With the Bucket Brigade making a special trip to Rivendell, they drenched the ground, trees, and nearby buildings with water preparing for the havoc for the up and coming largest Fireworks concert in Lord of the Rings Online, sponsored by “Sons of Numenor” in honor of Bilbo Baggin’s Birthday. But, the fun and exciting started hours earlier in a courtyard nestled in a corner of the Green Hills of the Shire.
Many could not wait for the coming events, which included the epic horse mounted ride from the Golden Perch in the Shire to the “Rock” in Rivendell. To keep those entertained as the hordes of riders gathered, “Riders of the Westfold” hosted a pre-ride Party that started at 6:00PM EST/Servertime. As 8:45PM approached, the courtyard became crowded to the point of triggering layering in the area. To allow everyone wishing to participate to join in, transfers to the layering had to commence.
Everyone gathered along the road, and were organized 2 abreast creating a line the stretched quite a distance. While the commencement of the concert was scheduled to occur at 9pm, the riders did not go on the move until close to that time. The long winding line of mounted riders walked over the Brandywine Bridge, past Buckland, Adso’s camp, and towards the West gate of Bree. Immediately, the layering was triggered as this horde of over 200 riders entered the gate causing immediate effects through out the time. As they finally made their way to the south gate, leaving the nearly unnavigable lag, they set forth towards the Marshes and the Lone Lands.
As sun set behind the hills over the Marshes, the dust cloud rode over curve of the hill. As the troupe entered the Lone Lands, immediate effects occurred to everyone in the zone. Immediately, those not even participating, as far as Ost Guruth started getting Reduced Awareness messages. Many began with an uproar of issues, while others decided to join in on the fun. With the mass of horse hooves arriving at the Forsaken Inn, everyone was organized in three rows facing the stables. Grand group shots were then captured with everyone stretching from one end of the Inn to the other, as Weathertop loomed in the distance.
Leaving the Inn at around 9:30pm, nearly 30 minutes past the start time of the concert, riders galloped swiftly along the Great East Road, past Ost Guruth, over the Last Bridge, and into the Trollshaws. Being daytime, there was no threat of any trolls to swipe riders off of horses, and throw them in massive stew pots. Everyone charged their way through the winding trail, till they arrived at the Ford of Bruin, gathering a massive rain of splashing water. It was this time that everyone prepared for the dangerous ride up the pass. With Skirmishers sent ahead to clear foes on the trail, everyone begin the winding rush up the hill before they began re-spawning. While there were only a few riders pulled off horses and chewed on by the bears and cats they make their home up the mountain, many others became dismounted. Those few who were of lesser seasons made their rush up the hill on the two legs they owned in home of making it safe to the Valley of Rivendell. With other riders standing by to aid those in need, the now line of 250 players made it safely to Rivendell, and the rock that would make for the stage for the nights performance.
Arriving by nearly 10pm EST/Servertime, the grand festivities began. The “Sons of Numenor” mounted the nearby rock formation and began shooting off the fireworks that made the daytime just that much brighter. With massive amounts of fireworks going off behind, the bands played at the base of the rock as dancers and on-lookers enjoy the music from the grassy knoll in front. The crowd stretched to both sides of the hill, and as far as the bridge where spectators enjoyed a high viewpoint on its railings.
Splendid music reverberated off the hills for the next few hours as fine ballads from members of “Animal House“, “The Eriador Music Society“, “Bright Star“, “Les Beaux Chepeaux“, among other notable musicians, with s special appearance by Mr. Bilbo Baggins himself.
As the sun finally drifted below the horizon, and the sun gave way to starlight skies, the continuous fireworks lit the sky up with brilliant colors for the entire concert. “We let of around 7,000 fireworks,” said Benjimir, leader of the “Sons of Numenor.”
Following the final performance, the celebration was moved indoors, into the Hall of Fire in the Last Homely House where musicians played their favorite music in an open mic setting. This continued on for nearly 2 more hours as everyone relaxed and calmed down from the excitement of the last 4 hours of great events.
Didn’t make it to the ride or concert, or want to recount your own enjoyment?
Check out all the images captured by Forte: Part 1 | Part 2