What Makes a Memorable Band?

Hey ho! It’s been quite a time since I scribbled down in the Bard Chronicles!

With so many bands out there on the different servers it is important to make your band stand out and unique. There are certain aspects that really make a band its own thing. Whether it is playing only originally composed,  transcribing and playing existing music, having exciting costuming and stage presence, having a specific theme, genre, or existing band for the music they play, this can make or break a band. It is one thing to form as a band, then just play any music you think it is nice.  It is another thing, to bring to the community something that really makes the band special and different, instead of just their name.

So, I went on a journey of musical discovery interviewing the leaders of many of the bands, to try to find out in their opinion, make a band stand apart from others bands out there.

I asked all these bands the same question:
What as a band, makes you unique? Is it your specific style of music, the personality your band brings to the stage, or the dramatic styling that makes you stand out? What in the end, in comparison to all other bands, makes YOU what YOU ARE?

Tromblon of Les Beaux Chapeaux said:

  • I believe that the main thing that has made Les Beaux Chapeaux different is the addition of new Special Guest(s) each week. Not only do we write enough songs to fill up a full set of new songs most of the time but do we scout for new musicians or less known performers of the scene to invite them on our shows. Thus making certain that each and every of our show is different, involving both different music and musicians. Gives the possibility to some music lover to share a stage and the crowd which a new band might not otherwise have on their first appearances.
  • Oh, and I almost forgot, our Fancy Hats of course!

 Fionah of FEET said:

  • I think the visible presentation is a forefront for the FEET band.  We are all hobbits, and our dresscode is something I have not seen replicated.  eg.  carpenter robes on the male hobbits = monk style.  Personality is number two.  I make sure to interact with the crowd, using all hobbit alts throughout the music performance.  It can be very light RP, like a smile, or a nod, or something funny I create to engage the crowd.  It is an overall performance of both music and theatrics, imho. Obviously music choices are extremely important to differentiating what makes us stand out.
  • We have heard similar songs as ours, redone or transposed differently.  It is hard to be musically unique if we’re taking songs from the same midi pool. Our music choices have a wide range…but I think we sound different from other bands, even if we transpose the same song.
  • All of us have unique and creative ways to interpret a MIDI file or transposing sheet music.  I think the highly creative bands are the ones who compose their own music scores…something that FEET has yet to do. Passion for the music you choose.  That is our persistent focus when we play music.  We choose songs that resonate with us in a good-feeling sort of way.  Being forced to play a song you dislike…is not part of our repertoire.  We really want to enjoy what we play, and I think that energy is felt by the audience.  People have asked us to make a song they like, but…for the most part…we have with held the request because we’re not inspired to make it.  Or at least, we don’t feel the inspiration yet.

 Geoffroi of The Andune Ensemble said:

  • Well, we don’t have a specific style as we play all kinds of music though traditional tunes are the most common. I think what makes a good Andune Ensemble show is that we take a lot of care in selecting a playlist. I don’t just pick a dozen songs. I might work to a theme or, if it’s an event, I will think about the audience we might have. For our regular shows I mix it up – there is always at least 1 new tune, 1 or 2 old favourites then I mix it up between fast and slow dancing tunes. Oh, and I keep a spreadsheet so I know when we last played a song and how often we have played it, just to keep things fresh. I spend a lot of time on it and listen to it all to make sure it works well as a set.

Makalaure of Andúnië said:

  • Andúnië is an all Elven band who roleplay and try to bring music to light of a different nature.  Our songs relate to the lifespan of Elves.  This means any music might have been played at one time by the Elves.  So we do not limit ourselves exclusively to flutes, harps and viols (though it would be great to have a viol to play wouldn’t it?).  We also love parody so you may recognize some of our tunes but the vocal part will have been changed to tell a tale of Elven history or give a fun response to something Elves might find funny.
  • Generally we are noted for dressing in white so we are easily recognizable in concert.  Some of our members can be witty or even scathing if the situation calls for it.  We are spontaneous and if you were behind the “scenes” in our raid you might get an eye-opener as to what goes on behind the playing of our music.
  • I have been in many bands.  The joy of any band is the meshing of its members, the camaraderie is nothing you can get anywhere else.  With Andúnië the level of enjoyment we get in each others company goes beyond what I have experienced before.  We have some fantastic transposers as well as several excellent composers of original music and none of us seem to have the same vision.  Each of us brings a piece of the whole that is melded into Andúnië.

