Good evening or afternoon everybody, Pashbo Proudfeet here.
I wanted to write a short note to apologise for the lack of vidcasts of late, and to assure you that I will continue posting again soon. I am not one to apologise too often, I have you know! I am however thinking that weekly content is probably too much, and will instead post either on an ad hoc basis, or create a series of episodes I haven’t yet decide.
So what have I been up to? Well, I have been busy with the Proudfeet family, but also spent quite alot of time watching a round ball being kicked around. Very unhobbit-like I know! I have also been watching an AUV favourite(?) Pashrid (a Big Burrow candidate who earned some notoriety due to his harsh treating of his daughter Escowyn during his Big Burrow stay) achieve his level 95 over on Gilrain, just in time for the next level increase.
I have also been busy with my quill working on a children’s novel entitled Farmer Peters and his Underworld Adventure. It is not based in Middle Earth, but a fictional world, but is hopefully something that the hobbit children and tweens will enjoy. If anyone is interested, this can be heard from the playlist below – I am posting one chapter a week.
Anyway, that is enough banter from me, and I will let you get on with whatever you were doing, whether that was adventuring, performing, eating a pie or smoking a pipe. But please be assured that I will be returning soon with a few hobbit poems and tales, and my support for LOTRO Players is as strong as ever.
Thank you for your time.
Pashbo Proudfeet