The Soloist: Dalman, a true Musician

As many might not be aware of, my dear old Mammy had recently passed to the next field of green hills. I have spent the greater part of the last month tending to the affairs of her Hole, soothing family, and retuning the strings of my own broken heart.

The night of my return to the  realm of Landroval, I took comfort in doing what I enjoy most. I stood before the flames of the stone fire of the Prancing Pony performing music for anyone who would listen.

DalmanAs I strummed away to my various favorite tunes, I was gazed upon a little Hobbit who went by the name of Dalman, the most famous musician you are unlikely to know. As I gave him the well worn carpet to play, he began to perform a few tunes. But, there was something unique about these tunes he played. They were all freestyle. Yes, folks I said it. Freestyle. What many who hear musicians play music don’t know is that most are done using ABC files that were converted from MIDI music files, then initiated in game for your listening enjoyment. Another way is to manually input the ABC notes in your own file and create your own ABC songs. Another way, which is programed into LOTRO is using your computer keyboard to play the notes. But, this is very difficult, as it requires you to change between the CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT buttons to play the notes. The other way, and for this hobbit, the most real of em all, is actually performing the music live. And Dalman, is one of these few.

Using a Privia Electric Keyboard, he links it into the world and performs the music live, on the spot. This my dear readers is what you would say is a real LOTRO musician. While he does like to keep a low profile over all, I do find this little bit as a sort of inspiration to those out there who enjoy music. If you ever see him playing, as he started to play freestyle years ago, you will know that indeed his music is on the spot, with a real instrument, for his pure joy of musicianship. While I do not take away from the greatness of those who do use ABC files, as there is a lot of true work that goes into doing them right, playing as bands etc, I just found this little hobbit a bit of an inspiration, whether he wants to keep to himself or not.

If you find a lone hobbit playing music quietly in a corner somewhere, and his music seems to feel a bit real, then you are safe to assume, you are hearing the music of the hobbit Dalman.

The Soloist: Hodja

Hodja Nasreddin of LandrovalI awoke from a long slumber as I slept on a chair in the Prancing Pony after a night of music. Feeling the heat of the nearby fireplace caress my cheeks, I open my eyes to find that it was instead the steady dreamy like notes of a lute. Standing before, illuminated with a soft glow or red and orange stood a Minstrel, doing what he does best, playing music. With the light flickering in his eyes, and fingers gingerly plucking at the strings, I entered the woken life with ease and gentleness.

What a fine minstrel to feature in this weeks Soloist series!

You say, ‘Good Minstrel, what name do you go by here in Bree?’
Hodja says, ‘In Bree. In Rivendel. In every house and town I’m simply known as Hodja Nasreddin.’

‘You say, ‘And, what lead you to the road of taking up instruments and playing music?
Hodja says, ‘Lute is instrument of music, while music is instrument of soul. Without music we couldn’t properly give our interpretation of our feelings, as well as we can’t our happiness be seen without a smile on our faces.’
Hodja says, ‘Music is great way to express your soul. Of how wise and thoughtful you are.’

You say, ‘Excellent answer! So you do play the Lute. What other instruments do you play often?’
Hodja smiled. “Oh. Every instrument define the person.”
Hodja says, ‘I play lute because I am gentle and thoughtful, though I can tug a few strings of human’s nerves.’

You say, ‘Do you have a specific genre of music you play?’
Hodja says, ‘Hm… Tell me what genre is for you and I tell what my answer is.’
You say, ‘The type of music you play most often’
Hodja says, ‘What I play people consider to call…’
Hodja says, ‘I think they call it “hard rock” or “rock’n’roll”. Something like that.’
You say, ‘Do you favor love songs? Those that get the listener dancing,’
Hodja says, ‘Oh yes, I do play them sometimes.’

You say, ‘Do you play as part of a band, or are you typically performing your muse as a soloist?
Hodja says, ‘Only as a solo. Well, at least I am opened to the collective musical mind.’

You say, ‘Do you play at any of the open mic concert sessions, such as Ales & Tales, Concerning Hobbit music parties, or at any of the local (RP) Taverns?
Hodja says, ‘Not really, but I tend to play here in “Pony” quite often.’

You say, ‘Were you born in this realm of Landroval, or do you hail from another realm (server)?’
Hodja says, ‘Nope, I started here ;3

You say, ‘Hodja, if anyone desired you to play anywhere for them, how is the best way to get ahold of you?’
Hodja tap chin lightly, smiling. “Best way? Heh… Better way to get a hold of someone is to try to get a hold of a wind first. But for all the honesty, I spend here a lot of time. Mostly in Crafting Hall or here.”
You say, ‘And good Hodja, if you could say anything to the music community, what would you say?’
Hodja says, ‘Hm. Never leave music. Music is always within our hearts, our very beings. And if you do it for anything but entertainment and pure joy of music itself, money in specific, you do it for wrong reasons.’

You say, ‘Excellent. Thank you for the interview and answering my questions’
Hodja says, ‘No problem my dear friend.’