It would same, that in the end, what makes a memorable band, is a mixture of something unique the band brings to the community, whether their own composed music or community events. It also shows that it takes true dedication of the members, their relationships with one another, and and the joy and excitement one goes through with real comradre.

Keep up with Forte, and his musical mischief by following him @ForteMaestro

New Years with “The Remediators”

As the new year came about in the lands of Middle Earth, memories of yester night’s fireworks continue to illuminate the mind. In celebration of this new year, “The Remediators” hosted a grand concert at 5pm (server-time) Jan 1st, 2014 at the West Gate of Bree on Landroval.

ScreenShot00023Despite a few stumbles in timing, regrouping of music and having lost a few members prior to their performance, they shuffled their notes of music between song to allow the listeners a quick enjoyment of the music.  As the concert continued the audience grew.  Dressed in black velvet dresses and vests, and a mix of Elves and Dwarves

With quick footed dances, and revelary about, the audience skittered about before the tall gates as the sun drifted over head. With drifting clouds moving slowly about the sky casting a deep shadow over the songs, the kiss of the sun  glinted upon the horizon.

Tongiht’s performance gave us a wide range of music, which included Radetzky March, Donauwellen, Roses From the South, California Dreaming, Hazy Shade of Winter, Auld Lang Syne, He’s a Pirate, Dancing Queen and Hallelujah Chorus.

The members of “The Remediators” include: Andilras, Briallan (Concert Mistress), Brytford, Ringolion, Siggarek, Dendroc, Hobbedoc, Hobbelion, Krokur, Raventrick and Siltharan.

The RemediatorsWho are The Remediators?

The Remediators are formed of students from an on-line class that took place this last autumn:
Online Games: Literature, New Media, and Narrative offered by Vanderbilt University through Coursera, and taught by Jay Clayton. The class focused on remediation, that is, the way art is presented in different forms. An oral story to a play to a book to a film to a game… all steps of remediation of the original. That concept led to our name.
The Kinship formed on Landroval by students of “The Courserrim”.  They have a Facebook page under Online Games: Coursera: Lotro: Landroval . They also have a GuildLaunch site at http://courserrim.guildlaunch.com/
Even though they are all former students of that course, not all of the Remediators belong to the Courserrim. Some of them were in kinships of our own before the class, so The Remediators is really a “cross-kinship” band.
Contact Info:
Twitter:  @Remediators
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRemediators  (BRAND spanking new, not much there yet)
YouTube Playlist: http://bit.ly/1dUfsmi


Jamming with Die Meisterbarden

ScreenShot00002As the cold winter swooped in, and the recent celebration of Yule upon the door steps of Winterhome, and those across Middle-Earth, the warmth of song and dance continued on. With hot melted chocolate filling my mug, on Dec 17, 2013 I found myself in the Bree Auction house nestled in the German realm of Vanyar. As the chilling wind blue outside reddening the faces of travellers, folks gathered to keep the bite of winter at bay.

With the alluring music of “Die Mesterbarden von Bree” and “Musikzug Wasserau” drifting among the pillars of the corner of the auction house. In matching green and yellow gowns, the hobbit ladies of “Breer Stadtmusikanten” danced by in perfect synchronicity. With the warm light of the candles dancing on the walls, spectators danced and sang along to the easing music. With a grand 24 performing today, the chilled air quickly filled with harmonious tunes that generally kissed at your ears!

Die Meisterbarden von Bree” performed in the Bree Auction Hall on Vanyar.
For 6 years the “Meisterbarden von Bree” play music of the past 500 years EVERY Friday from 2-4pm.

