Executive Producer’s Letter for May 2018

Executive Producer Severlin posted the latest producer’s letter looking forward to what’s ahead for next year. The full text of the letter is at the LOTRO forums, but here are a few bullet points for a TL;DR version:

  1. Update 23 will take us into the Lonely Mountain, east to the Iron Hills, then north to the Grey Mountains, exploring dwarven cultures. It will also include a level cap raise to 120.
  2. Minas Morgul has been pushed back to 2019.
  3. Class work is expected to continue, as well as work on festivals and quality of life improvements that may include being able to see “sheathed” musical instruments.
  4. Seasonal instances! Including two planned for the upcoming Summer Festival.

These are just a few of the things that we can look forward to for the rest of this year and beyond.

Server Downtime: Tuesday, March 6th

Community Manager +Cordovan posted on the forums yesterday evening:

The LOTRO Game Servers will be brought down on Tuesday, March 6th from 6:00 AM – 2:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT) for an update to the game. Release Notes will be published on Monday. Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon!

While Update 22 isn’t officially mentioned in this post, the expectation is that we will see it with this update.

The 25 Days of XPACS

This week, LOTRO Players received an email from Bludborn about a community event he is hosting through the month of December on his Twitch channel:

What: The 25 Days of XPACS
Where: http://twitch.tv/bludborn
When: Monday-Thursday and Saturdays in December
Streams start at 10p EST

I have been playing The Lord of the Rings Online for 10 years and streaming on Twitch for 4 years. Without the community of players that come in and support my channel and the game, there would be no reason for me to do what I do. This year, I wanted to give back to the community that has been there for me over the last decade in game, and 4 years on Twitch. We have 25 copies of various expansions excluding Mordor that I will be giving away each stream during December. This is in addition to the 50 and 100 viewer goal giveaways already active on the channel!

The only thing you have to do to be eligible is follow twitch.tv/bludborn and be in the stream when I do the drawing. That’s it!

Thank you again for all that you do for me and best of luck in the giveaways!

See you in the stream and in Middle-earth!



LOTRO Store Sales February 23rd – March 2nd

Free Sample Of The Week February 23rd – March 2nd
Rejuvenation Potion x5 Use Coupon Code DRINKME 1/Account

Select Cosmetics

Teri Says – Best way to get Store Exclusives! 

Shared Wardrobe

Teri Says – Yes, yes, yes!!!

Cosmetic Outfit Slots

Teri Says – Yes, yes, yes!!!

Mounted Combat Trait Slots

Teri Says – Now’s the time to buy!

War-steed Cosmetic Slots

Teri Says – Get them while they’re on sale!

LOTRO Players News Episode 189: Will Accessorize for Mumaks

This week Teriadwyn has some alternate suggestions for purchases with LOTRO Points.

Game News

Interview(s) with SSG and other news


Store Sales


Free Sample Of The Week  February 9th-16th

Skill and Slayer Deed Boost x1  Use Coupon Code SKILLITUP 1/Account

30 % OFF

  • Legendary Junk


LOTRO Players News


Community Events: February 10th-16th

The Ensemble in The Lore Hall

What Would You Like With Mordor?

LOTRO Academy: After School – Episode 12B

Critters casual – Help i’m 105 – A full guide for fresh and returned players

Exploring Lord of the Rings : The History of the Ring

The Family Line Part 121 – Midnight Incursion

Critters journey [51] A lostiphaunt





  • Forochel follies
  • Nearly was killed by the super nasty mammoth roving threat
  • Played interior decorator for a little bit.


  • Got a new pretty horse, Arkenstone Hunter got a makeover to match.
  • Landroval!Teri is now only 5 skirmishes away from Skirmisher of Middle-earth.


  • During the field trip, we completed the Moria skirmishes then headed into Lorien.
  • Recorded a response to Andang’s question on what we’d like to see in Mordor.
  • My champion killed some salamanders and solved some riddles for a crazed man in Evendim.



Top Supporter: Onishi, Officer of the Sons of Numenor on Landroval

We currently have 22 supporters on Patreon. If you would like to join this illustrious raid of players and help support LOTRO Players, simply go to the donation page where you can support The Players Alliance on Patreon.  There you will find rewards including a mention on the podcast of your choice, or even guest for an episode on LOTRO Players News.




This week we did not receive any reviews.


This week we did not receive any emails.


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Follow us on Twitter!

The Players Alliance @PlayersAlly

LOTRO Players @LOTROPlayers

Forte @Forte_Maestro

Karvett @KarvettLP

Maven @TolkienMaven

Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles

Teriadwyn @Teriadwyn


Final Thoughts

The Players Alliance LIVE Shows

Mondays at 8:30 p.m. Eastern – DDO Players News

Thursdays at 9:00 p.m. (ish) Eastern – XP Quest

Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. Eastern – LOTRO Players News

Last Friday of every Month at 8:30 p.m. Eastern – LOTRO Academy: After School

Join us for our live shows at lotroplayers.com/live