This is part of a weekly Q&A spotlight on new or unfamiliar bands that stand out and deserve the recognition!
As the second of the series, I wish to bring you “The Breetles”, Landroval server!
There I was, tuning my lute, and playing a few songs outside the pony, and what did I see? Out of no where, a streak of black, I presumed to be a panther loose in Bree, came a group of hobbits whizzing who then leap onto the Bree stage. They look like the cross between the Beatles and the Monkeys if you ask this hobbit! No sooner did they arrive, around 6:00 am Servertime, did a crowd of early Middle-Earth birds start the gather around such a uniquely adorned and curious group of hobbits! These four, playing tunes of the Beatles were everything, but a bore!
As quick as they appeared, right after their first concert was complete, they disappeared into thin air. I still don’t know how all that hair could fit on those heads, and not blind them ffrom playing their music!
With so many bands out there, what prompted you go start your own?
This is actually my second band … I spend a lot of time making abc files
How did you decided what to call the band?
I wanted a Beatles tribute band so … Breetles
Have often have you all been together, and how many of you are original members?
8 months … there are 2 of us
Do you compose or transcribe your own music?
Does your band have any original pieces of music?
Not at this time
What genre does your band like to play the most?
This band is Beatles
Do you regularly hold public concerts? And if so, when and where?
We plan to … in Bree
Do you do other events like Weddings, Multi-band Concerts, Private engagements?
I haven’t yet with the Breetles
Do you perform with a band outfit? If so, how did you decide what to wear?
Yes … I had a summer tunic laying around
What is your favorite part of performing music?
Audience reactions … when positive of course
If you could say one thing to encourage others to start playing music, what would it be?
How addictive it is when it’s well received
There you have it folks! If you are in the mood for a stroll on Abbey Road, keep an eye out for “The Breetles”, because they have what you want! And the hair to flaunt!
This is part of a weekly Q&A spotlight on new or unfamiliar bands that stand out and deserve the recognition!
With wiggling toes and swaying hips, a tide road in from the Green Hill Country of the Shire and whistled keenly woven tunes that drifted aloft through Bree-land
Fionah, Freyyo, Fryerstad, Flootnod and Fryerfried of “Toe Jam”
On June 18, 2013 the recently formed band “Toe Jam” (FEET Kinship) performed a concert at the Bree Stage. With music specifically crafted and composed by their talented quartet, music lovers danced to expertly woven ballads.
A funny note regarding this band and I. I first met them as I was crafting my new Harp in Michel Delving. It was first a hobbit by the name of Fionah that I met. We played a few tunes together. It was not shortly after that four other members of her band showed up and began to jam for those tooling away at the crafting part of the town. For me, it was very obviously for a kinship named FEET that, if you had these five toes jamming together that I jokingly started calling their band “Toe Jam.” As the week passed and two of them once again showed of at the Trapdoor Tavern, jokingly again I called them “Toe Jam.” At this concert, they revealed their new official band name as “Toe Jam“. As you can see, fine things can happen when your jamming together!
1. When did you guys first start a band?
Well, we don’t have an exact date, per say…..but I’d guesstimate that we began making our own abc’s about two months ago. Initially, we did not want to create our own band. Why create our own band, when we could just sit back and enjoy others’ play their music? Eventually, our feet were getting restless…..and we wanted to hear some songs that weren’t being played. So….we made a band….we gathered some midi files for songs we liked….we made the abc’s….and…. voila! FEET became a real thing.
2. How did you get the name Toe Jam for your band?
We were playing music in Michel Delving, and happened to meet a musical hobbit named Fortissimmo, from The Lonely Mountain Band. We were listening to him play songs on his harp/lute, and he asked if we knew how to play music. I immediately said “Sure we do! Hang on, and I’ll get me band set up!”. Fryerstad and I joined forces, got our alts, and started playing a few of our abc’s for Fortissimmo. From that day, he pegged our band with the name “Toe Jam” because it related to our kinship name FEET. We loved the name, it stuck, and others became receptive to it as well. Thanks to Fortissimmo!