You can watch LIVE and current broadcasts of their concerts at the Twitch profile here: http://www.twitch.tv/arnhor/profil



Fellowship Walk 2013: Leg 2 and Forte’s Scavenger Scramble

What can I say that hasn’t already been said about this leg of the Fellowship Walk? What a day it was indeed! As many know, the walk and the subsequent Live Auctions and requested donations are to raised funds for the Child’s Play foundation, that provides fun and games to children in the hospitals. As of this walk, $500 of the $5,000 target has been raised. Hurray!

First of all, I was to put on Forte’s Scavenger Scramble, to take part following the Walk. Secondly, but the excellent Rick Heaton, Community Manager of LOTRO has granted us 1000 codes to give away which will give you the account wide title of:

“The Unexpected Traveler”

This title will be usable on all characters and on all servers. If you walked the 1st  and/or 2nd leg you are eligible for the Title. Please see the Title article for details here.  Those who have not yet received their code but have contacted staff for it, will do so in the next few days.

Last week during the first leg of the walk, fellow “Unexpected Travelers” began their trek which would lead in the footsteps of Frodo himself as he escaped the Shire with the ring that shall not be spoken of, and would continue so till they arrive in Rivendell. Each weeks destination is dependent on how much has been raised up to that point. While the walk is in progress, more donations would be counted. If a new milestone is reached while the walk is underway, then the Walkers would continue on to the next location.

Leaving from Bag End, with its still unwashed dishes that Lobella Sacksville-Baggins promised to wash, and after a Warden salute to Pineleaf needles for the work provided, the Walkers made their trek till they arrived at 33.5 s 69.0 w Green Hill Country, Tookland, The Shire. This point corresponded to the $250+ raised thus far up to that point.

With this second leg, everyone gathered at the same end location. Knowing what to expect, many were at ease with everything. With a bit of music beneath the tree, more people gathered. This weeks walk included two new exciting prospects for everyone involved.

Everyone gathered in an orderly fashion up the hill and Walk Leg 2set out along the road heading east. With a long stream of hobbits, elves, men, and dwarves stretch far down the winding road, the soft patter of feet,and the clomping of mounted color guard thwomped on.

En-route to the next target destination after reaching $500 donations during the week, the best part of the trip took place. While the walk was in progress, another $250+ was raised. This was acquired in a matter of only an hour! This extended the day’s walk to Frodo’s house in Crickhollow.

As the wayfarers continued on, news of “Black Riders” along the road were reported! This put Security on alert, and fear into everyone else. To protect the gentle folk, a detour of the road into the Shire wilderness took place. Pushing into brush, soft music was heard in the distance, as they came upon an strange site in the Shire. A few lone Elves in a glade. Tired and hungry, the walkers accepted the invitation of the majestic elves, and followed them to their nearby camp. With welcomed smiles, a warm fire, and soothing music played by more elves, everyone rested, now safe from certain doom.

With a much needed rest, and having reached the donation milestone for the next destination, the ever persistent adventures continued on, now rejoining the road. Their next step was to cross the Brandywine as fast as ask safely as possible to get far from the “Black Riders” that awaited their leaving of the safety of the camp. The group made their way as quick as possible through Farmer Maggot’s, sneaking passed and over his dogs careful not to wake them. After arriving at the Buckleberry Ferry Dock, the fellows set off fireworks to keep the riders away. With the arrival of the Ferry, the group of 50+ trekkers floated “swam” acrossed, till they were safely on the other side in Buckland.

Continuing on as they wound their way through the hobbit holes of this Breeland populated hobbit town, they all arrived at Frodo’s house in Crickhollow. But, the story does not end there…folks.

While enroute from the Elf camp, the community came together yet again! As the donation counter kept going up, by the time they made it to Frodo’s…over $1,000 was received, which was the milestone needed to trek to Tom Bambadil’s house deep within the darkened Old Forest!

