This week’s featured events: Dr. Star and the Acoustic Mayhem (sometimes known as Fraggle Rock or the Fraggles) play a monthly concert on three different servers. They took off the
This week’s featured events: Dr. Star and the Acoustic Mayhem (sometimes known as Fraggle Rock or the Fraggles) play a monthly concert on three different servers. They took off the
This week’s featured events: The Weatherstock Concert Series continues this weekend on Landroval. All concerts will take place at the Bree Festival Stage. On Saturday the concerts run from 12pm-6pm
This week’s featured events: The Weatherstock Concert Series starts as all good things should–with P.I.E. Hear them perform at the Bree Festival Grounds on Friday at 9pm EDT. The Hope, The