3. Do you play for other events?
We are open to playing for events (parties, etc). We appreciate that people prefer certain genres of music to be played, and we’ll be as accommodating as we can. We’d be up for discussing the opportunity. Just send me or Fryerstad a mail in-game and we’ll try to get back to you within 24-48 hours.
4. What genre is your band?
We started out creating abc files from alternative or mainstream music groups like Coldplay, Paula Cole, Donna Lewis, Bruce Hornsby and the Range, etc, etc. Basically, we chose melodies/songs that we wanted to hear ourselves. So…it began with that. Over time, we’re looking into a more eclectic variety, like world music, contemporary, classical, rock, hip-hop, and jazz. I think our band is just evolving and we don’t want to label ourselves as any genre-band right now . We’re keeping our playlist versatile.
5. Where do you guys perform?
You can find us performing in the Michel Delving crafting area. We play music around 9:00 PM Server Time on a daily basis. Every now and then we venture into Bree to play an impromptu concert, but that isn’t very often. Flootnod (our flutist) is quite people-shy of the Big Folk, so….it really depends if he’s able to or not.
6. Do you guys play musical instruments in real life?
Aye, we do. We both play piano.
7. Will you be composing your own music?
Aye! We hope to create some lore-appropriate music (hobbit-style) in the future, and also our own unique sound.
8. Do you have any favourite music bands or solo musicians on Landroval?
We love Animal House and The Lonely Mountain Band. We haven’t heard other groups play yet, but we’ll be attending Weatherstock to hear a variety of bands and soloists perform. It’s very exciting! As for solo musicians out there, we enjoy listening to Hogtoe‘s original compositions, Fortissimmo, Enio, and Fincin. There are so many others whose names I can’t remember, but in the future we’ll take pictures of the soloists and post them here
The “FEET kinship” was born on the Landroval server after hearing about its unique music community and learning about Weatherstock. This alternative style band transcribes their own music and will eventually be composing original music. They are available to play at local taverns or concerts solely or as part of another band line up.
Here at LOTROPlayers, we write often about about concerts, bands, and other similar groups that have made their impact in the LOTRO music community. As part of a weekly article by the Bard Chronicles, the Soloist will focus specifically on the individual. They don’t have to be players not part of a band, but simply to cast the eye on the individual musician. Many talented musicians of all classes get over shadowed as much of the spotlight has been on the latter. This series will feature a new musician every week. This will give the opportunity to those why not not be heard, the joy of sharing their love for the music, how they got their start, what direction they wish to work towards, and what it is that makes them unique as a musician of Middle-Earth.
Who will get to be featured?
Anyone has the opportunity to be selected each week, whether you are a minstrel, a captain, a dwarf, or an elf. They will be chosen based on something about them that sets them aside from the other musicians.
Where will musicians be featured from?
While much of the LOTRO music community has migrated to the Landroval server, other servers might keep a look out for your favorite Bard clapping before their performances, because they too may be selected!
Want to nominate your favorite musician for a spotlight?
Send an email to
There I was, face to face with a drooling growling Warg scout, eyes blood shot red with anger. I was so close that the condensation of his hot breath collected on the sleek sheen of my lute. With a swift stroke of my strings, I released a resounding series of notes as my ballad drove the terror of the Lone Lands kneeling to the ground. With a swipe of my Herald’s strike, the final bit of life left the ferocious fiend as it laid crumpled upon the Great East Road. Yet again, the roads are safe for travel for any riders heading towards the Misty Mountains. But, this is enough stress to befuddle the tunes of any Bard!