Yet again, and thanks to the supportive community, the excitable journeyers endeavored on into the forest as a purple hue permeated the air. They wound their way in an ever growing trail of walkers, picking up more travelers en-route, until reaching and resting at Bald Hill. Climbing the slope to the top, everyone peered off seeing the distant edge of the forest. Some even thought they could see their own houses!  After a bit of rest, they climbed back down and push further into the thick forest, as trees and roots creaked around them.

Walking downhill to the nearby stream, the group encountered a strange and odd tree, that seemed to move and grown as if it was alive! Could this have been the very tree spoken of in Shire pubs that same have come to name “Old Man Willow”? After posing for a “portrait” in front of this lifelike tree towering behind them, they wavered on, crossing the stream.

Finding and trail leading back up towards the light, they climbed up. Finding a lone house surrounded by gardens on the edge of the forest, they spotted a figure dancing about and singing! This must be Tom Bombadil himself! With Tom inviting everyone inside for tea and scones, everyone crammed through the door. How many people can you fit in Tom’s house? So far, atleast 70!

I want to give a special mention to the “Security Chicken“, who followed along the way!

And with a few zone changes, and lag effects felt through out the Shire and Breeland,
“we take no responsibility for the destruction of your computers.”

Tom Bobadils house reached the 2nd walk of the Fellowship Walk. This walk which was only thought to last no more then 30 minutes, including the stops and talks, lasted for over 2 hours. We reached 2 additional milestones due to the generous contributions of a community like you!

Next week’s walk will begin at Tom Bombadil’s house on the edge of the Old Forest. It is easier accessed by coming in through the Barrow Downs and entering the forest on it’s edge rather then weaving through the danger of the forest itself. How far it goes is all up to you!

If  anyone has “Slappy Fish”, please bring them next week!

As of this article, $1,045 has been raised.

Help us reach our next goal by Donating and bidding on Auctions

You can also still take part in the Competitions

New Fellowship Walk Giveaway Goals until 10/5!

Fellowship Walk $750 and $1000 Goal Giveaways!


Forte’s Scavenger Scramble

Following this very successful walk, raising $500 in just a few hours, we took on the role of “Child’s Play” here, as I hosted a scavenger hunt!

ScreenShot01471Participants gathered outside Tom Bombadil’s. Ten Clue-keepers were stationed at points in both the Shire and Breeland. Each would give a clue and an item to those who arrived, collecting the item they received from the previous location. The first person to reach the last location, and race back to me in front of Tom’s wins! Even with a few snacks and some stuck on a few of the clues, it ended with a great success.

With only 8 people making it through to the end, and 4 not making it past the Shire clues, we have our winners!

Vethlo, Ametistah and Tule

In 3rd Place,
is awarded 60 Fireworks, 10 Pies,
10 Ale, 10 Pipeweed, 20 Rose Dyes and 3 Gold.

In 2nd Place,
receives 60 Fireworks, 25 pies, 25 Ale,
25 Pipeweed, a decorative Full Rohan Tapestry and 7 Gold.

And for the quickest return and in 1st Place!
recieves a heaping 60 Fireworks, 50 Pies, 50 Ale, 50 Pipeweed,
a decorative Rohan Chair and Three Shields and 10 Gold.

 I would like to give a special thanks to LOTROPlayers.com, Groowanderer, Aringrim, Dannigan, Esyae, Azca, Tinki,  Whittle, Lilikate and Alesel for all their donations and support!

 I would also like to thank our volunteer clue-keepers, Bredouille, Lilikate, Flyt, Tromblon, Flibustier, Alesel, Whimsey, Esya, Cairaen, Erklor and  Flamebite.

SEE all the images from the Walk and Scavenger

Band Stand: Les Beaux Chapeaux

I would like to apologize for the late release of this article of Band Stand! Originally taking place on July 15th, 2013, the interview was set aside after my mother passed away. With a bit of reminding, here it is!

There is nothing like being front and center for the debut of a new band.

