A Parade & Symphony of Lights for Bilbo Baggins

With the Bucket Brigade making a special trip to Rivendell, they drenched the ground, trees, and nearby buildings with water preparing for the havoc for the up and coming largest Fireworks concert in Lord of the Rings Online, sponsored by “Sons of Numenor” in honor of Bilbo Baggin’s Birthday. But, the fun and exciting started hours earlier in a courtyard nestled in a corner of the Green Hills of the Shire.

ScreenShot01012Many could not wait for the coming events, which included the epic horse mounted ride from the Golden Perch in the Shire to the “Rock” in Rivendell. To keep those entertained as the hordes of riders gathered, “Riders of the Westfold” hosted a pre-ride Party that started at 6:00PM EST/Servertime. As 8:45PM approached, the courtyard became crowded to the point of triggering layering in the area. To allow everyone wishing to participate to join in, transfers to the layering had to commence.

Everyone gathered along the road, and were organized 2 abreast creating a line the stretched quite a distance. While the commencement of the concert was scheduled to occur at 9pm, the riders did not go on the move until close to that time. The long winding line of mounted riders walked over the Brandywine Bridge, past Buckland, Adso’s camp, and towards the West gate of Bree. Immediately, the layering was triggered as this horde of over 200 riders entered the gate causing immediate effects through out the time. As they finally made their way to the south gate, leaving the nearly unnavigable lag, they set forth towards the Marshes and the Lone Lands.

ScreenShot01102As sun set behind the hills over the Marshes, the dust cloud rode over curve of the hill. As the troupe entered the Lone Lands, immediate effects occurred to everyone in the zone. Immediately, those not even participating, as far as Ost Guruth started getting Reduced Awareness messages. Many began with an uproar of issues, while others decided to join in on the fun. With the mass of horse hooves arriving at the Forsaken Inn, everyone was organized in three rows facing the stables. Grand group shots were then captured with everyone stretching from one end of the Inn to the other, as Weathertop loomed in the distance.

Rivendell Ride Full Panorama

Leaving the Inn at around 9:30pm, nearly 30 minutes past the start time of the concert, riders galloped swiftly along the Great East Road, past Ost Guruth, over the Last Bridge, and into the Trollshaws. Being daytime, there was no threat of any trolls to swipe riders off of horses, and throw them in massive stew pots. Dismounted Riders rushing up the passEveryone charged their way through the winding trail, till they arrived at the Ford of Bruin, gathering a massive rain of splashing water. It was this time that everyone prepared for the dangerous ride up the pass. With Skirmishers sent ahead to clear foes on the trail, everyone begin the winding rush up the hill before they began re-spawning. While there were only a few riders pulled off horses and chewed on by the bears and cats they make their home up the mountain, many others became dismounted. Those few who were of lesser seasons made their rush up the hill on the two legs they owned in home of making it safe to the Valley of Rivendell. With other riders standing by to aid those in need, the now line of 250 players made it safely to Rivendell, and the rock that would make for the stage for the nights performance.

ScreenShot01336Arriving by nearly 10pm EST/Servertime, the grand festivities began. The “Sons of Numenor” mounted the nearby rock formation and began shooting off the fireworks that made the daytime just that much brighter. With massive amounts of fireworks going off behind, the bands played at the base of the rock as dancers and on-lookers enjoy the music from the grassy knoll in front. The crowd stretched to both sides of the hill, and as far as the bridge where spectators enjoyed a high viewpoint on its railings.

ScreenShot01303Splendid music reverberated off the hills for the next few hours as fine ballads from members of “Animal House“, “The Eriador Music Society“, “Bright Star“, “Les Beaux Chepeaux“, among other notable musicians, with s special appearance by Mr. Bilbo Baggins himself.

As the sun finally drifted below the horizon, and the sun gave way to starlight skies, the continuous fireworks lit the sky up with brilliant colors for the entire concert. “We let of around 7,000 fireworks,” said Benjimir, leader of the “Sons of Numenor.”

Following the final performance, the celebration was moved indoors, into the Hall of Fire in the Last Homely House where musicians played their favorite music in an open mic setting. This continued on for nearly 2 more hours as everyone relaxed and calmed down from the excitement of the last 4 hours of great events.

Didn’t make it to the ride or concert, or want to recount your own enjoyment?
Check out all the images captured by Forte: Part 1 | Part 2

Grand Stand: Muckin Fuddle

Muckin FuddleIt is always a fine thing to see grand new faces in the realm of Landroval! Especially, if they heed my warnings and leave my pie alone! There is no exception for this fine band. All 8 members pulled up roots and moved over to Landroval on the day of this interview from the realm of Gilrain.

