Baldur’s Gate: Something Old, Something New

Hello everyone in the Lotro Players universe! It’s the long-lost but still not gone (permanently) Ivan of TTPalantir and Fellowship of the Creep semi-mediocre fame(?)!

Anyway I am here to announce the beginning of a brand new series that will be posted up here for you to follow. It is a Let’s play series of the classic RPG series, Baldur’s Gate. The twist being that I have never played any of the games in this series so it is a chance to see someone go through this much adored series with completely new eyes.

The first 21 episodes are already up and will be added to individual posts on the site, but this one has a link to the entire playlist so you can binge right away. But I must warn you: The first four episodes are BAD because I try to use Google Hangouts to livestream them. THE QUALITY GETS BETTER. 

Anyway, that is the news, so feel free to start watching!

-Ivaneus of Through the Palantir

Monster Player Class Roundtable Smorgasboard

2012 Roundtables:

Defilers:   here

    Warleaders: here

     BlackArrows: here

Weavers:  here

Stalkers: here

Reavers: here


2013 Roundtables:

BlackArrows: here

Defilers:  here

Reavers:  here

Stalkers:  here

Warleaders: here


Sadly, there was no Weaver Roundtable for 2013, I’ll try to make it up this year.

Through the Palantir Episode 46: Lost in the Deep

It’s been a while and a lot has happened. But I am back once again, because the uncomfortable stillness just doesn’t stick to Through the Palantir. This is not a standard episode, but it’s hardly a standard podcast to begin with so we’ll let it slide. I discuss Helm’s Deep, where I have been, and more and kick off yet another round of this podcast in usual style. Hopefully you’re all still interested in seeing things Through the Palantir.


You can download Episode 46 here.


Through the Palantir Episode 45: Of Warleaders and ME-N

Another Episode has landed, Happy July of the Fourthing and Canada Day since this was in the final stage of editing when those holidays occurred. Anyway, the news is light this time around but we still manage to fill plenty with loads of Bloopers, Roundtable goodness where we try new things, and some news about the podcast proper. There’s plenty to take in some clean the wax from your ears and pay good attention and hopefully you’ll be of more use to Lugburz than just another building block for the corpse ramp to the top of Minas Tirith’s wall.

Warleader Roundtable
Warleader Roundtable

You can download Episode 45 here.