Les Beaux ChapeauxFor the last few weeks I have been following a group of musicians from different kinships who have enjoyed playing with one another. This fine lot is composed with the blood of minstrels, and the piping hot steam that keeps them going! Tonight, for the very first time, the new band Les Beaux Chapeaux rocked the singles off the nearby Bree Stables near the Prancing Pony! The band, composing of Tromblon (Tromblon et Bredouile), Bredouille (Tromblon et Bredouile), Piperia (Boulders of the Shire), Fincin (Sons of Numenor), Grasdur (Tromblon et Bredouile), Marre, and Chapelier (Tromblon et Bredouile), will also feature a guest spot each week to join them! This weeks guests were the one and only talented Orladan and Everdir! Also, joining the band this week was Tessariel (Sons of Numenor).

I had the distinct honor of introducing them for their first concert. Hey ho!

Les Beaux Chapeaux will be our Band Stand feature of the week!

You say, ‘Alright you all, thank you for joining me for this weeks edition of Band Stand!
Tromblon says, ‘Thank you for having us on our first ever appearance’
Fincin says, ‘Thank you vury lots fer hassin us!’
Bredouille says, ‘It’s a pleasure! Thank you for taking the time to come and meet us!’
You say, ‘So, this was the first appearaance of your grand new band. What made you all decide to come together and form one?’
Tromblon says, ‘Well, it’s been a lil’ while we’ve gathered and played together and had quite the same schedule so we thought ‘Hey! Why not?”
Fincin says, ‘Thas wha’ I would tellids too also. An we likes to be talky at each others cuz we’s friends’
Tromblon says, ‘Oh yes, good friends now, Fincin has been of a great help with my musicking skills and so it’s an honor for me to form a band at her side’
Bredouille says, ‘And also, our love of every nice hats in the world…’
Fincin says, ‘Oh yus!’
Fincin says, ‘Hats is vury m’portant fer hobbits’
Tromblon says, ‘Piperia is the liveliest, funniest hobbitess you’ll meet so we had to grab her before another moved on her’
Piperia giggles uncontrollably.
Fincin agrees.
Bredouille says, ‘Yes, she is!’
Piperia blushes crimson red.
Bredouille says, ‘And she giggles better than anybody else!’
Piperia giggles uncontrollably.

You say, ‘Speaking of which. What made you decide on the particular name?
Bredouille says, ‘Can’t you tell?’
Bredouille says, ‘Take a guess!’
Fortissimmo nods
You say, ‘Because of the fashionable hats!”
Bredouille says, ‘Miss Sholah had the idea…
Tromblon says, ‘I’d say Fincin liked our foreign sounding initial duet name so we thought of keeping a name in that language, then the idea came from Sholah actually’
Bredouille says, ‘I guess she also likes nice hats!’
Tromblon says, ‘Who doesn’t!”
Fincin says, ‘Well o course silly. Hats is almos’ m’portans as secondsies er thirdsies almos”
Tromblon says, ‘Mr. Forte has a great one I have to add’
Bredouille says, ‘Well, hatless people?’
You chuckle.
You say, ‘Speaking of music. Is there a particular style or genre you plan to play, and make your signature?’
Fincin says, ‘Oh no, we likes all kinds o songses’
Bredouille says, ‘Mr. Tromblon and I used to play mostly classical songs…’
Tessariel says, ‘I would say this band has very eclectic tastes.’
Tromblon says, ‘We enjoy nicely arranged songs, they’d be of any type’
Bredouille says, ‘But now, Miss Fincin brings soooo much more! It’s really like we discover new joys everyday!’
Fincin says, ‘We plans on hassin a specials guest each week if’n thas m’portants. A nice song er two from a local musiker’
Bredouille agrees with Fincin.
Tromblon says, ‘Then we also love the dances so, I’ve been working livelier songs myself lately’
Fincin says, ‘You teaches me lots too also’
Bredouille says, ‘It’s important to have as much people as possible to show what they like!’
Fincin says, ‘They knowses songs whas I ain’ nevers hears of an evurything’
Piperia says, ‘I like the peppier songs, too.’