With an odd assortment of Hobbits, Men, Dwarves and Elves, this collection of misfit minstrels make up a hodgepodge of musical interests and personalities.

With so many bands out there, what prompted you go start your own?
Flamebite says, ‘Es’
Unwilfric says, ‘es’
Erklor says, ‘es’
Raymondd says, ‘es’
Wheelybloke says, ‘drugs’
Esyae says, ‘we are from girain and where he only band there’
Wheelybloke says, ‘glorious mind bending drugs’
Esyae says, ‘lol thanks guys’
Erklor says, ‘pretty much yes we were the only ones playing there’

So you are from the server of Girain. What made you decide to come to Landroval?
Sherbertdip says, ‘es’
Littlehope says, ‘es’
Flamebite says, ‘Es’
Flamebite says, ‘xD’
Raymondd says, ‘es dragged us over’
Esyae says, ‘whasnt me lol’
Littlehope begins to smoke.
Erklor says, ‘I am sad to say it but I think Gilrain is dying :(‘
Wheelybloke says, ‘blackmail’

Is Girain for a specific country?
Erklor says, ‘it is a european server but all ppl are welcome’
Esyae says, ‘all eu most netherlands and uk’

What made you decide to name the band Muckin Fuddle?
Esyae says, ‘erklor’
Flamebite says, ‘yeti, the boss’
Wheelybloke says, ‘blackmail’
Erklor says, ‘um most of the time we are in a muddle so it kinda fit the outfit’
Esyae says, ‘kin whas called that’

How long have you all been together, and how many of you are original members?
Flamebite says, ‘me’
Raymondd says, ‘me’
Unwilfric says, ‘its complicated’
Flamebite says, ‘7 or 8, is all of us’
Esyae says, ‘all :)’
Esyae says, ‘muckin fuddle meens to confuse and create chaos out of order’
Unwilfric says, ‘that means we are the only truth’

How long have you been together?
Esyae says, ‘about 2/3 years now’
Erklor says, ‘Es and I have been together in kin for 2 years plus and the others filtered in along the way. I am the original founder of teh kin along with two others who have now left us’

Do you compose or transcribe your own music?
Erklor says, ‘no’
Raymondd says, ‘nope’
Esyae says, ‘still learning’

What genre does your band like to play the most?
Esyae says, ‘all sorts what ever the mood is in’
Wheelybloke says, ‘blues and rock and roll and thrash metal’
Raymondd says, ‘heavy metal’
Unwilfric says, ‘me likes country’
Erklor says, ‘I did manage to compose one once and it was reasonably successful but I never pursued the creation of the music’
Esyae says, ‘pie song :D’
Erklor says, ‘we will play anything and everything that will keep a crowd entertained’

Do you regularly hold public concerts? And if so, when and where?
Erklor says, ‘Es is the event organizer’
Esyae says, ‘we did sometimes in gilrain but here we are new’
Unwilfric says, ‘its called master’
Unwilfric says, ‘she says do and we do’
Esyae says, ‘we will do concerts on landroval’

Do you play to try and play at local venues like Ales & Tales, and the different Taverns?
Esyae says, ‘as a EU band we have a hard time being at everything as it is mostly late but we try to’
Erklor says, ‘all of our events so far have been held in bree but we are open to new venues’
Wheelybloke says, ‘but we cant play the forgotten inn as we are band from that alehouse for fighting’

Do you then plan to hold Concerts during your European hours then for the Europeans and such on the time schedule could come and watch?
Esyae says, ‘already been asked by keli for okt so we look forwards to play there’
Raymondd says, ‘then we need to practice’

Do you do other events like Weddings, Multi-band Concerts, Private engagements?
Esyae says, ‘we didnt do that yet but we can do’
Raymondd says, ‘i want an wedding’
Wheelybloke says, ‘littlehope does private events’
Flamebite says, ‘lol’
Wheelybloke says, ‘and flambite is a poledancer’

You say, ‘Do you perform with a band outfit? If so, how did you decide what to wear?’
Esyae says, ‘i make it just see how it looks :)’
Flamebite says, ‘ssst not tell’
Erklor says, ‘Es is the kin Tailor and provides the outfits for all’

You say, ‘What is your favorite part of performing music?’
Esyae says, ‘entertain people’
Wheelybloke says, ‘the groupies’
Raymondd says, ‘having fun’
Esyae says, ‘eat pie’
Erklor says, ‘entertainment for all including us’
Flamebite says, ‘earn money’
Wheelybloke says, ‘the free bar helps’
Esyae says, ‘flame :p’
If you could say one thing to encourage others to start playing music, what would it be?
Esyae says, ‘have fun do hat you want to do :D’
Erklor says, ‘everything needs to be tried at least once.’
Sherbertdip says, ‘u cant be any worse than wheelybloke’
Wheelybloke says, ‘thanks dip’
Esyae says, ‘true he is or bass player and always drunk’

Excellent! I want to thank you all for taking the time for this interview! Welcome to Landroval!
Erklor says, ‘Thank you for taking the time to meet us :)’

Fellowship Walk Start-up Party Goes Off with a Blast!

