Author: Onishi

Onishi is a true renaissance nerd. He’s been playing, running, and contributing to the publication of countless tabletop RPGs for the last 26 years, been a judge and demo team member for half a dozen major gaming publishers. In the LARP fields, Onishi is a 17-year veteran of Amtgard and a 5-year member of the Minds Eye Society (formerly the Camarilla.) On the MMO front, Onishi has several level-capped toons on Terokkar server in World of Warcraft, a Dwarf or ten working through Gondor in Lord of the Rings Online, and is levelling three toons through The Secret World (Illuminati REPRESENT!) Onishi is a member of the Beyond the Veil: New York Cabal in TSW, the Sons of Numenor in LotRO, the Deadly Neurotoxins in WoW, and Vigilia Mortis in Eternal Crusade. Unbeknownst to most mortals, Onishi is a master of the “Hiten Mitsu Roleplay,” which is the ability to role-play at near godlike speeds (that is, a speed that rivals the gods!) He also claims to be the some kind of moral compass… Be scared.