You say, ‘Any exclusive on who the next week guest might be?!’
Bredouille says, ‘Oh, this is a big secret!’
Bredouille says, ‘Always a big secret!’
Tromblon says, ‘Oh yes, we always will bring in a special guest, tonight was the first so we planned it at the veery last minute but next week, our invitee should be part of the show some more’

You say, ‘I heard you also have a member that is nearly deft. How’s that working out for you’
Piperia says, ‘He can still keep rhythm!’
Bredouille says, ‘HE’S TALKING TO YOU, MR. GRASDUR!’
Tromblon says, ‘That’s true, Mr. Grasdur here can’t hear much’
Grasdur says, ‘Oh? Me?’
Grasdur says, ‘Why?’
Fincin says, ‘An he gots a vury handsomes beard!’
Bredouille says, ‘YES.’
Grasdur says, ‘I haven’t said any THing’
Bredouille says, ‘You’ll have to ask him louder, if you want answers…’.
Fincin says, ‘Ya has to screams at him’
You say, ‘Mr. Grasdur. How do you keep rhythm? By putting your ear to the drum?’
Grasdur says, ‘Mr. Bredouille, Did he say Things?’
You say, ‘I might add, he is the only dwarf among the remaining Hobbits’
Bredouille says, ‘HE ASKS, HOW DO YOU KEEP THE RYTHM…’
Grasdur says, ‘Oh! Mr. Tromblong and FINny write good, I FOllow’
Bredouille says, ‘He can’t hear, but he sure can play…’

You say, ‘How often do you play on playing? Is this Sunday concert going to be a regular thing?’
Tromblon says, ‘Yes, I believe we’ll play every sunday around the same time (10pm server time))’
Fincin says, ‘Thas will depends on if’n Mr Mirar opens back up his music garden’
Tromblon says, ‘Suits most of us for schedules and such’
Bredouille says, ‘If there are any changes, you’ll get the exclusive, promise!’
Tromblon says, ‘True, that makes our work on new songs put on ice for a while’
Fincin says, ‘I always sits by the Red Fern to writs songs but the garden is closed rights now ((Fireferns))’

You say, ‘Do you plan to play any other scheduled times?
Tromblon says, ‘Well, Finny is already part of 2 other groups of musicians, and Mr. Bredouille and myself also play with GHMS so..’
Bredouille says, ‘We like to play whenever we can…’
Fincin says, ‘I don’ thinks we will unless we gits inviteds. So many other bands an we likes to go their shows’
Grasdur says, ‘I didn’t SAy a thing, Mr. Bredouille’
Bredouille says, ‘People can just ask, we almost always answer kind demands!’
Grasdur feels uneasy

You say, ‘If anyone were to want to get a hold of you to find out when else you are playing, what would be the best way?’
Tromblon says, ‘Well, we are around most of the time, playing music because we love it’
Tromblon says, ‘I would say it’s easy to find us’
Fincin says, ‘I checks my mail evury day’
Bredouille says, ‘Yeah! Look for some nice hats, that might just be us!’
Fincin giggles
Tromblon says, ‘There is no better reason to NOT go warfaring than to play some songs or listen to other musicians’

You say, ‘Are you available to play at venues such as (RP) Taverns, Concerts, or any other similar venues?
Fincin says, ‘S’tre’
Bredouille says, ‘Oh, that is soooo true…’
Tromblon says, ‘Aside from a good lunch of course’
Bredouille blushes crimson red.
Fincin says, ‘S’true’
Bredouille says, ‘Did I just get kissed by a fan?’
Tromblon says, ‘Sure, I wouldn’t see why not’
Bredouille faints dead away.
Tessariel giggles.