It was a fine colorful dusk as the sun slowly sank below the far horizon. Birthday celebrations went on through out the shire as stories of adventures were being told in Hobbiton-Bywater. As freshly bake pies and muffins lofted such a lovely scent from nearly every window sill, people gathered at the Party Tree on the Hill. But, this gathering was not JUST for the birthday of Mr. Frodo Baggins. No sir!

Everyone gathered at the Party Tree in the Shire to celebrate the kick off of the Fellowship Walk, is raising money for the Child’s Play charity organization.

This organization raises funds to help children of all kinds recover from illness, getting what ever help they can.

Free Peoples of all types and sizes showed their support in this very meaningful event. Bigguns and Littleones, showed up wearing their best, and often bizarre attire!

ScreenShot00785It is always a grand thing, to celebrate with a variety of great musicians! Who better to kick it off then some of the talented bands recently that performed at Weatherstock 2013! Music lovers got to enjoy the musical bardic weaving of The Shades, Animal House, Bright Star, Les Beaux Chapeaux, among others!

With fireworks, drinking, eating, and a general feel of coming together, the night went on as cheer permeated the leaves of the Party Tree raining natures confetti on the hobbins of everyone around.

ScreenShot00864With much hoopala and ale swinging, the night moved on to to a bit of fun an gamed for everyone to partake in. Ms. Lilikate entertained the audience with a bit of trivia! With everyone throwing out their answers for each question. I think pie was one of the most popular answers, despite it having nothing to do with the question. The party took place in the Shire after all! The first to correctly answer the questions were welcomed on stage to claim their prizes! They all received 500 sp, plus such things as old rusted swords, huge axes, beautiful shirts, and other fancy dealies!  A special thanks to Ceirea and Baeleigh of Riders of the Wesfold.

But, that was not all for the night! In addition to fireworks, ale, and pie being handed out for all to enjoy, the festivities continued with a runway show of the outfits being worn out in the crowd! With stead fast strutting, and beautiful posing, each took the stage, strutting their stuff, for the glee and excitement of the crowd.

With a fine salute to all the Elfins, Bobbins, Manins, Dorfs, and other children of Middle-Earth, Les Beaux Chapeaux took the stage and performed as the last show of the night. With the crowd cheering, and ale being tossed every which way, the show went off with a hit. The party ended with a final rain of fireworks bursting in the air over head. The Bucket Brigade stood ready in case of the tree caught fire.

For those who could not attend the event, the reply of the live feed will be available on the LOTROPlayers  twitch page in a few hours following the completion of the event. See all the images from the concert HERE.

The event was hosted by LOTROPlayers.com in support of the Fellowship Walk which is giving all funds donated and received via the auctions to Child’s Play.

Rivendell Challenge winds along the Great East Road!

After the addition of the Apprentice and Journeyman Riding skills, it was the end of competitive horse racing, said Kiralynn, owner of the Windy Acres Ranch, riding club for the Lonely Mountain Band.

ScreenShot00678When the Rivendell Challenge came around, things were done a bit different. While it was no intention to exclude anyone from participating, but to allow the race to be fair, it was designed to be mounted upon Warsteeds. All horses were welcomed to participate, albeit were slower, but the major competitors would be using Warsteeds.

For this race, everyone gathered at the Forsaken Inn at 2:30pm server/EST on the Landroval server. Those who wished to enjoy a bit of music and dance before hand did arrive earlier.

The race began at an imaginary start line between a tree and road sign in front  of the Forsaken Inn with Kikilaa in an early lead. The Riders then passed between two stones in the ruins atop Weathertop. Riding the long stretch of the Great East Road, they passed between two stone structures at the Tornstones, heading east at 33.85S/29.0W.  Crossing the Last Bridge, they headed east into the Trollshaws. After the long ride through the wilderness, they rode between two stone trolls in the Stone-Trolls Glade at 31.2S/18.2W. It was there that a few ended up lost which drug them farther back in the race. Crossing the Ford, they wound their way up the mountain towards Imladris. Just before crossing into the Valley of Rivendell, there was one causality, as Baldigar was mauled by a ruthless bear. The riders sprinted the last stretch for the imaginary line between the statue of Gil-galad and a cedar tree in front of the Last Homely House in Rivendell. As the tense moments lead on, the first 3 competitors crossed the finish line, followed by the hobbling  remains of Baldigar, and the other 12 or so racers.