So, if you are out and about doing those things you do! Look out for Hodja strumming away!

A Party Concerning Hobbits

There is nothing like a party put on by such a grand group of Hobbits! With lemony pies wafting through the air tantalizing nose hairs, and a summer brew bumbling behind the counter, “Concerning Hobbits” put on an entertainingly filled evening with a party at the Baby and Bird Inn in Michel Delving on June 20th in the realm of Landroval.

Party like a Hobbit
Clovern strums a tune as as dancing fills the room

As the sun dipped beneath the horizon, and music calling, everyone gathered inside to begin a bit of jolly dancing to the tunes of Rozalinde Fairholm (Concerning Hobbits), Odobacar Lowbanks (Concerning Hobbits), Tourmelian Bracegiirdle (Concerning Hobbits), Lycaste Sneakyfeet (Concerning Hobbits), and Clovern.

As the sing and dance ended with an over joyed swigging of tankards with a tune of “Health to the Company” by yours truly, the theme of the party shifted to a jovial game of “Riddle me This!” The two hosts, Odobacar and Rozalinde asked the crowd riddles, and they were to guess the answer. In the end, the quite bewilderingly riddle cracking Lycaste took home a Singed Cloak for out thinking everyone! To turn the tables, riddlecasting was asked by members of the crowds to try to outwit both the hosts and audience itself.

With ale swelling the funny bones of everyone in attendance, the fun was moved outside for a side splitting backwards drunken race. With a humorous bit of apparently some crafty Dwarf gave a bit of concentrated honey mead to the racers. With only one lap backwards around the Michel Delving race track, racers either fell into the water at the plank jump, tripped on ther faces trying to jump over the walls, or simply passed out at the starting line.

In the end, it was the steel stomach of  Brulac who won first place and Shirish winning second place. Prizes were a Lootbox and 5 pints of Bullroarer’s Brew, respectively.

The Concerning Hobbits kinship hosts weekly events for all to enjoy!


The Soloist: Louellana

LouellanaSome weeks ago, quite late one night as I strummed my lute before the Prancing Pony fireplace I was greeted by an unusual Hobbit. Going by the name of Louellana, and speaking what could be explained as an ancient form of Hobbit, we began to talk. Providing her with instruction on the music I perform, she joined me as we played and talked for hours.

We continued long into the wee morning, literally. At least for me! Because indeed through our talks it was revealed that she hails from the realm (server) of Estel! For those who do not know, this is the French RP server. After speaking, she heard of the fine minstrels that Landroval is known for. She came here to listen to others perform. Like on many other servers, there are only a few minstrels on hers, including her band. It was something grand for her to come and listen to so many other soloists and bands playing quite often! She was a unique individual. As we stumbled our way through the differences in our languages, we were able to speak just enough to get through the night with some great conversations and duet performances! Here is what we talked about! Frenglish and all its glory!

Lou, what made you decide to come over to Landroval and play music?
Louellana: because i love playing music and listen musics that the other persons play
Louellana: (person or people)

Has been difficult for you coming from Estel, a French server to get to know the people here, and get involved?
Louellana: to discover what the others people play and for talking to them
Louellana: It’s a pleasure to talk to other people of differents lands

What kind of music do you prefer to perform?
Louellana: Like I’m a Hobbit i like playing music where we can dance.. enjoy music
Louellana: happy music

When are you usually online?
Louellana: here the morning for me but it’s the night for you
Louellana: and sometimes the night for me but i can come here when i want *smiles*

So, then you usually end up hanging out with the night owls from the US.

Are there any bands here you are considering joining?
Louellana: not really but i join Trombon and Bredouille
Louellana: but all the bands what i listen it’s very good
Tromblon: But mainly in a friendly manner more than to play with us so far
Louellana: I see Die meisterbarden von bree… waou !

So, when you are not playing alone, you perform with Tromblon and Bredouille of the kin Tromblon et Bredouille?
Tromblon: That didn’t happen yet, we haven’t shared any songs for now
Louellana: oh no.. not for the moment
Bredouille: But we enjoyed playing for each other!

You said you are from the Realm of Estel. What is the band you perform with there?
Louellana: the name is Savoureuses Mélodies

What does that mean in English?
Tromblon: Tasty Melodies
Tromblon: Or delightful or savoury
Tromblon: Savoury could be the best translation

Does that mean you often play music about food? Or is that just a play on words?
Louellana: It’s a band winth only smallfolks

Ah, all small folk loves tastey food! Better yet if it is music!
Tromblon: You mean dwarves and hobbits there right?
Louellana: In my songs I often talk to the food.. I like eating

We have spoken before that the names of the different Hobbit races are named different here then they are on Estel. What other main differences have you found here?
Louellana: the name of differents cities

Yes yes! Like Michel Delving is Great Cave!
Louellana: Yes that’s it ! Grand-Cave

You often play music using lyrics of your native language of French here. Do people seem to enjoy it?
Louellana: Bredouille tells me an another day that the people enjoy to listen to me even in French
Louellana: and I hope that they enjoy too

Yes, as did I! As I told you, it almost looks like a form of Elvish!
Louellana: *smiles*
Louellana: It’s a Hobbit language !
Louellana: but you are a Hobbit
Louellana: so it’s an ancient language of Hobbits *smiles*

Alright Loueliana! Thanks for taking the time to chat with me! If you could say anything to the music community here on Landroval, what would you say?
Louellana: Thank you for the happy that you give to us and the pleasure to listen your musics and to keep on performing great music and continue to share between each bands!