You say, ‘Who should any interested venues contact to get you in their stage?’
Fincin says, ‘If’n we gits inviteses to plays we would be happies to if’n we can makes it’
Bredouille says, ‘Whoa! Guess we’ll have to get used to that too…’
Tromblon says, ‘We’ve had a really fun band barter earlier with Die Meisterbarden von Bree, it was real fun’
Bredouille says, ‘Oh yeah!’
Tromblon says, ‘Indeed, we don’t need much of a reason to play some songs’
Fincin says, ‘Oh…Mr Tromblon is our officials band leader!’
Fincin says, ‘Thas who you shoulds ask fer to play’
Bredouille says, ‘Yep!’
Tromblon blushes
Tromblon says, ‘Well, it was my first time at band leading, I believe I did an ok job’
Fincin says, ‘He gots organizations an is vury thinky an calm an kind too also’
Tromblon says, ‘Very stressful it was’
Bredouille says, ‘Mr. Tromblon is the leader! And the receptionnist! And also the one who answers to EVERY mail we get….’
Bredouille chuckles.
Tromblon says, ‘But I kept a pack of ice on my lower back, that helps’
Grasdur says, ‘Every? Every what?’
Fincin says, ‘Mr Bredouille is vury thinky to an gots good ideas’
Tromblon says, ‘The idea of inviting special guests at each of our show is his idea actually’

You say, ‘Weatherstock is coming up this July 20th. Do you plan on trying for a spot for Weatherstock VI in 2014?’!
Fincin says, ‘Oh no. we don’ competeses withs songs. We jus’ shares an has fun’
Tromblon says, ‘Well, that’s a year from now, though we are not quite the competitive sort, just playing for fun is really rewarding to us’
Bredouille says, ‘Well, we just started tonight! We’ll see what happens next before thinking of competing with the best of the best!’
Tromblon says, ‘I guess if it was just for some pre-weatherstock shows that don’t involve any competition, we wouldn’t mind performing for the great audience gathering at the event’
Fincin says, ‘I do ever so much…love the Weatherstock concert series though.
Tromblon agrees with Fincin
Fincin says, ‘So many good bands

You say, ‘Excellent. Lastly, what inspiring words would you give for anyone considering wanting to form their own band?’
Fincin says, ‘Its the mosters fun I evurs has’
Piperia says, ‘Don’t be nervous or scared!’
Piperia pokes Tromblon. Hey!
Piperia giggles uncontrollably at Tromblon.
Bredouille says, ‘Don’t rush anything! Take your time, meet nice people and have fun! Make good friends, and a band is bound to happen!’
Fincin agrees.
Tromblon says, ‘Well, at first I believe is to work your song skills good, build up a nice library of songs you are proud of, share them with other, listen to their tricks, give them yours then like it did for us, the band forming will happen on its own’
Tessariel says, ‘Have fun and try not to let it become work or you will no longer find it fun.’
Bredouille agrees with Tromblon.
Bredouille says, ‘You’re right, Miss Tessariel! This is not work, this is fun!’
Fincin says, ‘Yus. Fun is mos’ importants. If you has stress it ain’ no fun. We likes not hassin stress’
Tessariel agrees.
Tromblon says, ‘Indeed’
Fincin says, ‘An evuryone….is equals important to us!

You say, ‘Thank you all for joining me here. We in the music community look forward to seeing you perform in the future. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me!’
Bredouille bows deeply.
Bredouille says, ‘Thank you for taking this time for us, Mr. Fortissimmo!’
Tromblon says, ‘Oh thank you for the nice introduction tonight and to have assisted to our very first show as a band’
Bredouille says, ‘Yes! Very nice, earlier! Such nice words from you, it was fantastic!’
Fincin says, ‘Yus. Thank you vury lots. Thas was very specials to has you announcins us’
Tessariel thanks Fortissimmo heartily for his help!
Bredouille thanks Fortissimmo heartily for his help!
Tromblon cheers.
Bredouille cheers.
Tromblon bows deeply.
Grasdur bows deeply.
You bow.
Les Beaux Chapeaux performs every Sunday night at 10pm (Server time) at the Bree Stables by the Prancing Pony on the Landroval server. If you wish to contact them to perform, or have any questions, please contact their band leader, Tromblon in game.