ScreenShot00761Arriving in 3rd place, Craicwyth was awarded 5 gold. Coming in a close 2nd, Artemieth was awarded 10 gold. Leading the whole way, and coming in a hair split 1st place was Kiklaa being awarded 1,600 Turbine Points.

The race did conclude with a bit of music, dance, and beautiful fireworks!

If you wish to compete, participate, or even watch the next race, head over to the Windy Acre Range. Windy Acres Ranch sponsors horse races and shows on Landroval.

A special thanks is asked to be given out to all the volunteer judges for your patience and participation in the race.

Ales, Tales, and a bit of Fried Fish

ScreenShot00532With the coming of the harvest days in the Shire comes the 2nd Farm Faire!  As bakers, and farmers, butchers and fryers swarm about tiny Bywater market, visitors from all across Middle-Earth find their way to enjoy the festivities. Among such celebratory moments, is the grand ole music heard through out the Green Country!

With flies a buzzing, and flogs a ribbiting, carefully honed notes drifted across the grassy knoll next to the Bywater Fishing pond. As fish were fished, and fried with lemon drippings and just the right pepper, participants of this weeks Ales & Tales enjoyed a bit of relaxing!

Each week, the “Lonely ScreenShot00523Mountain Band” hosts coming together for any to tell a tale, drink some ale, and play a bit of music guaranteed to make your dreams sail!

This weeks A&T was once again opened up with its traditional theme song by members of the “Lonely Mountain Band”, as they continued to play gently drifting music that made even Lobella speachless! This week feathered the musings of Tamaro, Lilikate, Lhinnthel, Tearna,  Mornawen and yours truly!

The night continued on as a tale was woven by the beautiful Everose, followed by music from recent Weatherstock performers, “Flock of Smeogols” , who surprised onlookers by performing on horseback. Melanie continued the next chapter of her ever intriguing story that no one wants to ever come to an end! Is it possible?

Tamaro provided us with a pleasant tale of the Sons of Numenor’s “Festival of Lights”

This week, there was a larger then normal interest in musical mentoring. While nearly all of the instruments requested were fulfilled, more could have been taught. If you have interest in helping to mentor others during next weeks A&T, please contact Lilikate. Let the whole world be filled with music!

The night came to a close by the members of Old Winyards playing away, with a few stumbles here and there! But, was enjoyed so greatly there were calls for a third last song! Yes, we did indeed have a second last song! And, it was spectacular!

Current week’s announcements

The Green Hill Music Society performs in Michel Delving, at the Bird and Baby, Tuesdays at 10:00pm. Unless they’re off on an adventure, or something.

“Look for the band Bright Star on Wednesday evenings in Bree-town!
They’ll be in the park across from the jail, around 9-10pm.”

And watch for Andúnië every other Thursday around 9:00 pm at the Festival Stage in Duillond.

Also watch for live music at the Dolwood Tavern! If you have any questions, please contact Prindle.

BBB (yes, the infamous “Bards Beers and Longbeards”) performs Saturdays at midnight in Bree-town …unless they are taking a break, hiding from the Watch … or can’t make bail.

And the Andune Ensemble performs Sundays at 3:00 pm, in Bree-town. Unless, you know, they’re taking a day off or something.

Also, look for Les Beaux Chapeaux every Sunday at 10 pm in the Shire homestead named Treegarth. Please contact Tromblon with any questions.

Join Concerning Hobbits for their weekly party at the Bird and Baby in Michel Delving on Thursday, 8-10 EST! Enjoy music, brews, pie, and pipeweed; play games, win prizes, compete in Drunken Backwards Racing; and enjoy the fireworks show at the end! All are welcome, Big Folk too!

The Rivendell Challenge, a cross-country war steed race, will be held on Saturday, September 21st at 2:30pm! The race begins at the Forsaken Inn and has many great prizes! Folks can go to WindyAcres.MyMiddleEarth.com for more info.

Sons of Numenor invite all to join them for the third “Symphony of Light” in Rivendell, September 22. Activities begin 9 p.m. EST, and continue through the evening.


Ales & Tales is Landroval’s weekly gathering to tell tales, play music, and enjoy some dancing, pipeweed, and ale! Hosted by the Lonely Mountain Band, open to all on Landroval.

View all images by Forte from this week’s A&T here.