Poems of the Pine: Unintentions

Now that we know Durthang’s history, it is time for us to enter it.


Chapter 1, Part 3 – Unintentions

Into Durthang we delved,
Now a dungeon most foul,
Where orcs and uruks
Scream orders to kill.
We cleared the guards
Gathered at the cells
Then released the pitiful
Prisoners within.

Most were from Nûrn,
Which nourished the realm,
But one was Ayorzén
From the eastern lands.
That wily warrior
Had wounded our friends,
So we searched for him
After he snuck away.

We traced our mark
To a treasure vault
Whose relics and gold
Weren’t guarded well.
Ayorzén stole
A stained relic
Then slipped away
Into the searing land.

He fled the fortress
At a furious pace
Carrying a precious prize.
What did he steal?
Where did he go?
Can we find this wily warrior?

Will we fine the wily warrior in time?

Pineleaf Needles

Poems of the Pine: Deadly Durthang

Finally, we enter into Mordor, where we encounter the enemy and learn a bit of its history.


Chapter 1, Part 2 – Deadly Durthang

We fought the forces
At the forges of Udûn,
Where the sweat of slaves
Made swords and mail.
At Mornaur we met
The mercenary Rhogrin
Who thought to ruin
The ringing anvils.

With the anvils toppled
For Annoth we searched
Near the fortress of Durthang
Whose fate was grim.
Annoth then told us
That his ancestor was sent
To Durthand to guard
The deadliest land.

For a thousand years
The Thandrim stood guard
Till the might of Mordor
Ammassed again.
Stranded from Gondor,
They starved and died
Till the Cruel captain
Killed the remnant.

Halannon was spared
To spread the word
That Ugrukhôr now ruled the realm.
For countless years,
This Captain of the Pit
Left shields to show his spite.

What will happen to us when we enter into Durthang itself?

Pineleaf Needles

Poems of the Pine: Four at the Gate

We with ring destroyed, it is time to enter into the land of Mordor. Today, we start our journey through the Black Book of Mordor. Today, we reach the gate but don’t get very far inside.


Chapter 1, Part 1 – Four at the Gate

The gate to Mordor
Was mangled and bent
Leaving a way
For wanderers to pass.
The fearless and foolish
Followed the path
To the darkest realm
Of death and fear.

Why enter the realm
Of ruin and blight?
Why pass the gates
Of greatest peril?
We spoke with four
At the front of the gate
To learn what lured them
To the loathsome realm.

Rhogrin sought treasure
Of times long past,
Covadil sought lore
Covered in ash,
Annoth sought to honor
The ancient watch, and
Harthalin sought surety
Of Sauron’s death.

But what would this land
Of lasting terror
Deal to this daring group?
It’s madness to walk
Through Mordor’s gates
And breach the borders of Blackness.

Pineleaf Needles

Pineleaf in the North Kingdoms Video Series

When the folk at Standing Stone opened the northern lands, Pineleaf headed north to face the perils that awaited there. In this 32-episode video series, you can follow the adventures of Pineleaf through Northern Mirkwood, Lake Town, Dale, and The Lonely Mountain. This series includes the main quest content as well as chapters 5 and 6 of the Black Book of Mordor.

This series does not include the new episodic content, though I am preparing a new series where Pineleaf continues through that content.

Pineleaf Needles





Pineleaf’s Pictorial Primer to Skirmishing: Solo Lieutenants

Welcome to the third edition of Pineleaf’s Pictorial Primer to Skirmishing. In this edition, we will bring the primer up to date with the latest LOTRO releases, consolidate redundant information, make the morale listings consistent, and repost the guides that mysteriously disappeared from our library.

We will begin the new edition with two guides. The first includes general information about skirmishes. The other describes each of the lieutenants that can appear in skirmishes of all sizes (which I refer to as “solo lieutenants” since they are the only ones that can appear in solo skirmishes).

General Skirmish Guide

Solo Lieutenant Guide

In 2018, I will post new versions of each of the skirmishes guides. I am looking forward to having these guides available one more at the site.

Skirmish responsibly,

Pineleaf Needles