LOTRO Store Sales 8/5/16 – 8/11/16

Free sample of the week August 5th – August 11th
Random Relic Pack x1 Use Coupon Code FREERELICPACK 1/Account



Quest Packs


Teri Says – Yes, yes, yes!! Buy these on sale!! Thumbs_Up-Custom

Mithril Coins


Teri Says – If you’re going to buy them, get them on sale. Thumbs_Up-Custom

100% XP Boost (1hr)


Teri Says – If you have TP to throw away, sure. meh_red-Custom1

Max Morale and Power Scroll


Teri Says – If you have TP to throw away, sure. meh_red-Custom1

Spring Festival 2016 Has Arrived!


Spring Dyes

The first of the seasonal dyes has also arrived, and they are available only as pots of dye, despite the community asking for recipes to be made available.  As seen in the above screenshot, two colors are available for barter with festival tokens, while the other two are only available to purchase with mithril coins.

Spring Horse

The new steed, Steed of Ethuil, is available for forty spring leaves, while last year’s mount (Steed of New Bloom) is also still available at half the price it was last year, along with the Trellis-weave caparison. Best of all, we have brand-new cosmetics!

Spring Cosmetics

The Sightseer’s Jacket and Sightseer’s Trousers cost eighteen tokens each, and are separate pieces that could potentially be combined with other things. The Sightseer’s Hat is only fifteen tokens, and for those who have leftover tokens from old festivals, a handy token conversion vendor can be found at the Party Tree in Michel Delving.

All previous festival events are still active, as well as cosmetic and other rewards to be bartered in a variety of locations. Sadly, CSTM’s guide to the Spring Festival is no longer available, but a quick Google search helped me find this festival guide to last year’s festival that seems to be fairly accurate for this year’s events.

Scheduled Server Downtime: Monday, May 16th


LOTRO Community Manager Andy “Frelorn” Cataldo posted a notice on the forums about upcoming server downtime:

The LOTRO Game Servers will be brought down on Monday, May 16th from 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM Eastern (-5 GMT) for an Update to the game. Release Notes will be available during the downtime. Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon!

Scheduled Server Downtime Tuesday, April 12th


LOTRO Community Manager Andy “Frelorn” Cataldo posted a notice on the forums about upcoming server downtime:

The LOTRO Game Servers will be brought down on Tuesday, April 12th from 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM Eastern (-5 GMT) for an update to the game. Release Notes will be made available during the downtime. Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon

This is for the much-anticipated (especially since today’s Developer Diary was posted) Update 18!

LOTRO Store Sales 03/11/16 – 3/17/16

Free sample of the week March 11th – March 17th
Rejuvenation Potion x5 Use Coupon Code 3JGaFbBgPYsJA 1/Account


Legendary Level Cap Increase

Teri Says – Please don’t waste your Turbine Points.

Legendary Item Stat Upgrade

Teri Says – Save those Turbine Points, folks.

Relic Packs

Teri Says – No. Just no.    

Welcome Back Weekend!

+25% XP Boost
March 11th – 13th