To relieve the tension of such a fight, I made my way to Bree. For a Hobbit, who is used to the grassy rolling knolls of the Green Hill Country, Bree is full of just so much more, and everything is just….bigger! So, there I was strolling through market stalls I could barely reach up to as I followed the road from the West Gate of Bree till I turned left just before the Inn Gate. Heading north I followed the trail as it led up the nearby Bree Hill as it wound around the slope as I passed a few Hobbit holes, that was surprisingly planted on the hill of a land known for the race of Man. Continuing, the path lead around the slope as I found my way to a bit of crumbled ruins that looked to be the remains of a watch tower. But, tour guide aside, the reason I made my way to this point was for the gathering of so many people. Standing and dancing about were peoples from all parts of Middle-Earth. There were Hobbits, Dwarves, Elves, and Man alike all gathered together!
Standing proudly, against the nearby walls of the ruin stood the rag tag band of the talented musicians “Runic Knights Orchestra.” As their music reverberated through the rocks, others danced and cheered in appreciation. This is just part of what one might expect at Ales & Tales.
What is Ales & Tales you ask? It is a weekly get together of people to enjoy the pleasures of the drink, a bit of food, the performance of music, the telling of tales whether they are true or not, and the reciting of poetry all by the audience itself! As the website states, “Its a great place to unwind after a hard day of fighting the shadow, as you kick back with a mug of ale and socialize with your fellow adventurers.”
So, if you find yourself caked in the grimy filth of your recent adventures, and are in need of a visit to the public baths of your local town, keep an ear out for the local herald for where the next gathering of Ales & Tales.
Every Monday night, starting at 9:30pm EST on the Landroval server, The Lonely Mountain Band hosts Ales & Tales, and finds its self at a different location. So, if it’s a Monday night and your in the mood for a bit of relaxing with such a spirited bunch, be sure to /joinchannel alesandtales. The location will be announced in the channel each Monday.
You can now follow @alesandtales to keep up with the latest news on this event. Pictures and names of performers are live-tweeted during the show. In addition, names of the MC and Stage Manager for the evening will be announced ahead of time in the Twitter feed, so that you know whom to tell if you wish to perform an act during Ales and Tales. You can contact the Stage Manager in game or sign up for the program by directing a tweet to @alesandtales.
Want a story written about your music concert, rp tavern, or other happenings in the LOTRO music community on your specific server? Send an email to
Finding myself once again trekking along, I wound up hearing about the Grand Opening of the Trapdoor Tavern in celebration of Saturday’s Ministock concert. Now immediately, one may be wary about potential death and entrapment just from the very look and name of the place, but I bucked up and decided to check it out! Located at 2 Highspire Street, Vetbrak neighborhood of Thorin’s Hall Homesteads. The walk to get there is in the mountain, a bit dark and dismal, but only until you get inside!
I was immediately greeted by the lovely hostess Mirinaeth. Being the grand opening, the first 10 customers were awarded with door prizes, that included 100s, a housing decoration, and clothing dye! Who does that better, but the Trapdoor Tavern.
This isn’t like any other tavern I have visited so far. She hands you their house menu and lets you choose from a over 100 different foods included non-alcoholic and food from many places through out Middle-Earth, as well as different seasonal selections. Tonight they included their special which was their Keg and Egg special: Two drinks of your choice comes with two servings of eggs and one serving of bacon for only 5s!
Not only was it a place to eat and sleep, but also to dance and hear great music. Tonight we heard various music from the open mic which included Anricwulf Anredson (Music Mead and Mischief), Griffin (Caveat Angmarim), Roselinde Fairholm (Concerning Hobbits), Fryerstad (FEET), Tourmalien Bracegiirdle (Concerning Hobbits) actually did play a bit of Lady Gaga! Oh my!, Fionah Fairskin and Fryerstad from the band TOE JAM, oh I mean FEET.
If you have any questions, wish to book your band for music, or schedule an event at the Trapdoor Tavern, you can contact Mirinaeth, Codella, or Chastine in-game or preferably,, or visit the Tavern on Facebook.
The House Band takes time away from their hostessing duties and play “The Cantina Band” for the crowdGrand Opening Fireworks
Want a story written about your music concert, rp tavern, or other happenings in the LOTRO music community on your specific server?
Send an email to