 And thank you Tromblon for taking the time to help with translation!
Tromblon: It’s been a pleasure friend

So, there you have it folks! Even when languages don’t compare, one thing is certain! The love and enjoyment of music is universal!

Know a soloist you would like to read about?
Submit their name to me @

Stumbling Free with Madaelin

So, there I was as always, stumbling my way through Bree in the Landroval realm. Despite the fact that the streets are a mile wide in my perspective, I can never find my way around! As I hobble to the Pony, after a long adventure out in Evendim, music lit the air, like a diamond in the sky!

Stumbling In with Madaelin
NightJasmine, NightMagic, NightChade, LastRiteJFC, and WickedJFC from Animal House

Low and behold, as the lovely sound of fanciful music lofted down the street, there before me stood the musk wafting quartet of Animal House! This troupe is gearing up in preparation for their performance at Weatherstock V this July 20th.

What I could not miss, is the mess of miss steps and toe stompers dancing around!

Fortunately, being lead by the luminous Madaelin (Independent Socialite Society), an elite of the feet, was a dancing class of no comparison! While I often stumble about, with my twirls and jig, this group, seemed to get it fast! With quick timing, Madaelin helped them pick their moment to join on in with the group of up to 10 others! That takes some skill! When they all got in step it was quite the sight! Going through all the dances, she trained them to move the way the pros do it! What made this hobbit jump for joy is the “Star Burst” pattern dance they did, back to back as they stepped along to Dance_Elf2.

Xandrin says, ‘Maddie, I’m happy you out and wipped us into shape tonight. It always great fun when you come to town.”

Graciously, Madaelin the magnificent Maestro of Movement is happy to present to you how even you can stomp in step, instead of stumbling and fumbling:

Tonight’s dancing was an opportunity for new dancers to get the chance to learn the timings free of pressure and with folks willing to let them attempt the dances as many times as they liked. As requested here are the starting points for each of the dances. We learned them in order of their difficulty to master.

Dance_elf: This dance begins when the lead dancer returns to the starting position and pauses. You will see them set both of their feet and that is the point at which you join in.

Dance_elf2: Just like the first elven, the dance lead will waltz out, and then back again. Simply wait for the lead to return to the starting position and pause, then join in just as they are starting out again.

Dance_man: For this dance, watch for when the lead is done with wagging their finger and clapping their hands. Their feet will begin to move back towards the start position, but you must begin before they set their feet. Many times the lead dancer’s arms will just be resting at their hips at the moment best to join in.

Dance_man2: For this dance you must watch for the rotation where the lead dancer performs the four kick steps run through. The dance has a two kickstep run, and a four, after the four kicksteps they will move all the way to the right. You simply join in as they start to the left again.

Dance_hobbit: For this lively dance, you must watch for when the lead dancer raises their left arm. When they do so, their elbow will be pointed directly to the left (9 o’clock position) and they will begin to perform a counterclockwise spin. When that left elbow is pointed towards the 12 o’clock position (sometimes sooner, sometimes a little later if your connection is lagging, or fast) that’s when you join in.

Dance_hobbit2: For this dance you must wait for both large leg sweeps to be completed. After that watch for the lead dancer’s right foot to reach the farthest back spot. Then you join in just as they begin to stutter step forward again. You will see a little heel-hop as they start forward and that is the spot to join in.

Dance_dwarf: For this dance, there are two ways to join. The first you can watch for the lead dancer to be all the way to the right, and join in as they take the second bounding step towards the left. Or, you can target the dancer you wish to match, and using the target circle at their feet, wait until they are all the way to the right, and join in as soon as they hit the middle of that target circle.

Dance_dwarf2: The hardest of the dances to time, but if you watch for when the lead is crossing their arms behind their back it helps a lot. There is a split second right before those arms cross, and they lean heavily on their right foot, that’s when you join in.

And on the side we learned the third dance of man for those that had it.
Dance_man3: For this dance you simply watch for when the lead dancer spins to the right, wait until they move to the left, and join in as they slide to the right again.

And for posterity, we didn’t cover this one but many sometimes are curious.

Dance_jig: This dance cannot be put into the same step, unless you are of the same race and gender as the person you are trying to match up with. So for many it is more socially accepted that you just join in at any time and have fun with it! Since everyone will be jigging in their own variety.

If you are ever in need of jolly stepping tips, and timing tutoring, feel free to contact Madaelin. She is always glad to help!

Want to hear more original and transcribed music from Animal House? Check out their Music Station.